
shortjules Posts: 111 Member
You all know that each other's progress keeps both yourself and others motivated. Let's use this thread to keep each other updated on our progress.


  • shortjules
    shortjules Posts: 111 Member
    I just recently started this journey to health, but here is my progress so far.

    Beginning weight: 204.4
    Neck: 13.75
    Chest: 42.0
    Under chest: 34.0
    Waist: 45.5
    Hips: 47.0
    Right thigh: 28.0
    Left thigh: 28.5
    Right calf: 17.0
    Left calf: 16.75
    Right arm: 15.0
    Left arm: 15.0

    Weight: 191.6--- -12.8
    Neck 13.0--- -0.75
    Chest: 39.5--- -2.5
    Under chest: 33.75--- -0.25
    Waist: 41.0--- -4.5
    Hips: 45.0--- -2.0
    Right thigh: 27.25--- -0.75
    Left thigh: 27.25--- -1.25
    Right calf: 16.0--- -1.0
    Left calf: 15.75--- -1.0
    Right arm: 15.0---- 0
    Left arm: 14.25--- -0.75

    So I've had a total loss of 12.8lbs and 14.75 inches from my body.
  • nermal6873
    nermal6873 Posts: 344 Member
    Wow! Great job, shortjules! I'm just starting up again after a while, so here's my most recent starting point:

    Starting measurements (12/27/11)
    Weight: 148.5 pounds
    Waist: 33.5 inches
    Hips: 37 inches

    First "check-in" (12/31/11)
    Weight: 147.5 pounds
    Waist: 33 inches
    Hips: 37 inches

    I'm still trying to figure out if I'd rather weigh in on Fridays or Mondays...
    Oh, and I'm 5'2"
  • jenuhfur
    Okay here is my information!

    Starting measurements( 01/02/12)
    Weight: 174.5 pounds
    Waist: 40
    Hips: 43
    Neck: 15
    Chest: 44
    Thigh: 25
    Arm: 15

    My height is only 4'10.
  • shortjules
    shortjules Posts: 111 Member
    I weigh in on Fridays, I just don't want weight and measurement stress added to the stress that naturally comes with Monday.
  • Sambo004
    Sambo004 Posts: 549 Member
    My results from 2 rounds of 30DS & 1 round of Ri30 (last measurements taken 12.12.11):

    Total cm's lost = 82.5 cm
    Total weight loss = about 6 kgs

    CW = 58.1 kgs
    GW = 55 kgs
    Height = 5.4"

    Waist = 73 cm
    Hips = 88 cm
    Arms = 28 cm
    Bust = 87 cm
    Tummy = 87 cm
    R Thigh = 56.5 cm
    L Thigh = 54.5 cm
    Bum = 95.5 cm

    Created by - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • whtlatina1214
    whtlatina1214 Posts: 765 Member
    yes i do love seeing progess and success stories ...
    every time i get hungry for sweets i look @ them lol

    but anyways >>>>>>

    sw [ 150lbs ]
    cw [ 147lbs]

    i would like to lose another 5lbs @ minimum by the end of this month i really want to have a bikini body for this summer i have another tattoo i want to get and got to look good lol
  • shortjules
    shortjules Posts: 111 Member
    Don't have any weight or measurements to add right now, I'll weigh again on Friday and take measurements in a week or so, but I have been noticing a definite increase in my strength and endurance. When I first started working out a little over a month ago it's sad to say I was basically only using 2lb weights because that's all I could handle. I've been using both 2 and 5lb weights the past week and I used almost completely 5lb today and some of the exercises I felt I needed heavier weights. I guess that means I'm getting stronger (and it's time to buy more weights)