Week Two

adammccrady Posts: 99 Member
Good morning everyone... Hope those of you on a Monday schedule enjoyed your rest day yesterday... I know I did! Time to get back at it though! I had a GREAT first week! Pushed hard through all the workouts, and already feel physically better because of it. I know I've regressed from my first round of Insanity, but I feel like I'm getting it back faster... I guess we'll see.
Also doing very well with the diet! Logged every day this week, and was in under my calorie goal every day! :) Time to keep on course for good! Hopefully this is the beginning of something sustainable!

Great job to everyone pushing theirselves through this challenge! Keep digging and have fun with it this week!


  • emilysuzanne
    emilysuzanne Posts: 67 Member
    Loved week one! I lost three pounds and became way sore and then way more flexible and I'm not sore even a little bit anymore. woo! :) Also, I got a job interview for a senior position in my department today and I have a really good feeling about it! :D

  • adammccrady
    adammccrady Posts: 99 Member
    Plyo tonight... ugh!
  • balibee146
    balibee146 Posts: 127 Member
    Loving Insanity - can't believe it is middle of week 2 already. Fingers crossed for the fit test next monday!
  • cat_1977
    cat_1977 Posts: 95 Member
    Well done everyone! I started a week late so super stiff and sore today. Glad to see that week two seems to be treating you all well. Will report in when I get there.

    And never forget, in the immortal words of Shaun T - "You can Frickin' do this"!
  • balibee146
    balibee146 Posts: 127 Member
    "This **** is BA-na-nas y'all" is my fav Shaunism so far.....

  • balibee146
    balibee146 Posts: 127 Member
    i just got bleeped LOL

    **** and **** !!!!!
  • kim_mc
    kim_mc Posts: 321 Member
    A couple mroe days left of week 2....it's actually going pretty fast! I'm starting to slowly feel less winded with each workout! (Better but not great).

    Last night was a much needed cardio recovery. Now I've gotta finish out the week strong but it's always a struggle when I'm working overnights...I'll get through it though, I'm determined!

    How's everyone doing so far?
  • emilysuzanne
    emilysuzanne Posts: 67 Member
    Man I love how I can actually get through the warmups everyday this week so far without stopping for breath. And I feel so much more flexible! :D now if I can only get through those dumb basketball drills in the circuits... (the ski abs and in 'n outs are killing me!)

    Cross your fingers for the fit test on Monday!! :D
  • kim_mc
    kim_mc Posts: 321 Member
    Ahhhhh! The fit test IS on Monday already! Seems like it came up fast! Not a great day for me to do a fit test on because of my sleep schedule but I'm hoping it will be at least a little better than the first one!
  • adammccrady
    adammccrady Posts: 99 Member
    Cardio Abs yesterday... and my obliques hurt. Luckily it's REST DAY! I too strugle with Ski Abs and In/Out Abs... those are brutal. I have to stop after about four or five reps each time. Fit Test tomorrow! I can already tell I'm going to improve!!!

    Keep pushin', everyone and remember...

    Don't get your legs too wide... JOSH!