Sticking with the program

Today I start my last week for phase 1 (Month 1) and I'm super excited! I start many things but don't always finish it! I can't wait to finish the entire program so I can see my hard work paid off!

Has anyone finished the program yet? If so please share your experience and results. For those who relate to me on starting things and not finishing, well your not alone but this time will well finish and gloat at our new bods!


  • adammccrady
    adammccrady Posts: 99 Member
    Can definietly relate... I have started a few different programs without completely finishing.

    I did, however, complete an entire round of Insanity a few months back, and felt a great feeling of achievement and accomplishment when it was done. My wife and I used each other as motivation and pushed each other to keep going, and that's our plan this time through!

    I thought our results from Round 1 were amazing. I felt great and thought I looked as good as I ever had. I'm hoping to complete this round all the way through, and then do The Asylum right after!
  • cat_1977
    cat_1977 Posts: 95 Member
    I'm a serial starter/non finisher. Determined this will be different and hoping with the support of you guys I"ll have the motivation to keep on keeping on.

    Together we can do anything!

    C x