Introduce yourselves

shortjules Posts: 111 Member
Hey everybody!!! Here is the new 2012 group. Everyone take a moment to introduce yourself and let us know a little about your goals, plans, etc.

About me...I started getting very serious about my weight loss and fitness goals on Thanksgiving 2011. I started this at 204.4 on Thanksgiving Day. Since then I have lost 13lbs and over 10 inchces from my entire body. I have been doing 30DS in December and now I am mixing it up with RI30. I'm hoping to get down to 137lbs, however as I get closer to this goal I may re-evaluate. Most importantly to me is to get healthy, reduce my BF% and I really want to be toned with visible muscle.


  • ItsJustK
    ItsJustK Posts: 159 Member
    Hey everybody!!! Here is the new 2012 group. Everyone take a moment to introduce yourself and let us know a little about your goals, plans, etc.

    About me...I started getting very serious about my weight loss and fitness goals on Thanksgiving 2011. I started this at 204.4 on Thanksgiving Day. Since then I have lost 13lbs and over 10 inchces from my entire body. I have been doing 30DS in December and now I am mixing it up with RI30. I'm hoping to get down to 137lbs, however as I get closer to this goal I may re-evaluate. Most importantly to me is to get healthy, reduce my BF% and I really want to be toned with visible muscle.

    WAY TO GO! That's awesome progress in such a short amount of time. What is your height? It says "shortjules" so I guess I assumed you're short :)

    I am K! When I got married 7.5 years ago - I felt very comfortable in my skin (about 135lbs) I didn't have to fit into any wedding dress or anything because we got hitched at the courthouse hehe BUT I wasn't feeling fat. Now, all these years later I look at myself in the mirror and I wonder HOW did it happen? Well -- it occurred to me then DUH K. 2 kids, 4 deployments later... lol That's a lot of stress and weight. This summer we plan on taking our very first family vacation and I really really want to be comfortable in a bathing suit. I don't mean a bikini... I mean one of those fat sucking one pieces :) I'd be thrilled with that!!! So here I am...
    SW: 158
    CW: 156
    I'll weigh in on Mondays
    I'm 5'2"
    Short Term Goal: 11lbs by the end of February 145lbs when I see my hubby.
    And I do not have a gym membership or the access to a gym because I'm a stay at home mom with NO childcare options while my husband is deployed. I will be doing the 30DS (L1D4 completed today) and a little bit on a treadmill here and there. I need help to stay motivated and I hope to help others :)

  • shortjules
    shortjules Posts: 111 Member

    WAY TO GO! That's awesome progress in such a short amount of time. What is your height? It says "shortjules" so I guess I assumed you're short :)

    Thanks...and yes, I'm a shortie 5'2". Welcome and thanks for the introduction.
  • AmyEm3
    AmyEm3 Posts: 784 Member
    I started trying to lose weight in May 2011. I started at 180lbs and I've lost about 40lbs since then. I had lost 46lbs before going on a 2 week vacation but I'm back home now and I am up 6lbs...grrr. Gotta re-lose that 6 and then I plan to lose another 8-10 more pounds. I would like to be around 125-128lbs (5'4").

    In May I started with the 30DS and walking and then I progressed to running and added in a bunch of other JM videos. I ran a lot through the summer and fall. I'm going to be relying on the JM dvds a lot more lately b/c I live in MN and it's hard to get out running now between the lack of daylight and snow/cold/wind. I also use an indoor running track at the high school but they have very limited hours of availability.

    I'm a stay at home mom to three kids (age 8, 6, and almost 3).
  • nermal6873
    nermal6873 Posts: 344 Member
    Hello! I'm Leah. I've done 30DS in the past (over the summer 2011) but had a lot of work craziness, ended up not excercising at all for 3 months, and gained all my weight back :( I just started working out again last week, but figured I can use the extra support. I plan on doing 30DS again for 3-4 days a week, and using the eliptical on my "off" days, with one day of rest per week. I'd like to lose 10 pounds by March 3rd, since my husband and I are going on vacation for our anniversary then. Great to meet you!
  • iceqieen
    iceqieen Posts: 897 Member
    Hi, fairly new to Jillian but love her. I've done lvl 1 and 2 of 30day shredd before christmas but decided to start over since I have proper handweights now. I really like the change this is pushing on my body, my bottom feels like it halfed in size since starting <3 Before I was just doing 30 min of elliptical every day and some wii fit exercises - now I'm planning on following Jillian, and am working on c25k plus EA active on the Wii. This feels like it gives much better results - and is much more work hehe.

    My CW is 205 and GW is 165 lbs to start with. *Maybe* go down to 140ish lbs after that, but not sure. Depends on muscle I guess. I'm big boned (in honest, not just saying that as an excuse to be fat ;) ) and I've seen pics of my mom weighting lower than 140 and I feel that's too thin for our frame. We'll see :) I'm 5.5 feet "tall".
  • savvy85
    savvy85 Posts: 57 Member
    Hey Everyone!

    I set out a goal that this time round I WILL finish the 30DS. I am currently on L3D2. I started this on the 5th Dec, so It will take me till about the 10th January to complete it. I initially wanted to get it all done by Christmas, so on some days was doing it twice a day, but I had to back off as it was really doing a number on my knees and back.

    I'm 5'7" my goal is to reach 130, however, I have never been this weight in my adult life, so will re-evaluate when I start getting closer to it. I am currently at 159. I've actually maintained this weight throughout the 30DS, but I'm completely fine with that. My body has changed soooo much! (I used to be too focused on the scales and it began to eat at me, then I gave up. Not this time!) BF has gone down from 25.3% to 24.4% I know it's not much, but it made me happy :-)
  • jenuhfur
    Hi everyone! I'm Jenn, I'm 23 and married. I have a 7 year old stepdaughter, and my own little zoo lol.(2 dogs, a cat, a hedgehog and now a rabbit).

    I've become super serious about getting healthy these past couple months. We have been trying for a baby since June, and I truly believe it's from my weight. I also just found out that my cholesterol is high. So I need to get everything in check ASAP!

    I had lost 5 pounds, but just gained some over Christmas. SO my current weight is 174.5.

    I would love to do the half marathon this year if I can work it out!
  • Amy_B
    Amy_B Posts: 2,323 Member
    Hi! I have been married to Pat since June 2002. We have 3 kiddos. I lost my mom to a heart attack at the age of 47 in November 2005. That's when I decided I had to do something about my own body. I have lost 100 pounds since my oldest was born (lost 110 but got sick/lazy and put 10 back on). It took me a while, but I did have 2 more kiddos in there. :wink: My goal is to get to 140 before summer.

    I have done all of Chalene Johnson's workouts and love them, but I need something else. I've done 30DS, NMTZ, and BFBM before. I got three new dvds for Christmas, so that's what I'm going to work on during this 1-2 months.
  • shortjules
    shortjules Posts: 111 Member
    Welcome to everybody....I'm super stoked that we are already starting to get a pretty good group together to motivate and encourage one another. I haven't been doing Jillian very long, but I must say that it hasn't taken me long to get hooked. I also used to be very fixated on the scale alone. I have learned that pounds are not the only thing that matters. Overall fitness is the most important. While I have lost 12.8 pounds, it's the 14.75 inches that really have me excited.

    Build muscle.....muscle continues to burn fat, way after your workout, the more muscle you build the faster your metabolism will be.
  • mquickel
    mquickel Posts: 18 Member
    Hey everyone! My name is Megan and I am a 25 year old first grade teacher! I am engaged:love: and we are getting married in October. My family has a long history of high cholesterol and heart disease...which has been passed down to me as well. I want to get in shape because of the way it makes me feel, but also because I want to live a healthy long life.

    I began to get serious about my weight last January (2011). I started at 150 and got down to 142 by May. Over the summer I slacked and ended up gaining it all back. In October, I decided that something had to change. I began taking classes at my gym, and "watching" what I ate. I am currently down to 139 (which I havent seen in yrs....) but I am not going to stop until I reach 125-130. I feel like I am stuck right now, but I am so glad to have some motivation in getting over this plateau!!
  • shortjules
    shortjules Posts: 111 Member
    Welcome to the group. Glad to have you!
    Hey everyone! My name is Megan and I am a 25 year old first grade teacher! I am engaged:love: and we are getting married in October. My family has a long history of high cholesterol and heart disease...which has been passed down to me as well. I want to get in shape because of the way it makes me feel, but also because I want to live a healthy long life.

    I began to get serious about my weight last January (2011). I started at 150 and got down to 142 by May. Over the summer I slacked and ended up gaining it all back. In October, I decided that something had to change. I began taking classes at my gym, and "watching" what I ate. I am currently down to 139 (which I havent seen in yrs....) but I am not going to stop until I reach 125-130. I feel like I am stuck right now, but I am so glad to have some motivation in getting over this plateau!!
  • ShannanLaNae
    ShannanLaNae Posts: 434 Member
    Hi Im Shannan. I have been doing Jillian workout since October of 2011 and I love how she challenges me every step. I look forward to continue to lsoe weight and inches. Ive been onMFp since March of 2011 but got serious in October. Im so ready to shock this body and have an awesome year all while losing weight. It's all mental. If I can get up and go to work or go get my hair or nails done or go shopping I can atleast take 30mins to an hour out of my day and workout. We all owe it to ourselves to do this and be healthy. we only have one bidy and we dont get another one so lets take awesome care of the one we have right?
  • lajoyce50
    Hello Everyone,
    My name is Lisa and I am in law enforcement which is great.. I love it !!! However I will be turning 50 this year and I am not at the weight I would like to be at. I work long hours and I am trying to be very careful about not eating junk and monitoring my food and exercise. New to Jillians exercise program but looking forward to the challenges ahead. Any help/advice regarding Jillians exercise program would be appreciated. Take care and HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL !!!!
  • AmyEm3
    AmyEm3 Posts: 784 Member
    It's all mental. If I can get up and go to work or go get my hair or nails done or go shopping I can atleast take 30mins to an hour out of my day and workout. We all owe it to ourselves to do this and be healthy. we only have one bidy and we dont get another one so lets take awesome care of the one we have right?

    Well said! :)
  • xMarisaJeanx
    xMarisaJeanx Posts: 26 Member
    Hello! My name is Marisa. I am 29, mother of 3 kiddos...4, 6, and 8 years old. I also work full time at a hospital. I have lost almost 50 lbs since joining MFP in February 2010. I mostly run and do Jillian Michaels' DVD's. I have 6 more lbs to go to get to my goal weight!
  • shortjules
    shortjules Posts: 111 Member
    Again I just want to say welcome to everyone....2012 is going to be a good year. I am a firm believer in putting good thoughts out there...also in having a awesome support system.

    Let's make this an awesome group everyone. If anyone has ideas for threads feel free to add them, whether it be Jillian challenges or anything else that you feel this group needs.
  • juliep1974
    juliep1974 Posts: 222 Member
    Hi everybody, I'm Julie. I started MFP in November. I am generally an active person (I did a sprint triathlon in September and am toying with the idea of an Olympic this July - but I haven't made a commitment to stay in NJ that long so I haven't signed up yet), so for me it was initially all about counting calories. I love to eat and drink and I knew I ate enough that no amount of exercise would compensate for it.

    I got back from a trip in September and the scale said 172 (which is the heaviest I've been). I decided, it was time to do something about it and hold myself accountable for what I put into my mouth. I started 30DS because so many people were getting such good results and it was available as an instant download on Amazon for $4.99. I figured what did I have to lose? I was blown away by how great a workout it is. I don't mind cardio but strength training is another story (but I know I need to build muscle to get to my goal). SInce starting, I've definitely become more toned and feel stronger. I just bought RI30 and 6W6P so that I have some variety. I'm going to focus on RI30 but throw in some of the other workouts when I start to get bored.

    SW - 172
    CW - 160.4
    GW - 145 - I'm not super numbers oriented so this is just kind of random based on what I think I may be able to maintain comfortably. More important than the number for me is feeling fit and healthy and not jiggling all over the place : )
  • gracie_23
    Hi Everyone,

    I'm 19 years old, living and working in London which I love - but I wish I had the body of a 19 year old!
    I'm 5'7 and currently weigh 154 pounds. My aim is to get down to 135 by about April. I've never been that weight in my life! This time last year I was at 140 pounds and so much more confident but then went and spent 6 months in Uganda eating only carbs and pub a stone on! I have tons of Jillian Michael's videos and tend to rotate them depending on my mood but I'm going to try and do at least 40 minutes 6 times a week for the next month and go from there!

    I'm so grateful to have this group, it's amazing to find others who are such big fans of Jillian.
  • arwaleenah
    arwaleenah Posts: 42 Member
    Hi guys. Am 24 year old stay at home of a 4 month old girl looking to lose those dreadful preg. lbs. I hate that i still can't wear my pre-pregnancy clothes. I started Jmichaels in NOV twice and quit right before i started level 2 and in Dec i quit 3 days ago L1D5. I get bored easily but seeing that others are doing JMichaels' other workout am thinking may be i should mix it up too. Exactly 1yr from today i weighed 136lbs and 2months pregnant. Today i weigh 154lbs :( i gained the 4lbs i lost since oct. I am 5'3 and my goal is to lose those 4lbs by the end of Jan.
  • lajoyce50
    AWESOME.....hope to follow in your footsteps.