


  • 226Muriel
    226Muriel Posts: 137 Member
    Hi Everyone!

    4'7" and a COMPULSIVE OVERETER...Working my butt off through this JOURNEY...Not easy by any means, but it's a HAPPENING!

    SW 183
    CW 155.5
    GW 106
  • MandaJean83
    MandaJean83 Posts: 677 Member
    Hey all! I'm Amanda, and I'm 28 y/o and 5'3" (barely).

    SW: 141
    CW: 138
    GW: 120!

    I'm a RN, no kids, dating a wonderful man...just really looking to feel better about my body and to start living a healthier lifestyle! :)
  • bestrodeo
    bestrodeo Posts: 139 Member
    Hi everyone.. I have started a DB for challenges maybe something to help us shorties kick off some of those unwanted pounds/inches.. let me know if yall want too and ill put something together.. hopefully starting next monday..
  • wozzy38
    wozzy38 Posts: 137 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm 4'11...Ive gotten down to around 160 and want to keep going...It's been a rough road through the holidays but am getting back on track today...feel free to add me!
  • prpldrgnetnatco
    My name is Stephanie. I am 4ft 9in, I weigh 123 right now, I was 140 last March. I have been slowly and steadily trying to get healthy. My goal is 115 right now, eventually 100-110. I have pretty much come to terms with my height, I have a short mother and relatively short family. But the short jokes get old and I get at least ONE every time I meet new people. They are always like "You're so short!" and I just want to be like "Oh really?! I havent even noticed, THANK YOU for telling me something I had no CLUE about!" But most of the time I just laugh and say yeah I am... I enjoy being petite. I enjoyed it more when I was a size 3 or so... but at a 7 its ok. I was a 12 last year and thats when I had a wake-up call... I started seeing pictured of myself and was appalled! So now I am working on staying healthy and working on my goals. I guess I am just looking for some short buddies who will understand the frustration of shopping for short people and every other challenge that comes to being short.
  • drmartin1220
    Hi! I'm new to MFP and at just 5 foot 2, it is time to get this weight off! I am now at 215 and at my lightest was 130. I would like to get back to something close to that. I'm so glad I found this group as I know you ladies understand how I feel.
  • rukia30
    rukia30 Posts: 81 Member
    Hi all!! I am 5'4" and have 122 pounds to loose. I am a mother of 3 ages 10,5, and 4. I am also a wife. I came here for support as I start this looong journey. I'm so ready to be a happy, slim women again! I look forward to working with you all!
  • tkb1985
    tkb1985 Posts: 146 Member
    Hi everyone. I'm 5'1", and currently 137lb, down form 171lb (that's 9st 11 down from 12st 3 to us Brits!) since Feb '11.
    My goal is somewhere between 8 1/2 stone and 9 stone (119 - 126lb), I haven't decided yet, and I'll see how I feel when I get there.

    My main struggle is that despite having lost a fair amount of weight, I haven't really gone down a dress size yet (UK 14 to start, UK 12 / 14 now) and it can be quite discouraging. So my 2012 plan is to do more strength training and toning, focus less on the scales and more on how I look and feel.

    Good luck to everyone :) I hope that we can all achieve our goals :)
  • BunniTrulove
    BunniTrulove Posts: 18 Member
    Happy New Year!

    I'm 5'2 but generally don't feel all that short because I'm in heels a lot! However, the pounds do seem to hang on us shorties a bit differently. My goal for 2012 is to lose about 60lbs. I live in south Florida so I cant hide under bulky sweaters or jackets without looking ridiculous and this year, I don't want to. I want to lounge around South Florida in a bikini. Feel free to add me, let's encourage each other!
  • Dorinaz
    Dorinaz Posts: 4 Member
    Hi there, I am 5' 0. I have been loosing weight for a while.... was down to 133 before Christmas (started at 165) but after eating white four and carbs over the holidays I am afraid to get back on the scale.
    I find it most challenging to find time to exercise and have the most insatiable cravings at the end of every month. I think this is the year I want to live in my bathing suit at the beach.....Let's help each other reach our goals. Feel free to add me as a pal......
  • soccerchica02
    Hey everyone!

    I'm just shy of 5'4. I'm pretty athletic, but have kinda fallen off the train here thanks to the holidays and other stresses. My biggest problem is that once I start eating junk, my will power goes out the window! I hold most of my weight in my lower body (butt and thighs), and every added pound on my body is equivalent to 10 or more pounds on my taller friends! Anyways, I lost some weight training for my half marathon a few months ago after being fed up with my weight (the highest it had been). I am hoping to run a full marathon in 18 weeks as a goal for 2012! (Hoping I can meet my goal weight while training for the 26 miles).

    I hope that we can all provide support and reach our goals together! Wishing everyone the best!
  • rukia30
    rukia30 Posts: 81 Member
    Hey everyone!

    I'm just shy of 5'4. I'm pretty athletic, but have kinda fallen off the train here thanks to the holidays and other stresses. My biggest problem is that once I start eating junk, my will power goes out the window! I hold most of my weight in my lower body (butt and thighs), and every added pound on my body is equivalent to 10 or more pounds on my taller friends! Anyways, I lost some weight training for my half marathon a few months ago after being fed up with my weight (the highest it had been). I am hoping to run a full marathon in 18 weeks as a goal for 2012! (Hoping I can meet my goal weight while training for the 26 miles).

    I hope that we can all provide support and reach our goals together! Wishing everyone the best!

    I so look fwd to supporting eachother! All of feel free to add me as a friend. I'm so glad I found this board!!!!
  • finding_my_way
    finding_my_way Posts: 174 Member
    Hi all, I'm 5'1" on a good day, CW 135.4, have dieted on and off for the last few years, losing 70 pounds total after many times of see-sawing. I am at the lowest I have been since I was a teenager and hoping to reach 115-125ish by my wedding in May. Here's to all of us shorties!!
  • claram5415
    claram5415 Posts: 512 Member
    Hi! I'm 4'11, 127 pounds. Looking to get down to 120 or below but most of all decrease my percentage of body fat. Glad to have a group like this!
  • ginabalch
    ginabalch Posts: 8 Member
    Hey, I'm 5'1'' and considered morbidly obese. I'm trying to take it one step at a time instead of a fad diet this time. I want to quit squeezing into a size 20 jeans and not want to vomit when I look in the mirror prior to a shower :)
    SW: 233
    CW: 230.4
    GW: 130-160--Not sure because I've never been below 190 that I can remember.
  • t3hsandy
    t3hsandy Posts: 54 Member
    Hi! I'm Sandy, I'm 5'2 and I weight 159.1 pounds (72.2 kg - I only know that because I set my scale, by accident, to KG instead of LBs). Mayyy sound out there (it does to me; if I didn't experience it myself, I don't know if I'd believe it) but I gained all of the weight (I was 137 before) in one week. Monday I fit into pants I had since I was 12 and by Sunday I couldn't get them up my thighs (which has the bulk of the weight). My diet has always been consistent, my exercise routine has never changed and the only factor added was birth control so I got off of that since it just wasn't worth the complete destruction of my body and self-esteem. I hated my body up until I hit 19 (2009) and I JUST started wearing and feeling comfortable in Capri's when this happened.

    Right now I'm focusing on starting an exercising habit before I work on a dieting habit since I don't want to move things too fast and have it bite me on my big ol' butt later on.

    So yea... Hi! =3
  • KazeKaiyouHime
    Hi, I'm Alyx. I'm 5' 2.5" (I like the extra half inch :happy: ). I was 175 when I joined a little over a year ago but now I'm currently 135 (I think... I haven't weighed myself for a little over a week... I left my scale home when I went back to the dorm- getting it back tomorrow though). I'm not really sure what weight I want to get to... at this point I need to concentrate more on toning and doing more exercise. I just want to get to what ever weight is healthy for me and look good. Feel free to add me if you want. :smile:
  • KickingDarkness
    Hi all! I'm 5'4 and 150(ish) pounds (was 175). I would like to be in the 115 to 120 area but have my goal set to 120 for now. Just started here less than a week ago.
  • claram5415
    claram5415 Posts: 512 Member
    Welcome to MFP! You'll get a lot of support here, although of course, it really only works if you want to put in the effort. Good luck!
  • Saragre
    Saragre Posts: 42 Member
    Hi all. I'm 5'0" in the morning (I shrink a bit as the day wears on), weigh 179 and am 45 years old. I would love to talk with people who are working with the same challenges. Feel free to add me. :)