Anybody hit a wall at about 2 weeks?

I'm curious to know if any of y'all experienced a tough time about 2 weeks in? Grouchy, temperamental, tired, wandering thoughts towards sugar...?

Yesterday from about 5pm was awful. I didn't cheat, but oh, I thought about it. Little things that don't normally send me off had me fired up. And then, I couldn't sleep a wink. Not one minute! I have no idea if all this is diet related or stress. I'm cramming to get a hard show learned by next Fri, maybe that's it? It wasn't caffeine as I only had green tea, early in the day.

Just wondering if you had any of these issues...grrrrrrrr


  • G30Grrl
    G30Grrl Posts: 377 Member
    OMG, Missy, I started paleo on the first, and yesterday was the worst day ever! Only I wasn't as strong as you. I DID cheat. So badly that I couldn't even bear to log it, which is unusual for me. I'm doing better today, reaching out for help, staying away from triggers, but yesterday sucked, and I just thought it was me. Thanks for posting this so I don't have to feel like I am the only one.
  • mjslazak
    mjslazak Posts: 179 Member
    OH yes! And whenever I backslide and have too many carbs (or fall face first into a bag of Trader Joe's pita chips with hummus or something like that), it happens. I also tend to feel kind of sick for the first couple of days (like I've got the flu - and some people refer to that as "carb flu", actually). Late last week, I was a hot mess, crying at the drop of a hat, too.

    But, once over that, I truck along ok, I suppose. I've also adjusted my good fat and protein levels upwards (and I am trying not to freak out if I go over my calorie levels by a bit as a result); that seems to help in feeling satisfied and more in balance.

    Really working on my resolve to be able to get through the holidays at my mom's and relatives' houses without backsliding. It's definitely more difficult when you don't have much control over the shopping list.

    Hang in there, and I will, too!!
  • monkeydharma
    monkeydharma Posts: 599 Member
    Keep in mind that you are kicking an addiction.

    Missy, you are new to primal/paleo, and are being diligent about no additional sugars or carbs. Your body, which has been used to using glucose (derived from sugar and carbs) for fuel will fight for a bit in order to get what it thinks it needs to survive.

    Eventually, you will switch over to burning fat for fuel instead, and the 'carb flu' will subside.

    Some people don't have much of a problem when they start this lifestyle (I didn't). Others have a helluva time for a couple of weeks . But that is the nature of an addiction. If you've ever kicked cigarettes or coffee - you know what is going on.

    Hang in there. It will start getting really better in a couple of days! :)
  • missyyclaire
    missyyclaire Posts: 572 Member
    Oh, I am glad to know I'm not alone and not thoroughly crazy! Yesterday was a beeyatch, but fortunately today was much easier. Much.

    I made some Garlic Cheese Biscuits from a Paleo website tonight. Very low carb, about 1g per. Interesting. The texture was really very nice. They did stick to the foil, even though I buttered it. I guess it was the cheese that made them stick so much. They have coconut flour...and you can vaguely taste it, which seems a little odd with garlic and cheese. Not bad....It made me wonder if I could low carb my Mom's apple cake, at least somewhat. Coconut might be a nicer flavor with a dessert.

    Thanks Monk, you're my Paleo Guru!
  • monkeydharma
    monkeydharma Posts: 599 Member
    Oh, I am glad to know I'm not alone and not thoroughly crazy! Yesterday was a beeyatch, but fortunately today was much easier. Much.

    Glad to hear it.
    I made some Garlic Cheese Biscuits from a Paleo website tonight. Very low carb, about 1g per. Interesting. The texture was really very nice. They did stick to the foil, even though I buttered it. I guess it was the cheese that made them stick so much. They have coconut flour...and you can vaguely taste it, which seems a little odd with garlic and cheese. Not bad....

    I wonder if almond flour would have been better. I've actually made a passable squaw-type bread from eggs and almond butter!
    It made me wonder if I could low carb my Mom's apple cake, at least somewhat. Coconut might be a nicer flavor with a dessert.
    Dunno how your ma's applecake goes, but here's a carrot cake recipe that might give you some pointers in how to convert it. We made this recipe as a birthday cake for my stepson, and it went over well. It -is- pretty caloric tho.
    Thanks Monk, you're my Paleo Guru!
    Hardly. But you're welcome, ma'am! ;)
  • mjslazak
    mjslazak Posts: 179 Member
    @ Missy: Those biscuits sound better, but I'm with Monk that almond flour might be the ticket. I've found almond flour works essentially like wheat flour does, and the flavor doesn't hit you in the teeth like coconut flour does. I actually adapted some coconut flour pancakes from Mark Sisson's Primal Blueprint Cookbook this morning with almond flour and they were, in my opinion better than the coconut flour.

    @Monk: That's a great way of thinking of this: addiction. I've been doing this for around 3 months now, still learning, still stumbling, and still working on kicking old habits. They do, as the saying goes, die hard.
  • momof8munchkins
    momof8munchkins Posts: 1,167 Member
    agree about the almond flour vs coconut flour.. almond flour wins hands down IMO but it's also more expensive .. so I rely more on coconut flour because it's affordable. I have found that coconut flour does well on things like flouring chicken or fish,cookies, cupcakes, muffins and biscuits.. also coconut flour bread , if done right, makes a good sub for corn has the same texture.. but for cakes, sandwich style bread , and panda-cakes as my kids call them aka pancakes I like almond flour better

    @ Missy: Those biscuits sound better, but I'm with Monk that almond flour might be the ticket. I've found almond flour works essentially like wheat flour does, and the flavor doesn't hit you in the teeth like coconut flour does. I actually adapted some coconut flour pancakes from Mark Sisson's Primal Blueprint Cookbook this morning with almond flour and they were, in my opinion better than the coconut flour.

    @Monk: That's a great way of thinking of this: addiction. I've been doing this for around 3 months now, still learning, still stumbling, and still working on kicking old habits. They do, as the saying goes, die hard.