Check in!!

Hello beautiful friends I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas. WE are ONLY 5 days away from the scale. How are yall feeling?? Do you remember the goal you set?? Do you think you met your goal?? I have a list of everyone SW and GW so I am really excited to hear results.

I am feeling pretty good about Jan 1st. My stomach is not where I want it to be but its DEF not where it use to be and I can tell I have made HUGE progress. Over the weekend I did bad but Today is a new day and I am about to give this body of mine my ALL because I am on a mission and trying to get in a sexy lingerie for our cruise/hubby bday so we can ROCK DA BOAT LOL!!!!

Talk to me and let me know how things going!!!!!


  • Divagettinfitin2011
    Good Morning! My eating was horrible this weekend;( I am back on it though!!!
  • Kia148
    Kia148 Posts: 204 Member
    Good morning ladies...I didn't exericse not even one day while I was on my mini vacation. That just means I got to go hard this week because I am sure I am no where near my goal weight...smh
  • DoingItNow2012
    DoingItNow2012 Posts: 424 Member
    I'm nervous to get on that scale because I really don't know if I am up, down, or the same. I think it would be so disheartening after 5 weeks to have gone up, even a pound. Overall I think I've been doing pretty good. I did have 6 days I had to do some crash studying, so I didn't work out and I haven't worked out in the past two days. I have had some high calorie days, but I always end up under calorie goals for the week. Oh, also after starting the challenge I upped my calories, decided that I didn't want to eat below my BMR.

    Anyway... we will see. Pushing hard this week. I may have to weigh in New Years eve morning because don't want any last minute water bloat from partying new years eve night to show up on January 1st.
  • sgirl29
    sgirl29 Posts: 326 Member
    Good Morning!!! I've been a bad girl over the holidays but i'm back on track today! I so want to get on the scale to see if I done any damage so I can't wait until weigh-in day. I'm going HARD this week!! Clean eating, exercise and i'm uping the water intake. It anit over yet lol.... We got this girl! :)
  • Ang_37
    Ang_37 Posts: 58
    Good morning!!!!!!!
    I did eat some extra food over the weekend, but let see how is goes.

    Last week I was down with the flu, but I am going to hit the gym now. Thanks for all your help.
  • divainprogress2012
    Look like we all did a lil bad LOL!! But its ok though ladies!!! We got this!!! You might dont make your goal but if you below where u started will be just fine as well!! Just stay positive about this and think we only have 5 more days. If you like you can send me a weigh in on Friday cause I know for the most part most of us going to party, drink, etc on Sat and Sunday. So if that will make yall feel better to get on the scale on Friday that is fine :smile:
  • HavenIryxia
    HavenIryxia Posts: 116 Member
    You just answered my question haha. I was going to ask if I could send you my weigh in on Friday :) I won't be even near a scale this weekend :)
  • Rebroland
    Rebroland Posts: 92 Member
    I am so excited to weigh in!! :) I was over by 900 calories on Christmas - but I was under by more than that the next day. My goal was to lose 6.2 lbs. I really think that I made it! I added up all of my weeks last night and if I estimated correctly on the food that I needed to estimate (not much), I'll be down 6.5 lbs. Plus I'm really aiming to push it this week! I was at my calorie goal today plus I burned an extra 936 calories :) so we'll see! Can't wait!!
  • carlaj38
    carlaj38 Posts: 23 Member
    My eating and working out for July up until the New year was horrible. But I have since got back at it and I feel great. I'm working out with someone and its true when you workout with someone with the same goals of weight loss as you its easier to stay at it...I love this feeling...