Getting Started - Adjusting Calorie Goal?



  • If the HRM is off during strength training, I think it would tend more towards underestimating the burn. I wear mine, and my HR is elevated a good bit of the workout. But some of the moves where I think it would be ramped up (sweating, breathing hard), I look and I'm sitting around 95.

    So I just log what it gives me, for lack of a better assumption, and we'll see where I end up!

    I do the same thing. I usually do a 10-20 minute cardio warm-up, so by the time I start lifting my heart rate is already elevated. I do jumping jacks or walk around fast during "rests" to try and maintain my heart rate as much as possible. I know it's not 100% accurate, but it's at least a general gauge of how hard I'm working one workout to the next.

    Amen! :drinker:
  • jarrettd
    jarrettd Posts: 872 Member

    How tall are you so I can compare where I should have mine (cals) set. I dont want to waste my time either. Like how you worded it. :)

    I'm a Glamazon :tongue: ...5'11" and 151 pounds. I'm at goal weight, more or less; just working on a little recomposition and, of course, getting stronger!