Reactions to gluten



  • rstinne1
    rstinne1 Posts: 37 Member
    I'm new to the group and am really starting to think about how gluten is affecting me. I have been diagnosed with Fibromyalgia but I have been looking into my diet to see if it could be a problem. I cut out all aspartame and MSG as this could be a contributing factor but in the past week I have been in more pain than I have in awhile.

    I'm beginning to think it's the gluten. Is it just getting bloodwork done to be tested? Based on previous posts I'm also intriqued by the stomach bloat.
  • mamabear272
    mamabear272 Posts: 268 Member
    It's not just the "normal" blood work. They have to test specifically for celiac. Definitely talk to your doctor about having it done.
  • LensLuvah
    LensLuvah Posts: 8 Member
    I'm new to the group and am really starting to think about how gluten is affecting me. I have been diagnosed with Fibromyalgia but I have been looking into my diet to see if it could be a problem. I cut out all aspartame and MSG as this could be a contributing factor but in the past week I have been in more pain than I have in awhile.

    I'm beginning to think it's the gluten. Is it just getting bloodwork done to be tested? Based on previous posts I'm also intriqued by the stomach bloat.

    I'm new to this group too... So first of all, hi everyone! :)

    I've had Fibro for 13 years, and just started eating GF last October. I didn't get the celiac test first, and I REALLY wish I would have. Now I am so sensitive to gluten that I'm scared to go back on it for the test. So I highly recommend getting the blood test first! :) On the plus side, it has really helped my Fibro!

    My reactions to gluten exposure now: nausea, bloating, intestinal/stomach pain, brain fog, and it feels like my throat is swollen. I am actually suffering from an accidental glutening at tonight's dinner right now. :(
  • pdworkman
    pdworkman Posts: 1,342 Member
    Fibro may also be the result of non-celiac gluten intolerance too, so a negative celiac test does not mean that gluten free eating won't help you. Celiac tests are also notorious for false negatives, so you really can only be sure by trying the diet yourself. But as others have said, if you are going to get a celiac test, do it before going gluten free, not after!

  • Mumbum78
    Mumbum78 Posts: 28 Member
    I had VERY similar issues,it took 1- years to diagnose me!!
    Be carefulthat they do more than just the blood test,as it can come back incinclusive. The only real surefire way to tes tis the small boswel biopsy BEFORE you eliminate gluten out of your diet. Good luck!!!
  • Mumbum78
    Mumbum78 Posts: 28 Member
    I had VERY similar issues,it took 1- years to diagnose me!!
    Be carefulthat they do more than just the blood test,as it can come back incinclusive. The only real surefire way to tes tis the small boswel biopsy BEFORE you eliminate gluten out of your diet. Good luck!!!
  • Mumbum78
    Mumbum78 Posts: 28 Member
    does anyone have malabsorbtion syndrome related to their celiac?

    I am now B12 deficiant and will need monthly ****s for the rest of my life because I damaged my intestines by going so long without diagnosis
  • Mumbum78
    Mumbum78 Posts: 28 Member
    That says shots, im not sure why it was bleeped out! LOL
  • nevergiveup92
    I usually react within 10 minutes of ingesting gluten. I get severe bloating and cramping and the nasty stuff that comes after! I also get rashes and some times I get severe back pain. I've only thrown up once due to ingesting gluten. But I also have low iron as well.
  • peachNpunkin
    peachNpunkin Posts: 1,010 Member
    Here's what I have:

    Immunodefficiency disorder (lots of colds/flu, can't get over it once I have it)
    Chronic headaches
    Diarrhea, gas, bloating (was originally diagnosed as IBS)
    Joint pain
    Cold sores
    Dry mouth, eyes, skin, and thin nails that flake and tear

    I don't get any "instant" symptoms though, but I can usually tell if I've had something I shouldn't have when I start experiencing gastrointestinal distress. I was just recently diagnosed, so everything else I've been living with not knowing what the exact cause was. I'm day 1 gluten free, so I'm excited to see how my symptoms clear up!

    I'm day 5 going into day 6 gluten free. I'm am starting to feel alot better. I am in better mood. My stomach isn't as bloated, and I'm not having all the cramping and discomfort. I had a ton of symptoms.
  • peachNpunkin
    peachNpunkin Posts: 1,010 Member
    I have NCDGI. Fun, fun. Now that I know what was causing me to be miserable, I can fix it. Thank God, there seems to be a light at the end of the tunnel. I was ready to just give up and accept that I would be sick all of my life.

    My symptoms:

    bloating, constipation that turned to diarreah and vise versa, stomach cramping, headaches, mood swings, depression, joint pain, hair falling out, nails just breaking down to the quick and sometimes past (ouch), unexplained exhaustion and fatigue, chronic anemia, vitamine deficiency.

    I am going into day 6 of gluten free, and my energy level is beginning to rise, I'm not hungry all the time. I was hungry 15 to 20 minutes after eating a large meal. My headache is gone, I'm still a bit bloated, but I don't look like I am going to give birth any day now. My back pain has decreased, as well as my joint pain. It is still there, but not near as bad as it was. I can now touch my knees without feeling like the top of my head is going to pop off in pain. So I can't wait to get this crap completely out of my system, to see if the rest of these symptoms are going to resolve.
  • nevergiveup92
    I have NCDGI. Fun, fun. Now that I know what was causing me to be miserable, I can fix it. Thank God, there seems to be a light at the end of the tunnel. I was ready to just give up and accept that I would be sick all of my life.

    My symptoms:

    bloating, constipation that turned to diarreah and vise versa, stomach cramping, headaches, mood swings, depression, joint pain, hair falling out, nails just breaking down to the quick and sometimes past (ouch), unexplained exhaustion and fatigue, chronic anemia, vitamine deficiency.

    I am going into day 6 of gluten free, and my energy level is beginning to rise, I'm not hungry all the time. I was hungry 15 to 20 minutes after eating a large meal. My headache is gone, I'm still a bit bloated, but I don't look like I am going to give birth any day now. My back pain has decreased, as well as my joint pain. It is still there, but not near as bad as it was. I can now touch my knees without feeling like the top of my head is going to pop off in pain. So I can't wait to get this crap completely out of my system, to see if the rest of these symptoms are going to resolve.

    I'm the same way, it takes me about a week -- some times two -- to get back to "normal".. I hate the three days of constant, belly bulging bloating! But it's nice to get back in to the no headache, more pep to the step routine. I hate going through all the pain it brings. Most of us seem to be having the same symptoms. At least none of us are alone in this. It's dangerous though, so definitely be careful and goodluck :)
  • LadyFleata
    LadyFleata Posts: 32 Member
    WoW i haven't seen any that says anaphylatic shock. when I eat wheat or anything with wheat flour in it takes about 30 mins then the ambulance has to be called. I'm not classed as a coeliac just allergic to wheat. :( so i dont count, but i have to be on a strick gluten free diet too.

    i dont have the throat closing issue, but heart rate plummets,, skin gets welts all over itchy ones that grow, it spreads all over my body starting at the neck and works down. Then i start to faint. have to have iv of anti histamines and adrenaline hydrocortazone. 2 hours later im usually ok and recovering fully. never had to saay over night. But it is scary and makes me very paranoid.

    Ive have been allergic to wheat for about 8 years now, and every episode puts me in an ambulance. Its been 5 years since my last major one, tho I was in hospital a few weeks ago after using the wrong pasta was distracted making dinner. (which subsequently got thrown out)
  • nevergiveup92
    WoW i haven't seen any that says anaphylatic shock. when I eat wheat or anything with wheat flour in it takes about 30 mins then the ambulance has to be called. I'm not classed as a coeliac just allergic to wheat. :( so i dont count, but i have to be on a strick gluten free diet too.

    i dont have the throat closing issue, but heart rate plummets,, skin gets welts all over itchy ones that grow, it spreads all over my body starting at the neck and works down. Then i start to faint. have to have iv of anti histamines and adrenaline hydrocortazone. 2 hours later im usually ok and recovering fully. never had to saay over night. But it is scary and makes me very paranoid.

    Ive have been allergic to wheat for about 8 years now, and every episode puts me in an ambulance. Its been 5 years since my last major one, tho I was in hospital a few weeks ago after using the wrong pasta was distracted making dinner. (which subsequently got thrown out)

    Awe, I'm sorry to hear that LadyFleata :( My heart rate goes to about 110 bpm if I ingest gluten. The highest was 113. But I've never been hospitalized because of it.
  • SyntonicGarden
    SyntonicGarden Posts: 944 Member
    I will get a skin rash, headache, digestive issues, brain fog, nausea, and a general feeling of "gross" (don't know how to better explain it). I feel like laying around all day, but that doesn't make me feel any better.

    My sinuses also act up when I eat gluten.

    I get all of the prizes above plus what I've been told is called a "food baby." Basically, the tummy gets SO distended (hard and round) to the point of looking 4 - 5 mos pregnant. :(
  • ts1122
    ts1122 Posts: 99 Member
    My reactions are pretty mild compared to most of you. I haven't been diagnosed with celiac, but I feel so much better after being gluten free for the last several months. My symptoms are: bloating, cramping, puffy face, anxiety, brain fog, fatigue, IBS, general BLAH feeling. I've had digestive problems all my life due to what I thought were allergies to soy, dairy, almonds, Brazil nuts. Now I'm beginning to wonder if eating gluten has helped to create those other allergies? Every once in a while, I'll break out in a rash -- but not every time I eat a suspect food. I've heard that some "gluten free" foods, if they're produced in a facility that processes wheat, etc., will cause a reaction.

    So much to learn.

    I have been tested for Celiacs but it came back negative. My dr told me that even though my test was negative, I could stick have a gluten allergy without being as severe as someone with Celiacs. My Grandmother, Mother and 2 of my aunts have Celiacs. I cut out most of my gluten (I still have a single piece of 45 cal bread every morning) and my symptoms are mainly gone. I had noticed that I had gained about 10 lbs in 3 months right before Christmas and started putting all these symptoms together that my drs just couldn't figure out (treated me twice for a UTI which never helped). 20-30 min after ingesting gluten, I would double over from the intense pain in my stomach. I would have stomach cramps all day, fatigue, severe headaches, dizziness, shaking and unsteadiness (like my blood sugar tanked) right after eating and just feel like crud. When I would start feeling shaky and dizzy, I would grab something with complex carbs thinking it was my blood sugar. It created a vicious cycle of eating/pain causing the weight gain. My stomach was also very tender to touch and extremely bloated. Now, I eat gluten free yogurts, lots of fruit, chicken and veggies with no trouble or pain. I feel much better after ditching the gluten. I do notice however, that if I eat oatmeal (quaker, not gluten free), I get the stomach pains but not near as bad as I used to.
  • mooglysmom
    mooglysmom Posts: 319 Member
    Hi! Brand new here!

    I am not a diagnosed Celiac, but the GI I saw last year thought I probably was. Unfortuantly (?? Maybe for her, lol) I went gluten free before I could get tested. I simply couldn't go through the pain and frustration of going off the diet to find out for sure!
    I have dealt with arthritis type pain for years. I had a head fog that wouldn't go away, ever. I constantly felt like I was seeing my whole life through a haze that I couldn't even actively participate in. I was extremely fatigued, but was just told I needed to exercise more (hard to do when you're exhausted, and in pain!). Digestive issues up the wazzoo. It was ridiculous. I hated that NO DOCTOR would listen to me! Complain of being tired? Your hair is falling out?? Oh, it must be your thyroid. Nope, that's not it. Sorry, I guess we just don't know!

    At any rate, when my oldest was an infant he had a plethora of food allergies/intolerances. He couldn't eat much of anything! I was nursing, so I went Top 8 allergens free, + corn. He finally started doing really well! Then he was tested, she said that gluten and all were fine - he was *just* allergic to dairy and peanuts. I added all those foods back in, and went back to feeling like crap.

    He was diagnosed with Autism 2 1/2 years later. A year after that, I decided to try the GF diet with him, to see if it would help. The turn around in the kid was amazing. He went from barely being able to speak, to not ever stopping!! His behaviour improved, he stopped tantruming all the time. And his stools went from green and frothy, to totally normal.

    I started the diet too. I had started having monster migraines several times a week. I hurt, everywhere. I couldn't stand it. I was so exhausted, I'd fall asleep standing up.

    It's been 3 years, and I've learned SO much. I can make almost anything GF... which is now why I need to lose some weight, lol. Now, if I get glutened, its pretty subtle at first. I guess I'm lucky in that regard. I'll have an ever-loving headache for a few weeks, and the arthritis will come back with a vengenance! I'll get super constipated too. And nauseaus.

    My son, though. Turns into a little monster!
  • mooglysmom
    mooglysmom Posts: 319 Member
    WoW i haven't seen any that says anaphylatic shock. when I eat wheat or anything with wheat flour in it takes about 30 mins then the ambulance has to be called. I'm not classed as a coeliac just allergic to wheat. :( so i dont count, but i have to be on a strick gluten free diet too.

    i dont have the throat closing issue, but heart rate plummets,, skin gets welts all over itchy ones that grow, it spreads all over my body starting at the neck and works down. Then i start to faint. have to have iv of anti histamines and adrenaline hydrocortazone. 2 hours later im usually ok and recovering fully. never had to saay over night. But it is scary and makes me very paranoid.

    Ive have been allergic to wheat for about 8 years now, and every episode puts me in an ambulance. Its been 5 years since my last major one, tho I was in hospital a few weeks ago after using the wrong pasta was distracted making dinner. (which subsequently got thrown out)

    My son is anaphylactic to dairy. It's a frightening thought, but we're very vigilant, and he hasn't had a reaction in 5 years (a major one, at any rate!). Do you have a bad reaction to even cross contamination? I'm very glad to hear you haven't had a major reaction in years!! You're not alone, that's for sure. I've met and read articles about other who are ana to wheat - and it is one of the Top 8 allergens :).

    Oh, and my reactions are just from cross contamination. I honestly don't know what would happen if I were to mess up on the diet. The thought terrifies me.
  • LadyFleata
    LadyFleata Posts: 32 Member
    i dont know about cross contamination, as we have nothing in the house that has wheat flour in. If i eat out its at Weatherspoons and I have ham egg and chips as this is the only thing on the menu I am happy eating in the knowledge nothing has wheat in.

    Anything with wheat in tho is a def no no. regardless of amount. its just not worth the trip to the hospital.
  • tina990
    tina990 Posts: 18
    Hi, everyone. Thanks so much for all your posts. They have given me a clue that I've been having more symptoms than I was aware. And maybe I'd better look at staying away from more than wheat. I had made a list a long time ago of reasons to stay away from wheat:

    1. Breathing - "soggy" lungs, stuff, hard to breathe
    2. Sinuses - clogged, hard to breathe
    3. Fluid retention - bloating, tight clothes, uncomfortable
    4. Arthritis becomes worse
    5. Pain and stiffness - all joints
    6. Sharp headache
    7. Feverish
    8. Insomnia
    9. Constipation, then diarrhea
    10. Misemotion - irritable, angry, impatient
    11. Generally feel like hell - for several days

    In spite of that, I still crave wheat and sometimes have it. I've read that we're addicted to the things to which we're allergic. I believe it.