Mood Disorders such as Bipolar? Depression?

Hey everyone. I am returning to MFP for the 2nd time in hopes to stay aboard even if things get tough.

At times I feel alone with this never-ending battle of weight. But I know that is far from true. I've tried many different weight loss programs and all ended in failure. Not that the program didn't work, but my mindset is never stable enough to continue and stay with it. I get sick of it and each time I do, it's harder and harder to jump back on the horse. My weight is like a yo-yo... a rollercoaster... a never ending battle. I know some people say, "Just eat right and exercise"... it's not that simple for me. It never has been. I'm an emotional eater with Type 1 Bipolar Disorder. My husband switches to night shift every 6 weeks while loading up on 12-hour shifts and constant overtime. While I stay at home with our two beautiful preschool children that are only 13 months apart in age. As soon as I get a chance, my mind inadvertantly takes me to the kitchen for comfort. In a way, I know I am doing it, though, but I don't stop myself because I think I need that satisfaction. My struggles are like any other woman with a weight battle. Struggling to obtain a desired figure to keep her husband on his toes, but failing and watching as her husband worries as her pant size gets bigger and bigger... again. I just wish this could change for me. I wish I could keep a steady weight without the binging, the dieting, the binging, and more dieting. I just want to be normal. Period.

So that's the part of my life that I keep fighting with. Yes, I keep up with my doctor every 6 months, take my medication as directed, avoid alcohol at all costs, I don't smoke or do drugs, I get bloodwork done when prescribed to (for medication purposes), but the only downfall I have to all of this is my unhealthy relationship with food. I'm, like many others, an emotional eater. My husband and I fight... I go straight to the kitchen, I am stressed out... I go straight to the kitchen. My doctor said it's behavioral... much like an addiction that has to be broken with habit and structure. It won't be easy, but has to be done for my health's sake.

For everyone suffering with similar stories or have suffered from similar stories, I know and feel your struggles. Anyone suffering from Bipolar Disorder, depression, or any other mental illness... I truly know how you feel.

So, if you would like to add me as a friend so we may give eachother mutual support, I would be absolutely thankful. Getting back into gear, positively, is something I'm aiming for. I really want to be mentally happy.... That's honestly my utmost aspiration.


  • kegglesdog
    Thanks so much for the honesty, your words moved me. I have struggled with depression for many years and I feel many of the same things you mentioned. I'm just starting to do the work to connect my eating patterns to my mental health. Two words of wisdom now that I'm over 40 and have got it all figured out; it will get tough and you are normal. Stick with this or whatever gives you support and keep moving towards the place where we finally accept ourselves and give up perfection. Good luck, I'm certain you will get yourself healthy.
  • DietingMommy08
    DietingMommy08 Posts: 1,366 Member
    I too suffere severe depression (maybe bipolor), anxiety, and binge eating.
    I have just recently referred myself to a doctor and started getting the mental help that I need the most.

    I am here for you if you ever need to talk.
    Its easier to talk to somebody that can relate then to somebdoy that will never understand.