Introduce Yourself!



  • kelseylynn_cr
    Hey! :)
    I'm Kelsey. I'm 18 years old. I've always been a bit of a "bigger" girl, and I've been constantly judged about it my entire life (it also doesn't help that all of my friends are never any bigger than a size 3). I have always had low self confidence, and I'm always really harsh on myself.
    This year, though, I've decided that it's time for a change! I lost a good friend of mine to suicide this summer, and she had a lot of the body image issues that I had. Coupling her eating order with depression and a family that didn't believe in those things, and we lost her. It was extremely hard on me, and I went though a pretty bad bout of depression. One day, thankfully, though I realized how out of hand it was all getting.
    I now want to get healthy and become happy with myself, in memory of my friend who lost that battle. This isn't just for me, it's for her and everyone like her! <3
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    Hi, my name is Ellie and I am 19 (20 on monday).
    I was very popular from k- year 3 in school and then the bullying started. Even though I changed schools 3 times from years 4-10 at every single one of them I got bullied. First off it was my pimples (and my mum taught at the same school) in primary school and then in high school it was being too skinny (I was anorexic at the time). Whilst being anorexic I started working in fast food and went from one extreme to the other - eating an apple a day to eating maccas 3 or 4 times a day. I have also been physically and emotionally abused from my brother ever since I can remember. My mum only cares about me enough to yell at me 24/7 calling me hurrondeous names. Everyones elses mums are always there for them - that is what I always wanted. But to her.. I would get beat up by my bro so bad, I even got stabbed once and was unconscious many times but because he is autistic it is "okay," (according to my mum)... her/him putting me through this put me into a severe state of depression and anxiety. I feel like noone can ever love me because my mum never did. I think that people are always judging me because I know that my mum and other children always did/does. Whilst putting up with this for too long I moved in with my boyfriends nan and after living with her for a year she passed away, and that just killed me inside. That was March 2010 and then in February 2011 one of my best mates drowned. I feel like people are always judging me on my appearance, I don't know how to stop feeling this way though. I feel like I have nobody. Although I am recovered from my depression and anxiety I am struggling to find my self worth. I just feel worthless..

    Feel free to add me as a friend :)<3