Moving Weigh-ins to Fridays

amylynna1 Posts: 152 Member
How does everyone feel about moving out weigh-ins to Fridays. I feel i need more then a two day recovery after the weekend. Also the day I weigh in I want a more relaxed day, I feel friday is generally this day so maybe is we change weigh-ins to Friday we will see more loss? At least MAYBE for me.

How does everyone feel about this? We would need to change our name. Maybe Fantastic Friday Fellows? Friday's Friends..TGIF slims?

lol I dont know. Let me know what you think!


  • I'm happy to move to a Friday
  • dancingj2
    dancingj2 Posts: 4,572 Member
    Friday was the day I weighed in when I was on weight watcher and its works for me. I think I need a couple of extra days this week :)