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Anyone else eating fairly strict paleo/primal but

momof8munchkins Posts: 1,167 Member
still not losing weight or stuck in a long plateau?


  • mehaugen
    mehaugen Posts: 210 Member
    Me :( Although I did lose 3 inches in 2 months training for half marathon and doing the 30 day shred on alternate days. Super frustrated I cannot get rid of my belly fat. I feel like I notice it more now that I've lost a little bit of weight because the rest of me has slimmed down quite a bit and I'm not as "curvy"! Grrr! I did lower my carbs to between 50-100 last week so we'll see how this week's weigh-in turns out.
  • Bernadette_

    I've been eating strict paleo for over a year and I still find that if I don't really watch my quantities I won't lose fat. That's why I signed up here... back to weighing and measuring for me!
  • mmambs
    mmambs Posts: 7 Member
    definitely in that boat too. I realized it a few months ago and haven't been motivated enough to really get strict and hadn't found a calorie tracking site I really liked until a friend mentioned MFP to me last week. So, here I am, tracking again.
  • mehaugen
    mehaugen Posts: 210 Member
    Me :( Although I did lose 3 inches in 2 months training for half marathon and doing the 30 day shred on alternate days. Super frustrated I cannot get rid of my belly fat. I feel like I notice it more now that I've lost a little bit of weight because the rest of me has slimmed down quite a bit and I'm not as "curvy"! Grrr! I did lower my carbs to between 50-100 last week so we'll see how this week's weigh-in turns out.

    Update: It worked! Lowering my carbs to 100 max and keeping calories at 500 deficit, lost a pound this week! Although it was the pound I GAINED the week before by following some other posters' stupid advice about eating the calories I saved through the week on the weekend to result in a weekly deficit. Also, I am much more satisfied with less hunger cravings after lowering my carbs.
  • monkeydharma
    monkeydharma Posts: 599 Member
    Me :( Although I did lose 3 inches in 2 months training for half marathon and doing the 30 day shred on alternate days. Super frustrated I cannot get rid of my belly fat. I feel like I notice it more now that I've lost a little bit of weight because the rest of me has slimmed down quite a bit and I'm not as "curvy"! Grrr! I did lower my carbs to between 50-100 last week so we'll see how this week's weigh-in turns out.

    Update: It worked! Lowering my carbs to 100 max and keeping calories at 500 deficit, lost a pound this week! Although it was the pound I GAINED the week before by following some other posters' stupid advice about eating the calories I saved through the week on the weekend to result in a weekly deficit. Also, I am much more satisfied with less hunger cravings after lowering my carbs.
    Good show - you found your sweet spot. Always listen to your body.