
chell53 Posts: 352 Member
What is everyones favorite thing to do??

I am starting back at the gym....treadmill is my favorite and I use the Random setting so it alternates up and down by itself.
I use dvd tapes when I am at home ( mostly Leslie Sansome ) love her and the moves are not hard.

boy just think if I stick with this I should be thin in no time.........let's do it!!!


  • oliv2065
    oliv2065 Posts: 204 Member
    I love the biggest loser work out dvds, but they leave me in pain. I am starting this time with walking. I live out in the countrty so I have plenty of nice places to walk. I am also doing AM and PM yoga, but they are short and burn few calories. I have also discovered that meditating helps me have more control over my eating and negative thought patterns.
  • oliv2065
    oliv2065 Posts: 204 Member
    I love the biggest loser work out dvds, but they leave me in pain. I am starting this time with walking. I live out in the countrty so I have plenty of nice places to walk. I am also doing AM and PM yoga, but they are short and burn few calories. I have also discovered that meditating helps me have more control over my eating and negative thought patterns.
  • oliv2065
    oliv2065 Posts: 204 Member
    I love the biggest loser work out dvds, but they leave me in pain. I am starting this time with walking. I live out in the countrty so I have plenty of nice places to walk. I am also doing AM and PM yoga, but they are short and burn few calories. I have also discovered that meditating helps me have more control over my eating and negative thought patterns.
  • chmiddleton
    chmiddleton Posts: 30 Member
    I used to run, but with the winter yucky wet, cold weather, I'm having to work out indoors. We bought my boys a Nintendo Wii for Christmas. I bought a bundle that has the Wii Fit Plus and the balance board with it. I love it. I also bought the Zumba Fittness workout for the Wii. It is awesome. So, when I cannot get out an pound the pavement, I'll be shaking my booty on the Wii!
  • wiffe
    wiffe Posts: 224 Member
    I have a treadmill here at home that I use. Since I cna't leave my girls. I need to get on it. I also want to do videos but after a day I lose interest (BEING HONEST) Need to not do that. Jan 1 is fast approaching.
  • 2011_4mygirls
    2011_4mygirls Posts: 298 Member
    Back in August I would either walk 6 miles per day or bike 12 + miles per day. As of right now, I am not able to walk that far - UGH! Going to focus on getting that built back up - my problem is that I HATE the treadmill, I would much rather walk outside, but it is not too cold for that.

    My goal for exercise is:

    Cardio for 60 minutes min of 5 days per week
    Strength training for 15-20 minutes min 3 times per week (right now can only do legs and abs due to some neck issues I have been having)
  • chell53
    chell53 Posts: 352 Member
    I used to run, but with the winter yucky wet, cold weather, I'm having to work out indoors. We bought my boys a Nintendo Wii for Christmas. I bought a bundle that has the Wii Fit Plus and the balance board with it. I love it. I also bought the Zumba Fittness workout for the Wii. It is awesome. So, when I cannot get out an pound the pavement, I'll be shaking my booty on the Wii!

    I have all of the above....just started using it again, to cold to walk outside. I also have the Zumba but can't get the steps down, didn't understand it when I first purchased it so maybe I will try it again.
  • Jessie43082
    Jessie43082 Posts: 171 Member
    If I go to the gym, I love the elliptical. My favorite is running though. I'm training for a marathon on May 6th so I try to run outside as much as possible, becuase I am not good on the treadmill.
  • andybenny
    andybenny Posts: 5 Member
    I like to use my 4 yr old. I lift him up and down during commercials, or he rests on my legs and I try...yep try.. to lift him up.