Introductions!!!! Let's get started!!!!!!!!!



  • RimRK
    RimRK Posts: 96 Member
    Hey Everyone!
    Name: Rim (Reem)
    About Myself: I am a graduate student studying Neuroscience (specifically the effects of an appetitve hormone called ghrelin on obesity & stress, so I know whats going on in you BRAIN lol). I am a gym rat, I go to the gym 6 days a week and I love being active. Like many of the members seem to struggling with, my problem is food. I love it. Healthy food mind you but lots of it (really who needs to eat 5 banana's a day I ask you?) So I need to buckle my booty down and get this done. I want to look as fit as I feel when I am done doing 300 squats in less then 10 mins;)

    Current weight: 168
    12 week goal : 150
    Ultimate weight: 130

    I have been reading everyone's posts and not just in this group but the site and I LOVE how positive everyone is! And inspirational! Keep up the good work!
    Feel free to add me as a gym motivator if you can scold me for eating too much;)

    Good Luck!!
  • Losing4sure
    Losing4sure Posts: 15 Member
    Name: Emi

    About yourself: Mother of 5 children and 1 crazy husband. I have 2 jobs and no time. I've decided that this year is my year. I've struggeled with my weight my entire life. I am now tired of watching life pass me by.

    Starting Weight: 256.6

    12 Week Goal Weight: 225
  • rxxxm
    rxxxm Posts: 3
    hi ...i am Ron.....a few years ago i lost 185 lbs took 3 years..but im putting it back on
    my present weight is 303lbs and my 12 week goal is 270
  • thisisit511
    thisisit511 Posts: 4 Member
    HI Ron,

    I know you can do it....I know the ups and downs and great for you to stop and take control!!! Let's see what each week does.!!!
  • deboraht1000
    deboraht1000 Posts: 19 Member

    I'm Deborah. Last year I joined myfitnesspal and lost about two stone since Nov I stopped coming on this site as I was to busy (a very poor excuse) now Xmas is over and I'm about 7lbs heavier I'm ready to start again but need a challenge to keep me interested so joined this group.
    I'm 42 years old and go to the gym 4 or 5 times a week where I do body conditioning for toning and building muscle and zumba for a cardio workout.
    I will be weighing/measuring myself in the morning and to start with I'd like to lose 28lb. I prefer to set mini targets rather than a massive one!

    Good luck everyone x
  • Name: Joe

    I am a 43 year old salesman. I am trying to lose a grand total of 130 pounds. I really enjoy the biggest loser show, so this sounds fun.

    Starting weight is 315

    12 week goal is to lose 25 lbs
  • jomom2
    jomom2 Posts: 429 Member
    Hi All! My name is Joanne! It looks like we have alot of positive and motivating people in this group!!

    I am 39 years old, I am a stay at home mom. I have been fighting with the scale for about 15 years now. About 3 years ago, I thought I had it all under control, but that didnt last, I ended up gaining all my weight plus some back :mad: I know we can help each there, just knowing that we all have this in common is half the battle.

    Starting weight: 281lbs.
    12 week Goal weight: 251lbs.
  • Hello, My name is Madeline. This group looks really supportive!!
    I'm in school currently. I want to wear a bikini this summer for the first time. I'm very active playing field hockey and softball but when i don't play sports I eat.... I have arthritis so I need to stay at a healthy weight otherwise my joints start acting up. I really want to be healthy and happy!

    Starting weight: 160lbs
    12 week Goal weight : 140lbs
  • tenshiblue
    tenshiblue Posts: 150 Member
    Hello everyone, my name is Angel.

    Ever since I started working night shift, I've gained at least 15lb over the past 3 years :mad: It doesn't help that I have a messed up sleep schedule and am feeling chronically fatigued. My diet has been horrible and my exercise regimen is nonexistent. I live 1 block away from a 24 hour health club, and I'm still too lazy to go exercise on a regular basis. I need to something like this to jump start my weight loss again!

    Starting Weight: 157

    12 Week Goal Weight: 140
  • Moneicalynn
    Moneicalynn Posts: 136 Member
    Name: Moneica

    About yourself: I am a stay @ home Mother of 4 children.. I am currently taking classes for Cosmetology... I have got ill about 5 yrs ago.. and havent been able to lose weight.... I used to be skinny... and one day hope to get there again...

    starting weight: 232 lbs.
    12 week goal weight: 200 Lbs
    would like to lose 32pounds
  • 00Melo00
    00Melo00 Posts: 23 Member
    Hello there, my name is Melo and I am a 37 year old mother of 3. I've been a member of MFP for about a year but I just decided today to make 2012 the year to find "me." I am 152 lbs and I am 5'2. I have struggled to keep my extra pounds off for a while but I as I get older I don't want to live unhealthy anymore. I want to influence my children and my husband to make good choices, to live a healthy life. I am borderline diabetic and my family has heart disease. I don't want that for me. I'm a bit apprehensive joining this group because I'm nervous that I'll fail...again. Oh well, let's try this. I've never joined a group before either. But I LOVE Biggest Loser and we go.
  • 00Melo00
    00Melo00 Posts: 23 Member
    Oops! I forgot to post my goal weight:
    Starting weight: 152 lbs
    12 Week Goal weight: 132 lbs.
    I would like to lose at least 20 lbs.
  • endsend511
    endsend511 Posts: 16 Member
    Hi everyone, My name is Hannah, I'm 22, and I'm a geologist. I've always been the last person on field trip and in general the only one thats been really unfit. I got my self a Gym membership and EA sport Active 2, and I had been sticking to them pretty well until Christmas, New Year and New plan and I've joined here and I'm really keen to get involved.

    Starting Weight: 254lb or 111.5kg (I'm from New Zealand so Metric is the way i measure)

    12 Week Goal Weight: 230lb or 105kg.
  • pitawingnut
    pitawingnut Posts: 8 Member
    Name: Jennie

    I'm a 36 year old mother of a two year old son. I've struggled with my weight since I was 13 years old. Last year to finally decided to take control of my health. I lost 50 lbs before I plateaued for 2.5 months and then when on a downhill skid gaining back almost 20 lbs. I'm now back on track and ready to lose another 50!

    Starting Weight: 250

    12 Week Goal Weight: 225
  • DU1111
    DU1111 Posts: 6
    HI, I'm Debra and I am hoping this group will get me started in the right direction. I am 39 yes old mother of two and I lead a sedentary life behind a desk. This is the year for change.
  • DU1111
    DU1111 Posts: 6
    HI, I'm Debra and I am hoping this group will get me started in the right direction. I am 39 yes old mother of two and I lead a sedentary life behind a desk. This is the year for change.
  • Hi! I'm Kae-la and am ready to go from fat to fit this year. I'm ready to quick watching my life from the sidelines and start living it. I am 29 and am blessed with a wonderful husband and 7 yr old son. I am ready to make a life change....not only for me, but for them too.

    I'm starting out with learning and eating correct portion sizes, saying no to sodas, and to quit my sweet snack habit.

    Starting weight: 300 pounds

    12 week goal: 25 pounds
  • allybally6
    allybally6 Posts: 142 Member

    I'm a constant dieter where I loose and gain and loose and right now I'm on the gain trying to loose once again. I'd like to keep the weight off for good actually. I can tell I'm at the most unhealthy point I've ever been and I never want to get back to this point again. I'm also newly engaged so I'd like to have my act together sooner than later.

    CW: 160

    GW: 135
  • Name: Bridget

    About Yourself: I'm a 20 year old college student attending Texas A&M. I work at Mcalister's Deli and a bakery, so it's quite a challenge to refrain from all the good and not so healthy food around me. I'm tired of making school and work my excuse for not getting into shape. 2012 is my year to shine, and I'm ready for all the hard work and determination that's going to get me there!

    Starting Weight: 145

    Goal weight: 125
  • Tigermomma66
    Tigermomma66 Posts: 90 Member
    Hi - I just joined the group. Looks like it is getting quite large - maybe we could split up into colored teams (like on the show) and do some challenges along the way??? I would be willing to help if so!

    Anyway, I am a 45yo SAHM with two teen stepdaughters (fully, 100% custodial - they never see their mom and haven't since 2008) plus my only biological child (a 5yo little girl that has all of us wrapped around her pinky!).

    My current weight is :frown: (actually wish that were a paperbag smiley) -- 254.3 pounds

    I am not sure where I want to be in 12 weeks, what would be reasonable. I am guessing 235 would be reasonable and doable. I just started doing the Biggest Loser Challenge on my Wii (moderate level so that was good!), and I am walking at a local track ever day for about 20 minutes (it's at the school where my 5yo attends, so I walk it while waiting for her to get out of school).

    Looking forward to the Challenge here!!! :happy: