Christmas Countdown Challenge (Closed) - Week #22

JustJenn419 Posts: 780 Member
Hello all-

I must first apologize for my disappearance. Last I was here my daughter was sick. As she was getting better, I ended up in the hospital. As I was getting better, she came down with pneumonia and she ended up in the hospital. Also, I was struck with a serious case of depression over the last couple of months. I'm starting to notice a trend of this during the holidays. I had been diagnosed with S.A.D. a while ago but I refuse medication. I completely shut down from everything, not just MFP. I am working on getting back on track with life as a whole and I don't want to go backwards from where I was. I think you are all such wonderful people and I am so happy you guys all kept this group up and going. After 22 weeks together, it becomes more of a friendship than just a support group.

I took EVERYTHING I could find from what you all posted in the last topic (week 17) and put it into here. The chart is not showing week #21 because there were only about 5 people that had weighed in. I just wanted to show you all where you were at as of last week, you know where you're at now, and with just one more week to go (sad) I wanted to make sure you were able to see your progress throughout the last FIVE MONTHS!!!!

We started this journey together way back in July. Some of us struggled all the way through, some succeeded in leaps and bounds, but either way, we landed here together. I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving (for those who celebrate) and are on your way to a beautiful New Year. Again, my sincerest apologies. I do still love you all..........



  • PositivePower
    PositivePower Posts: 976 Member
    I just sign on to log my yogurt and saw THIS!!!! :happy: Jenn we were all worried and knew something serious must have been going on....glad things are starting to look up for you. Sounds like a super hard time :frown:

    Keep you chin up :heart: Judy
  • Neize
    Neize Posts: 301 Member
    :heart: Glad you are back with us Jenn!!! My prayers are with you and yours!!! :heart:
  • kristinkt
    kristinkt Posts: 921 Member
    Jenn - You are so awesome!!!! That chart looks amazing & a lot shorter than when we started back in July! I will continue to keep you in my :heart: and prayers. It is good to see you back and read your uplifting thoughts and encouragements again.
  • MelL1205
    MelL1205 Posts: 1,200 Member
    You're back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    You remain in my thoughts. Glad to see you are getting things back together. :heart:
  • kckramp
    kckramp Posts: 112 Member
    Jenn, I am so glad you are back we have missed you. You have been and continue to be in my prayers. This group you started back in July has been great and I really apprciate all of the support and friends I have made here.
  • Kagard11
    Kagard11 Posts: 396 Member
    Hi Jenn! Happy that you are all better! I totally sucked this challenge. I wish I could have been better support to you all! I started out doing well and just gave up and gained it all back and never really stayed with it. I will do this some day, just not today. I wish all happy holidays!

  • abeks
    abeks Posts: 68 Member
    Welcome back Jen. My prayers are with you.
  • pinkita
    pinkita Posts: 779 Member
    So glad you're back Jenn!!!! I'm sorry you've been having such a rough time lately S.A.D. is hard and the stress of the holidays, illness, etc on top of that must make it all much tougher. My coworker suffers from S.A.D., and she bought one of those artificial light thingies from ebay, which she said helps. She also sees a social worker (her insurance only covers 6 official psychology appts, and they just wanted to prescribe antidepressants, which she declined). She said seeing the social worker is helpful--not sure if your insurance covers that but could be something to consider.

    In any case, I'm so happy and grateful to see you here again. Thanks for starting this group, for motivating and challenging us, and just for being such a caring human being. I'm 1.5lbs away from my Xmas goal, and everyone in our group has been so instrumental in helping me get here!

    Sending lots of warm hugs your way!!!

  • femmerides
    femmerides Posts: 843 Member
    wow! so many of you have done AMAZINGLY well! I am so happy for you all! :-)
  • Sugs94
    Sugs94 Posts: 375 Member
    Options thoughts and prayers are with you. Glad to know things are improving. Hope yoour holidays will be blessed. Waves to everyone...have a great week!!!!
  • azeria
    azeria Posts: 535 Member
    Glad to have you back Jenn! Great job on the chart! Hang in there, you can surpass anytthing.
  • kristinkt
    kristinkt Posts: 921 Member
    femmerides - I love your new photo
  • PositivePower
    PositivePower Posts: 976 Member
    femmerides - I love your new photo

    Me too :happy:

    Well I am really focusing on my exercise to over come any holiday treats. Yesterday I took some bonus $$ I got from work and some of my CCC stash and signed up for over 2 months of Hot Yoga!!!!! I also attended my first class and it was AMAZING!!!! I tried to go again today...I wanted to go for a run before class...then someone called from work and I had to wait for him to call me back...he talked and talked and I lost my window for my run!!!!!! (Dumb Work :laugh: ) I decided to take the dog around the block and I ran most of the way...well I ended up being late to class so I had to skip it!!!!:explode: BUT.....I then drove to the gym and took a body work weight lifting class:smile:

    Feeling good..had a salad for dinner..I am hoping for a loss this week. It would be a nice Christmas Present :bigsmile:

    Merry Christmas Friends.... :heart: Judy
  • MelL1205
    MelL1205 Posts: 1,200 Member
    Every time I have one good day, I seem to have one bad day (or more). The scale is still up 5lbs, so I think my new plan is going to be maintain my current weight (154-155) until January 2nd. It's not even that it's the holidays; it's just that I'm losing steam and fast. I've been going tot he gym in the AM, then I come home and eat everything in sight. I'll push all of my goals back. So instead of being 145 by 1/17, I'll go for 150.

    This is kind of disappointing, but at the same time, I just have to keep telling myself -- you lost 35-36 pounds since June. You are doing fine.
  • kristinkt
    kristinkt Posts: 921 Member
    nevermorex - I admire the way you are putting the effort out there! I think it is an awesome plan to maintain for a couple of weeks. Maybe that will give your body a chance to recoup & get ready to lose a few more pounds in the new year. I think I will be more motivated when everyone is thinking "fitness" & "diet plan" rather than "indulge" & "fill up." And -- 35 pounds is an awesome achievement since June!! Way to Go!!!
  • lpeacock06
    lpeacock06 Posts: 212 Member
    Glad you're back Jenn!! I've sorta fallen off the wagon. We are getting ready to move in a week, so I've been stress eating & drinking! Kids off from school is bound to make me lose my mind...hence the wine!
  • azeria
    azeria Posts: 535 Member
    Hi all!

    I'm really frustrated and need to vent a little. I've been having a hard time and so I have been trying to get some help. Last Thursday, I called my old counselor, but she's not supposed to see me because she works for a different medical clinic now. But she said she could see me short term, so we scheduled an appointment for Monday (December 19th).

    That same day, I went to see my nurse practitioner and she referred me to a different counselor and I set up an appointment for today.

    So, on Monday, I went to the appointment I had set up with my old counselor and waited 40 minutes, while everyone else was locking the doors. They said she was with a client and just to wait in the waiting room. I left after 40 minutes. I ran into her today and told her that I had been waiting for her on Monday, but then left. She apologized and said that she forgot. She said we could reschedule, but I said it's ok, I'll go try this new counselor and see how that goes. She said, ok, if it doesn't work out, you can call me again.

    So today, I went to meet this new counselor! I thought I was having a good day and I thought I was doing good! But she kept saying to me: "You're really not doing good! Is this how you are normally?" Of course I said No.... I know I've been feeling like a zombie but I didn't think I was doing that badly!

    Then, when I was talking about some of my stress she said to me: "Are you sure your husband/fiance wants to start over and have children at his age?" I said that one of my worries was that I had to hurry up and get pregnant, because he is getting older. My fiance is going to be 50 in March. Then, what she said really pissed me off!!! She said, "He already is old! At 50 he's considered a senior...(then she corrected herself and said no, that's 55)"

    Ok, there are 13 years difference between me and my fiance! We've been together for 6 1/2 years and never until now, have I felt judged about the age difference! I went to this lady in the hopes to start feeling better, but instead I left feeling so pissed off and frustrated!!! Now, I have another appointment with her in January.... I really don't know what to do??? I need help, and this isn't working for me!!!

    Anyhow, I just needed to share! Sorry gals!
  • kristinkt
    kristinkt Posts: 921 Member
    azeria - I'm not so sure this new counselor sounds like a fit for you. Sorry that it is getting rough on your end. My DH is 10 years older than me & it isn't usually an issue. Although there were a few times that I was mistaken for his daughter back when I was in my 20s.

    NSV - People at work have been noticing my weight loss!! Today a volunteer who comes in about once a week kept saying how little I am getting (lol) She is joining MFP to help her make better decisions too. Yea!! Also after school today the speech teacher came up and asked me if I was getting smaller. I told her I had been trying to shed some pounds. She said I seemed taller. That sounds good to me -- looking taller that is. I am starting to feel different too. My pants that were snug a few weeks ago are gettiing looser. That stays with me all day long - every time I notice my pants feeling loose.
  • kthom
    kthom Posts: 175
    Jen I am glad things are ok. I am happy to hear that others are struggling too. I am up 2 pounds from the start:( I am hoping to just maintain until after New Year's when I can get really strict again.
  • PositivePower
    PositivePower Posts: 976 Member
    :wink: Are you done with your shopping and just sitting waiting for Santa????? Me neither :laugh: Anyway things here are good and busy. Eating is going just fine so is my obsession with why is the scale telling me I am up 4#!!!?? :explode: I'm OK with it....I know I am doing the right things...measurements are the same and my skinny pants fit or are loose :bigsmile:

    Lpeacock ~ good luck with your move...yikes what a busy time to add that to the mix... Cheers to you :drinker: I would be enjoying a glass or two too. Once you are settled get right back to it.

    Nevermorex ~ Hang in there you have to see you have come along way. One day at a time!!!!

    Azeria ~ Wow....move on!!!! Since you didnt have a good session I wouldn't waste any more time with that one...she sounds rude. Sorry you had to go through that!!!!! Hang in there:flowerforyou:

    Kristin ~ FANTASTIC!!! boy is it great to hear those compliments!!!!! It really helps with this crazy journey. You had asked about the Acai Underway drinks.... I like them alot...not really sure they work, but it's something different to drink once in a while. I also put chia seeds in them for an extra source of fiber and vitimans.

    Well I am off to Hot Yoga class:love:
    :heart: Judy