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  • Sharonks
    Sharonks Posts: 884 Member
    Welcome Sabrina,

    You sure have a lot going on. It's great that you are exercising. 30 minutes a day is what is recommended. I know there are several people here who have multiple conditions and everyone is always great for support.
  • Sharonks
    Sharonks Posts: 884 Member
    Welcome Penny,

    This is a great supportive group. Glad you found us.
  • ncseabrze
    ncseabrze Posts: 6 Member
    HI! My name is Nicole and I live in Eastern North Carolina. I'm Mom to a 19yo son and a 15yo daughter, both of whom live with me. I've had an interesting year of ups and downs (pet death, divorce, hurricane, job change) and used all of that as an excuse to eat what I wanted and ignore my blood sugar. I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes in early 2010. I wasn't given much guidance from my doctor, but passed on to a nutritionist that I was never able to meet. So I've been floundering. I know what to avoid eating, but have trouble finding easy, inexpensive meals to make that will satisfy my kids too. About 10 days ago, I decided to regain control of my health. I began exercising regularly and began monitoring my blood sugar level. The BS numbers scared me enough that I have kept it up and am slowly seeing my morning sugar reading drop. I am not happy with my weight or my appearance, and seeing as how I am the only one that can change all that, I'm going to do just that.

    My Best Friend found out about MFP from friends of hers and she shared the site with me. We exercise together as often as we can and I have found that MFP is a great tool to use to lift each other up every day. Logging my food every day really has made me conscious of what I am(was) eating and have been super careful since I joined, and have logged everything I eat.
  • robert65ferguson
    robert65ferguson Posts: 390 Member
    Hi Nicole and welcome to this group. Your story has a familiar ring to it for many of us within the group. Acceptance of the need to do something about your condition is a good starting point, as is the realisation that no amount of support and encouragement can substitute for personal responsibility. You are therfore starting with two great motivators. Your changed circumstances and the need to be there for your children gives added impetus to your determination. The good news is that the programme works when it is applied honestly and with determination. We are all different and react differently to different foods. It really is a question of trial and error to find out the foods which best avoided. The other great news is that the people on this group are both knowledgable and supportive and those who are more experienced are willing to share their experience with those of us who are relative newbies. Take your time to look at the boards and get a feel for the site. Focus on one thing at a time and when you have gained control there , move on to the next item to be dealt with. As a busy mum I can understand your need to be able to make healthy meals. Perhaps the best piece of advice which I was given on MFP was to preplan every meal and to stick to your plan like glue, no ifs or buts. You can easily check out your favourite recipes on MFP and then work out your portion sizes accordingly. As a final word of encouragement, by choosing healthy options and appropriate portions you can live a healthy and active life. I wish you well and will certainly try to share with you the things I have been taught on this site if you think I may be able to help.
  • Sharonks
    Sharonks Posts: 884 Member
    Welcome Nicole. It is great that you are getting things under control. i think all of us have gone through times of denial or just ignoring our disease. I was diagnosed 14 years ago so I have several rounds of bad times in there. If you can get in to see a dietitian or take a diabetes class that would probably help you get ideas.

    As for what to cook that you kids will eat, it will be hard. I only have my 2 step kids at home now and since one of them and hubs don't eat a lot of veggies it is hard to cook for everyone. I usually make extra veggies for me and try to make my meat and starch as separate dishes rather than a casserole. That way, I can eat little or none of the starch but everyone else can have a normal dinner. I also like to do spaghetti. I use very little noodles but everyone else has noodles and bread. i even stretch my noodles out with some veggies like zucchini or shredded cabbage that I've boiled. I have also done tacos or enchiladas. I used the same filling but wrap it in a low carb tortilla.

    Glad you found us.
  • clogwog65
    clogwog65 Posts: 6 Member
    Hi Everyone,

    I'm 46 year old mother of 3 (2 grown up and left home). Two years ago I found out I have Type 2 Diabetes, I also have an underactive thyroid. At first I was really focused and lost 15kg but then fell off the wagon and put it all back on + some.

    I live in rural New South Wales (Australia) and work 10 hour days (at a desk). I got a nasty kidney infection last month and it scared me a lot. I was lucky enough to get to see a lady doctor for the Royal Flying Doctor Service and she must of inspired me where my elderly male doctor couldn't. I've been using MFP for about 3 weeks and I love it. Today I bought one of the WiFi pedometers that will talk to MFP and I hoping that will keep me motivated to exercise more. It's the middle of winter here at the moment so exercising takes that little bit more of will power.

    I'd love to hear from anybody that has some tasty low GI snacks to keep me on track.
  • madivp
    madivp Posts: 112 Member
    hi I am Linda, and I am 59 pushing 60 really hard. I was dignose with T2D about 10 years ago. I was just recently put on insulin. I also have an underactive thyroid, plus heart disease. I have change my way of eating plus exercise 5 times a week. Hopefuly I can loose weight and get off my insulin.
  • Sharonks
    Sharonks Posts: 884 Member
    Welcome Clogwog,
    Glad you are getting remotivated. If the weather is too yucky outside try some videos or if you have space and money get a machine like a bike, treadmill or elliptical. We have bad weather here much of the year and my roads are too narrow to make them pleasant and safe to exercise on so I have a treadmill and DVDs to keep me moving.
  • Sharonks
    Sharonks Posts: 884 Member
    Hi Linda,

    I too have some kind of thyroid issue (they always thought hypo but now they aren't sure what is going on). Between that and the T2 it takes a little extra work to get the lbs off but it can be done. You are off to a great start losing weight. Many people are able to reduce meds with weightloss but don't beat yourself up if you can't. No matter what, my meds increase about every 5 years so while I try to keep my weight down and my activity up, it doesn't reduce my meds but keep them from increasing even more.
  • mattpalese
    Hi, I'm Matt and type 2 for 5 years. Finally decided to do something about my health. Loosing lbs. and have begun an exercise program. My wife and daughters have been on me for years. Recently had all the tests and heard the same thing from all the health people, Loose weight . I am encouraged and am glad a friend gave me this web sight. It's time and I am committed.
  • madivp
    madivp Posts: 112 Member
    This is a great group and if anyone wants to add me as a friend, please do.
  • robert65ferguson
    robert65ferguson Posts: 390 Member
    Hi Matt and welcome to this group where you will find lots of encouragement and support. There are quite a few supportive people in this group who are only too willing to share their knowledge and experience with those of us who less experienced. MFP is a great programme but it must be applied honestly ie you must record EVERYTHING you eat. Take your time to look at the various boards in this and similar support groups. When you've got a feel for the site then pick one item to focus on and only move on when you feel ready. A very important lesson to learn is that you are engaged on a change of lidestyle and not a diet. It will take time and you need determination and persistence. The great news is that the system really works as can be testified by the many success stories on here. I wish you well as you start your journey and will certainly share any knowledge I have learned where you feel it may be appropriate.
  • dmgippner
    Hello everyone! I'm 39yrs old and found out about a month ago that I have type 2. Diabetes runs in my family and I was diagnosed with gestational with my 2nd pregnancy 4 1/2yrs ago. I was fine after the delivery. I recently went for a recheck and glad I did as I found out then that I was diabetic but not showing signs (ex extra thirst/urination/weight loss, etc). I was put on Metformin and another drug. My goal is to be off these or reduced with my first check up on the 4th of September. So far with my excercising daily and all the "bad" foods removed from my diet I have been testing within the normal range, sometimes even lower. My dr only wanted me to test once a day(night), but know from past experience with my gestational that sometimes my fasting was my issue, so have been doing AM and PM. Am happy with the results I'm getting. However would love to have a support group to help on those days I just want a Dr Pepper (lol). I'm a mom of 2 boys (4 1/2 and 8yrs old). I am an Inside Sales manager and work 40+hrs a week. Have started cutting down on the time of work I spend at night to help with the "stress" as I notice this makes my sugars higher on certain days. I have a husband of almost 10yrs and he's been a great support this past month. He was working on losing weight as well so now we have a competition to see who does the best. If I get down to a certain goal he's taking me shopping for some new clothes. :-) I just know this isn't a short term thing. it's a lifestyle. I have 3 great reasons to stay motivated and be here for. Their names....Alex, Ben, and Ron.
  • Ntropic1
    Ntropic1 Posts: 15
    Hello Ladies and Gentleman

    I'm Juan, proud to be 50 yrs young. Father of 2 great boys one a graduate of Univ. of Va. the other a rising junior at George Mason Univ. Wife Veronica of 26 years and Type 2 Diabetic.

    I went to war on my disease this year (2012):
    - Quit Smoking in April
    - Started 30 min walk in April
    - Added Jogging to the am routine (up to 10 min. mile)
    - Added Biking to the am routine ( 6 miles in 30 mins.)

    Since declaring war: A1C went from 11.3 to 7.1
    Got Cholesterol under 200
    Blood pressure from 166/100 to 135/80
    Made dietary changes
    Happy as a Pig in Slop!

    I am continuing my fight and sharing and gaining knowledge with good people like yourselves. If you win more battles then losing our quality of life greatly improves...I'm a witness.

    Juan McCall
  • Sharonks
    Sharonks Posts: 884 Member
    Hi Matt, you will find a lot of support here. The diary makes it so much easier to figure out what you are eating and how it is affecting you. Just keep logging and testing and I'm sure you can figure out what your body needs.
  • Sharonks
    Sharonks Posts: 884 Member
    Welcome dmgippner. Glad you found us and there is great support here. I also had gestational which is why I was getting tested every year. I was diagnosed at 34 before I had symptoms since I was being watched. Despite that, I still had some eye deterioration but that cleared up after a few years on metformin. Stress can be really bad for BG so I'm glad you are working on reducing yours. It is great your hubs is so supportive.
  • Sharonks
    Sharonks Posts: 884 Member
    Welcome Juan. You are doing great! While I'm not thrilled I'm T2 it does make me pay attention to my health and do things I otherwise might not do. At the age of 46 I started running and up until I had to take time off for my hip injury I was running 5 miles about 4 times a week. That is something I never thought I would do again. Keep up the great work.
  • mattpalese
    Thank you for your kind words and encouragement. You are so correct about a "change of lifestyle". I find it amazing that this new meal plan and scheduled exercise has given me so much more energy. I am finding allot more to do around the house on top of my exercise routine. I don't watch as much tv as I used to. Thank God !!!
  • BigG59
    BigG59 Posts: 396 Member
    Not been officially diagnosed yet, but, had a "well man" check up. Hb1ac was very high at 9.1 (81). Currently waiting on the starvation glucose test to come back. Next appointment with Dr in ten days.

    Surprisingly my cholesterol was OK and blood pressure was 130/87 not great, could be better, not as bad as I thought it might be.

    So started eating a lot more healthily three weeks ago, lost 7lbs already. Also been working out for past two weeks, mainly cardio with some strength exercises. Hopefully by time of next appointment I will have better results on blood pressure.

    Hoping I can control things with a healthier diet and exercise.
  • Sharonks
    Sharonks Posts: 884 Member
    Welcome BigG59. You are off to a good start. With a 9.1 A1C I'm pretty sure your glucose test will come back high also. Yuck, I hate those nasty drinks. It is good that your dr. is being thorough. Many drs. no longer use that test although it is much more accurate, just more expensive.

    This is a great place for support and ideas. Glad you found us.