Table Top RPGs



  • VelvetKey
    VelvetKey Posts: 193 Member
    I started out in Spycraft with some friends, which progressed to D&D 4e; I started out as a teenage blonde cheerleader elf wizard (yes, I did that on purpose) but got tired of having to stand in the back (I know now how awesome casters can be at higher levels) and shoot fireballs. Bigby's Icy Grasp was my favorite ability!

    Then I entered my hack-n-slash phase and rolled me up a barbarian, and I've gamed with her up until my friend who was hosting all the sessions lost her job and moved up to Virginia with her brother (the GM). I haven't played since then...

    But then over Christmas I was asked to GM my very very first session by my boyfriend, who has all the stuff but would rather play than mastermind. With 3 players and one GM, I figured this would be a soft start for me--well, we did the Christmas story replete with a dragon guarding the myrrh, a high priest giving our paladin the frankincense (but not telling him what it was) and our battlemind claimed a golden crown from the swamp sorceror boss they killed at the end.

    They didn't know they were the wise men until the last three minutes of the game. (Present gifts to the babe in a manger, Y/N?) They were all duly impressed...and I heaved a huge sigh of relief!

    Now I have two other campaigns to set up to satisfy the demand I have created..... ^_~
  • Nerple
    Nerple Posts: 1,291 Member
    But then over Christmas I was asked to GM my very very first session by my boyfriend, who has all the stuff but would rather play than mastermind. With 3 players and one GM, I figured this would be a soft start for me--well, we did the Christmas story replete with a dragon guarding the myrrh, a high priest giving our paladin the frankincense (but not telling him what it was) and our battlemind claimed a golden crown from the swamp sorceror boss they killed at the end.

    They didn't know they were the wise men until the last three minutes of the game. (Present gifts to the babe in a manger, Y/N?) They were all duly impressed...and I heaved a huge sigh of relief!

    Now I have two other campaigns to set up to satisfy the demand I have created..... ^_~

    Nice! The last time I ran, I made th eplayers go on the Hunt for the Great Pumpkin. Turns out Charlie Brown was a necromancer, and the Great Pumpkin had him charmed.
  • VelvetKey
    VelvetKey Posts: 193 Member
    Nice! The last time I ran, I made th eplayers go on the Hunt for the Great Pumpkin. Turns out Charlie Brown was a necromancer, and the Great Pumpkin had him charmed.

    That's awesome! I find it satisfying to sneak classic things like that in under their noses. Must be my devious streak coming out.
  • Nerple
    Nerple Posts: 1,291 Member
    Nice! The last time I ran, I made th eplayers go on the Hunt for the Great Pumpkin. Turns out Charlie Brown was a necromancer, and the Great Pumpkin had him charmed.

    That's awesome! I find it satisfying to sneak classic things like that in under their noses. Must be my devious streak coming out.

    The players were not fans of this when they accidnetally guessed what was happenning right before hittign the last farm. One said it as a joke, and realized it might be right when my best friend had a contemplative look on his face because he knew I would do soemthing like that.
  • VelvetKey
    VelvetKey Posts: 193 Member
    The players were not fans of this when they accidnetally guessed what was happenning right before hittign the last farm. One said it as a joke, and realized it might be right when my best friend had a contemplative look on his face because he knew I would do soemthing like that.
    Does no one appreciate the artistry? I ask you.....
  • Mahu77
    Mahu77 Posts: 34
    Speaking of Warhammer, my friend just got me into that hobby. I can see that I will have to limit myself when I order new models, lol.
  • Nerple
    Nerple Posts: 1,291 Member
    The players were not fans of this when they accidnetally guessed what was happenning right before hittign the last farm. One said it as a joke, and realized it might be right when my best friend had a contemplative look on his face because he knew I would do soemthing like that.
    Does no one appreciate the artistry? I ask you.....

    Sadly no!
  • Nerple
    Nerple Posts: 1,291 Member
    Speaking of Warhammer, my friend just got me into that hobby. I can see that I will have to limit myself when I order new models, lol.

    Ugh, oh how I hate that game. Now I've never looked at one of their books or watched a game take place now have I ever played it. But it is probably still the most popular game at my local gaming store, and every time I go in, I want to cause violence on the fanboys hanging out there. They have a tendency to block the aisles and not move for you to get through, or leave all their crap in the aisles. Almost took a dive into a pile of their miniatures once, trying to climb over a large pile of their crap. broke off some pieces to another of their miniatures one time too... that felt great. So yeah, my hatred of the game is based solely on a small segment of their players that are rude slobs.
  • Mahu77
    Mahu77 Posts: 34
    Speaking of Warhammer, my friend just got me into that hobby. I can see that I will have to limit myself when I order new models, lol.

    Ugh, oh how I hate that game. Now I've never looked at one of their books or watched a game take place now have I ever played it. But it is probably still the most popular game at my local gaming store, and every time I go in, I want to cause violence on the fanboys hanging out there. They have a tendency to block the aisles and not move for you to get through, or leave all their crap in the aisles. Almost took a dive into a pile of their miniatures once, trying to climb over a large pile of their crap. broke off some pieces to another of their miniatures one time too... that felt great. So yeah, my hatred of the game is based solely on a small segment of their players that are rude slobs.

    LOL! I'm nowhere near that bad.
  • TimWilkinson101
    TimWilkinson101 Posts: 163 Member
    Used to be a table top gamer, but don't have a group these days and at 45, its a bit hard to ask your mates down the pub if they play D&D.

    Ah well, it was good in the day...
  • CygnusFS
    CygnusFS Posts: 3 Member
    Gosh I play a ton of Table Top RPGs. Some of the games I am involved with now are: Dungeons and Dragons 3.5 & 4.0, Pathfinder, Anime: Beyond Fantasy, Vampire: The Masquerade and Rogue Trader. I have played many additional games in the past as well including Paranoia and Palladium. I really don't have a favorite to be honest, just spending time with friends and having some laughs makes any game fun in my eyes.
  • TNoire
    TNoire Posts: 642 Member
    Castles &Crusades
    Mutants & Masterminds

    All depends we beta tested the first version of Pathfinder but after release they changed so much we dropped it

    Also have the doctor who RPG
    Sailor Moon RPG

    think some others also =)
  • i_dont_want_2_be_fat_anymore
    Used to play some D&D, but 4E is garbage. To me, they basically took your modern MMO, and moved it to your kitchen table. Not for me...

    Shadowrun 4E, Dragon Age RPG, Pathfinder, some World of Darkness, some M&M. Shadowrun is prob my favorite.

    With time restraints and most of my friends having families, it's almost easier to get together through console gaming then it is to Table game :(. But we all somehow converge at GenCon...
  • TNoire
    TNoire Posts: 642 Member
    I agree ^^^

    reason hubby & I never got 4E
  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    does Magic the Gathering count? lol
    a friend tried to get me into D&D back years ago, always thought it was too nerdy. lol
    I wouldn't mind trying it now though.
  • LordBezoar
    LordBezoar Posts: 625 Member
    Magic the Gathering -- and YES it does count!
  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    saw this on my buddys FB. lol.
    also maybe NSFW. language.
  • hadesflame
    hadesflame Posts: 95 Member
    Hubby and I alternate. One week he's gamemaster. The next it's me. We run a heroes game with some friends. It's loosely based on the Heroes Unlimited. It's lots of fun and easier to follow for someone who's never done table top. :smile:
  • Merc71
    Merc71 Posts: 412 Member
    D&D -- Dragonlance, Forgotten Realms, Council of Wyrms

    Magic: the Gathering (oh, how I miss my all-artifact deck w/ Urza's Lands!)

    Vampire: the Masquerade


    Ars Magica

    Getting the urge to DM a Forgotten Realms game again...that must mean that it's time to deploy....
  • _HeathBar_
    _HeathBar_ Posts: 902 Member
    Used to play DnD and Shadowrun with a group of friends but a couple of them moved so out group kinda disbanded :frown:

    I feel like such a super nerd when I play them but I still have a good time.