Injuries: What Happened, and How Was it Fixed

So lately I've been dealing with Plantar Fasciitis, which has somewhat sidelined me for a bit. I've seen a podiatrist and a sports med guy, and I think I'm fixing it, but I'm still hoping to pick up my training where it left off (or at least restart from where I should be).

My question to everyone: What type of running injuries have sidelined YOU, and how did you deal with it or FIX it?


  • Still_Fluffy
    Still_Fluffy Posts: 341 Member
    I had achillies tendanites (sp?) and went to chiropractor who uses graston techingue. It worked wonders. I had a friend that had Plantar Fasciitis and tried lots of things. The only thing that work long term was graston.
  • What is this "graston technique"?