Phase 2



  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    oh! I just clicked on Day 43 and saw the calorie counting stuff!
  • karinefitness
    karinefitness Posts: 336 Member
    Who is Michelle LeSuer? We have similar stats so maybe I eat more too?
    There are low-cal days? I thought they were low-carb days? Please let me know, maybe I am confused. The carb stuff doesn't start until Phase 3, exccept I am supposed to be eliminating carbs in the evening, or at least, starchy carbs.
    On track to workout this week, have a couple of luncheons this week but I am going to do the best I can, I checked menus! Friday is sushi though, so I think I will still have some cali rolls, but with miso soup and edamame.

    I believe she's the nutritionnist who helped Jamie with her plan.

    She says I am underweight, but I don't see me being underweight. I have super tiny bones, so I'm lighter but I'm not skinny.

    Since we have similar stats, and you seem to want to build muscle mass more than loose weight, I'd follow her advice also! 1350 cal/day seems way too low anyways.
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    How tall is Jaimie? Is she also underweight at 110? I guess I am small-boned too, I was 24% body fat at 115, which really means that at 18% body fat I would only weigh 94 lbs, but that would mean not gaining any muscle, just saying, for reference.
    I do want to be stronger, I was thinking about that one handed pushup, I don't need to make pushups more challenging I just need to be able to do real pushups.
    Did the narrow ones tonight girly-style and they are a struggle.
    My new gym only has the 35 or 45 lb bar so I couldn't do barbell curls or close barbell benchpress. I used dumbbells.
    Also, i could not figure out the difference between the tricep extension and the tricep pushdown?! I used the bar and both hands on both even though I knew it wasn't right.
  • karinefitness
    karinefitness Posts: 336 Member
    How tall is Jaimie? Is she also underweight at 110? I guess I am small-boned too, I was 24% body fat at 115, which really means that at 18% body fat I would only weigh 94 lbs, but that would mean not gaining any muscle, just saying, for reference.
    I do want to be stronger, I was thinking about that one handed pushup, I don't need to make pushups more challenging I just need to be able to do real pushups.
    Did the narrow ones tonight girly-style and they are a struggle.
    My new gym only has the 35 or 45 lb bar so I couldn't do barbell curls or close barbell benchpress. I used dumbbells.
    Also, i could not figure out the difference between the tricep extension and the tricep pushdown?! I used the bar and both hands on both even though I knew it wasn't right.

    I think Jamie is 5'3.

    In the videos both tripcep extension & pushdown are (or look) the same. I did the first one 1 handed with a regular grip (overhand), like this dude:
    And I did the 2nd with a reverse grip (as shown in the video), also 1 handed.
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Day 45 today. What does everyone do for stretches? My shoulders feel sore and tight the last couple of days. Also, I think I have some impingement in my shoulder. I do this exercise my friend, a PT, taught me, "angels" back against the wall I bring my pinkies together over my head, like making imaginary, standing snow angels with my arms.
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Day 46 today and the schedule says "Shoulders" so I assumed no cardio but it is on the printed page so I don't know if it was an oversight or whether I should do the cardio, or not? Probably wouldn't hurt but it does make the workout so long, like yesterday was chest, abs and cardio-it took an hour and a half and I had to cut the abs a little bit because I had plans at 7pm. So I really should do 2 more sets of the roman chair and reverse crunches, but I just think-that is a lot of ab stuff! Still, I am the one who wants a 6-pack, so I should do them. How do you do a weighted crunch?
  • karinefitness
    karinefitness Posts: 336 Member
    No cardio with shoulders! I also double checked on the website.

    As for weighted crunches, I do them sort of like this, but usually with a dumbbell:
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    do you do 75 weighted crunches? The first set is tough, the second set is killer but the third set, I am dying!
    So then I just did 15 roman chair and 15 reverse crunches and had to call it a day! oh, and then hit the treadmill. would rather have done that with shoulders tonight, but thanks for letting me know it is not required. I am going out to dinner though, so maybe I should cardio for a little bit!
  • karinefitness
    karinefitness Posts: 336 Member
    do you do 75 weighted crunches? The first set is tough, the second set is killer but the third set, I am dying!
    So then I just did 15 roman chair and 15 reverse crunches and had to call it a day! oh, and then hit the treadmill. would rather have done that with shoulders tonight, but thanks for letting me know it is not required. I am going out to dinner though, so maybe I should cardio for a little bit!

    Oh, I didn't do them yet! Should do them today but I'm not 100% sure I'll be able to go to the gym.
    I did those in another program in the past, but I wasn't doing 75 of them, more like 45 if I remember correctly!! :)
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Yeah, I did not do weighted crunches. Got legs tonight and no cardio again!
  • karinefitness
    karinefitness Posts: 336 Member
    I did the weighted crunches with a 5kg medecine ball... It was hard! I could only do the first two sets with the medecine ball.

    Fell off the wagon *a bit* yesterday! I had a fight with my bf, didn't sleep so I didn't go to the gym as planned... It was also my friend's bday so I went out dancing for the first time in about 5 months! Danced for about 2 hours but had a few drinks (2 small glasses of Sangria, yum, and two gin and tonic).

    Guess I have to live a little... I was able to wake up at 8am this morning anyways and went to the gym for chest/abs. I only did 20 minutes of cardio, not 30, though.

    I still have back & legs to do, will do both tomorrow...
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    legs went ok, I upped the weight on my squats to 65. But I accidentally did single leg squats instead of single leg deadlifts, I just didn't read it right and hadn't seen a one-legged deadlift.
    Today will do back and rear delts with cardio.
    I was off the wagon regarding eating and drinking the last few days. It's my biggest problem, like I can be good with workouts or good with eating but I cannot do both! Two more weeks of Phase 2 and I want the after pics to be good this time! I need to get to the store and have a plan for the weekend.
    Next weekend my girlfriend wants to go to Vail and I should be looking forward to it but it will just set me back, I won't workout and I will drink too much.
    Broncos play tonight, I am thinking of just having a bloody mary and a beer. I can't not drink, which may be a problem!
    Stay strong:happy:
  • karinefitness
    karinefitness Posts: 336 Member
    legs went ok, I upped the weight on my squats to 65. But I accidentally did single leg squats instead of single leg deadlifts, I just didn't read it right and hadn't seen a one-legged deadlift.


    I didn't see single leg deadlifts either? So I think we're good! :-)

    Although I did back yesterday (and legs... ugh) and there was a 'regular' deadlift. I managed to deadlift 100lbs 2x8 reps! My grip is pretty weak though and I felt like the bar was 'sliding'. Still, going to try 110 for at least one set next time.

    I woke up early (without an alarm) and did arms & abs this morning, before work. No cardio though, I'll do it later this week.

    Only one more week in P2! Who's moving to P3 after?
    I'll be staying in P2 for at least another round... ;-)
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    I am going to move onto phase 3, I got to Cozumel on Feb 18!
    I am thinking after this I will try New Rules of Lifting for Women, it's a more 3-day-per week plan but still focused on lifting.
    I really feel like the 6-days per week is hard on me, like, I can stick to the workouts or eating well but I can't seem to do both, so, maybe if I was working out less I could be better on the eating.
    I am trying to get more veggies, though, I got an organic delivery coming today!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    ok, I should never say never, really, because, guess what? I did the donkey calf raises at the gym! I almost never go to that 24h fitness but I was in that part of town for a facial and decided to workout there, I did Day 52 and 53, shoulders and legs, no cardio. Well, donkey calf raises were on the schudule, along with seated and standing calf raises so I did them. It was right by the drinking fountain and the spot where people line up classes, I felt rediculous, but I thought, really, who cares.
    I cannot give myself credit for upping the weights on squats, I was too intimidated by the guys at the squat racks, there were two and they seemed to be doing some kind of cicuit on it, so I just grabbed the 40 lb barbell and did the squats.
    This is the end of phase 2 for me!!