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  • suttercm
    suttercm Posts: 189 Member
    You can adjust the carb/protein/fat levels in your program. I have my set at 40% carbs, 30% protein, and 30% fat. I try to keep my carbs under 100 g per day.
  • Hello, I live in Michigan. I've been a type two for five years and have it under control most days. My A1c is 6.5 and goes down often. It's difficult losing weight as a diabetic but this plan is a great help. I hope to lose a few pounds and get lower numbers every week, or at least steady ones.
  • rakeshberi
    rakeshberi Posts: 33 Member
    Hi All,

    Great group we have here.
    I started this year with the challenge to get of the meds and diet control my type 2 diabetes.
    So far I have lost 15 lbs and go to the gym 4 times a week with a PT session as one of my visits.
    I downloaded Myfitnesspal a year ago and promptly forgot about it. Whilst searching for a calorie counting app I realised I had the perfect app already.
    I love being back in control and have had to halve my medication as I kept on going too low (yippee!) so I know I am on the right track.
    It is really great reading from like minded people and this really helps keep me motivated.
    Feel free to add me as a friend as I believe more the merrier.
  • Hello everyone,
    I was diagnosed with Type II in Oct 2011. It runs in my family and I had gestational diabetes with my 2nd child. I have lost 14 pounds so far with just cutting carbs but feel I need to eat better and to really see what I eat. I'm happy there is a support group, and I look forward to getting healthy and making new friends along the way!

  • joied
    joied Posts: 68 Member
    Hi all, type 2 diabetes runs in my family but I didn't help things by also putting on weight with each child I had (I have 3 gorgeous children - 13 yo girl, 16 yo girl and 18 yo boy). Losing the weight has been hard but MFP has been a real help, especially the friends I have through it. Since changing my diabetes medication late in 2011, I've lost a bit of weight but there's still plenty to lose. I'm looking forward to supporting anyone who needs it in this group - friend requests are welcome.

    BTW, I live in Sydney, Australia so our seasons will be the opposite of what Americans will be experiencing right now. 1 March marks the official start of autumn, my favourite season.
  • mahutch1
    mahutch1 Posts: 37 Member
    Hello. I was diagnosed with type 2 in July 2011. My A1c is 6.2. I take metformin once a day. Since then I have lost 25lbs by watching carbs. I test 3 times a day because I don't think testing 1x or 2x a day is enough to get a full picture. Still trying to get my morning numbers under control. Can't seem to get them below 125 for more than a day or two. MFP came just at the right time. I was really wanting to see what calories, carbs, etc.. I was consuming in a day. Needless to say, I thought I was doing well. Just looking for someone or someones to sound off to when needed instead of unloading it on my husband all of the time. Thanks.
  • mahutch1
    mahutch1 Posts: 37 Member
    Where do you go to adjust those settings? I've wondered how the numbers they give you can be accurate if you have a medical problem like diabetes.
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member

    to change your goals on MFP

    ~ go to settings
    ~ there you can change the nutrients you want to track.
    ~ go to goals
    ~ go to change goals
    ~ click "custom"
    ~ there you can change the amounts of the nutrients you want to track. (you can only do %, but you can get close to where you want it)

    hope this helps
  • bigbeardiver
    bigbeardiver Posts: 154 Member
    I agree. Going through a nutritionist I was always frustrated by glycemic index and what a food SHOULD do to me. The fact is the index is the same everyone's metabolism is different. Each of us process protein, carbs and fats differently. I wish there was away to test every hour on the hour. If i record exactly what I put in my body and when and match that against an hourly reading, I would learn so much more about my body and how it processes food. At one point I was poking myself 10 times a day to try to measure the effects of food, not only is it expensive it also got painful. I would love a pump or installed device that just monitored it and recorded it for me. I know there was research being done to do such a thing but not sure it got very far.

    Hello. I was diagnosed with type 2 in July 2011. My A1c is 6.2. I take metformin once a day. Since then I have lost 25lbs by watching carbs. I test 3 times a day because I don't think testing 1x or 2x a day is enough to get a full picture. Still trying to get my morning numbers under control. Can't seem to get them below 125 for more than a day or two. MFP came just at the right time. I was really wanting to see what calories, carbs, etc.. I was consuming in a day. Needless to say, I thought I was doing well. Just looking for someone or someones to sound off to when needed instead of unloading it on my husband all of the time. Thanks.
  • bigbeardiver
    bigbeardiver Posts: 154 Member
    Hi All,

    Great group we have here.
    I started this year with the challenge to get of the meds and diet control my type 2 diabetes.
    So far I have lost 15 lbs and go to the gym 4 times a week with a PT session as one of my visits.
    I downloaded Myfitnesspal a year ago and promptly forgot about it. Whilst searching for a calorie counting app I realised I had the perfect app already.
    I love being back in control and have had to halve my medication as I kept on going too low (yippee!) so I know I am on the right track.
    It is really great reading from like minded people and this really helps keep me motivated.
    Feel free to add me as a friend as I believe more the merrier.

    It is always important to monitor even closer as you start a new exercise program. Without meds I averaged 240's, with meds I averaged 120's, then I started to exercise and averaged 70's and found myself dizzy and blacking out during workouts. I stopped the meds and 3 weeks later I'm back to averages of 110's with exercise and no meds. I know as long as I keep it up and monitor I should be find. I'll find out when I go to the Dr. today!
  • Kimmerne
    Kimmerne Posts: 6 Member
    Hi, I have type 2 diabetes, I take metforman and Victoza, I was 199 lbs when i decided i wasn't going over 200. I have been trying to loss eight for yrs. I am from a small town, I have 2 grown children and 4 grandchildren
  • newmein2013
    newmein2013 Posts: 674 Member
    Hi everyone, I'm Lisa and I was diagnosed with T2D 10 years ago. Fortunately, I haven't had any complications other than catching a cold (that seems to last forever) when my body is run down. I started taking vitamins a couple of years ago and this has helped tremendously. Now that I'm exercising and eating right, it's even better. I'm actually excited to get my bloodwork done at the end of the month. I'm hoping to see a significant improvement in my numbers. Great to meet you all. Feel free to add me.
  • Hi everyone my name is Chris. I was diagnosed with T2D this past Friday. It is a major shock to my system and i am bound and determined to get this under control. I drive truck so I am dedicated to keeping off insulin. I have 2 kids (13-b, 9-b, and 1.5-g). I am taking so much in it is scrambling my brain lol. it is good to see a group to read thru and learn some tricks to help me.
  • PurpleMoonGoddess
    PurpleMoonGoddess Posts: 1 Member
    Hi, I'm Kelli. I don't think I was ever "officially" diagnosed (my doc knows I wouldn't take it very well), but I guess deep down, I know I'm Diabetic... there, I said it... LOL

    Quick info - I'm 38, will be 39 in May. Happily married and we have a wonderful 3 year old (will be 4 in May) rambunctious little boy (I shouldn't say little - he's very tall, but skinny like his Dad). We live about an hour or so north of Dallas, TX. I love music, movies, computers, and making jewelry.

    My doc had been after me for several years about my sugars. At that time, they were running borderline/pre-diabetic. When I got pregnant, which I had been advised against because of several health issues (we had an oops moment, but we are extremely blessed because everything ended up okay - ie. everyone lived... lol), my sugars went into gestational diabetes. I had several complications and got yanked in 6 weeks early, with the baby being taken at 5 1/2 weeks. My sugars kept getting higher and higher and they kept having to give me more and more insulin. After the lil man was born, everything seemed to go back to normal... although I was warned that it had a good chance of going into Diabetes.

    Well, I love food. I eat for comfort... I don't eat for survival... I eat for the tastes and the textures... And that leads to over eating. I also don't eat on a regular schedule. When I'm at home, which right now I'm unemployed, I don't do very much of anything on any kind of schedule - I like to be free to do whatever, whenever I want... LOL

    Over the past couple of years, my sugars have gotten really bad, I think the ac1 was around a 8 or 9 something last time... And I keep blowing a 400 when they test... my sugars in the morning are in the 240-260 range. She put me on 500mg Metformin twice a day, but told me if they go above 300, I can take a 3rd pill for that day. She also has me on Lisinopril for my kidneys? and I think blood pressure.

    I absolutely HATE taking pills... even vitamins... it's a phobia... I watched my Mom die from prescription medicines interacting with each other and basically eating her alive... so, I just have a thing about taking pills of any sort... Which means I frequently forget to take them. I do have two pill containers, one for morning and one for night that I try to keep stocked. I've actually been doing okay the last few weeks, although, there were a couple days that I didn't take my meds...

    I joined MFP with a bunch of friends from a beading group. It's helping keep me accountable and is actually making me exercise more. Now, I've just started, so, I really don't know how long it will last. I do know I need to get a handle on this and lose the weight so that I can get off the meds and be healthy and lively and around for my family, my son especially. I had some basic classes while I was pregnant, but that was a long time ago and I didn't really listen... LOL So, I thought it would be a good idea to join this group and soak up all the suggestions and advice I can get. I can't guarantee that any of it will stick, but I will try. =)

    Edit: Oh, and I have 60 lbs. to lose to satisfy my doc, 80 to satisfy ME! =)
  • bigbeardiver
    bigbeardiver Posts: 154 Member
    Welcome to all the new peoples!
  • SherryRH
    SherryRH Posts: 810 Member
    Hi everyone, my name is Sherry and I was just diagnosed as diabetic. (I feel like this is my intro into a 12 step program. LOL)

    I just found out on March 1st that I was diabetic. I was completely stunned but I guess I shouldn't have been. My mom, dad and uncle all have it and I had gestational diabetes when I was pregnant with both kids. I guess I wasn't expecting the diagnosis so soon after my 42nd birthday.

    I haven't started my classes yet nor am I monitoring my glucose levels. My doctor told me to reduce my refined sugars and exercise more. I am hoping to learn a lot from my classes and from others who have real advice to give. I know too many people who have diabetes and but don't follow any instructions, don't exercise or eat right, inject insulin and want to give out advice on how others what they should do when they aren't doing it right. (sorry mini rant).
  • hwcoxjr
    hwcoxjr Posts: 11
    Hi everyone, I'm Chip. My Dr has just told me I either have type 2 or am pre-diabetic. My BG numbers are good, but my A1C numbers are over the limit. So he has me testing my BG levels regularly. Call me a geek but I enjoy watching what I eat and how they impact my BG levels. And it's also an added benefit that it's helped me drop a good bit of weight. My BG average now is back down under 100 and when it spikes up, I pretty much know what I did to cause it. But what good is life it you can't sin every once in a while. Hey, I'm Catholic, I can ask for forgiveness before I eat.
  • HealthyLivingKathy
    HealthyLivingKathy Posts: 190 Member
    Hi, I'm Kathy a 62 YO granny with type 2 diabetes. I live with my daughter, SIL and 8 yo grandson. I have started to control my sugar without meds (with dr approval of course). The meds seems to give me permission to eat things I know I shouldn't because my A1C is always under 7.

    I had a heart transplant 12/31/09 and want to get healthy to extend the life of this precious gift that I received and to honor my donor. I need to lose at least 75 pounds, dr would say 100.:cry: I have lost 100 pounds 3 times in my life and have not been able to maintain the loss for more than a couple of years. That is my biggest fear, that I will gain it back which is worse on my heart than staying where I am.

    I look forward to getting to know y'all. :happy:
  • Bevigal
    Bevigal Posts: 66 Member
    Hi, I am Bev and I live just outside Huntsville, Al (The Rocket City). Have been a type2 diabetic for about 9 yrs now and I must say its been a real challenge for me. I have lost 113 lbs so far but have been at a standstill for several months now. I joined MFP to help me stay motivated and to find out what, if anything, that I may be doing wrong. I never have counted calories before. My doctor told me to train myself to eat smaller portions...."get some foam bowls," he said. So I did that. Yes, I have lost a lot of weight but I need to learn to eat what is better for me. Hope you guys can give me some good pointers. I have a daughter and 2 grandchildren ages 16 and 13, Never a dull moment around here.
  • Bevigal
    Bevigal Posts: 66 Member
    Know how you feel ! My beloved cousin Barbara was like that. She would eat a half gallon of icecream and take insulin to balance it...or so she thought. She passed away from diabetes and its complications. I encourage you to learn everything you can and please don't be frightened. Its not the end of the world. Whats great about MFP ...you can track your sugar and carbohydrate grams and it helps you to see where you are. I wish you best of luck.