


  • Pipjayne
    Pipjayne Posts: 2 Member
    Hi everyone

    so i'm a bit of a late starter but thought i should introduce myself anyway (i started the challenge on time, it's just that i only started up with myfitnesspal a few days ago). I'm in London Rollergirls Rec League, i haven't bouted yet but my first one is coming up on 25th feb so that's even more motivation. I started skating in April 2011 after going to a few roller derby bouts and deciding it looked way too fun not to get in on that action.

    i don't have a particular goal in mind with the challenge, just to get better (especially at jamming) and hopefully form some better habits in terms of working out and eating better. also my hubby has just recovered from a 2 year disability and is looking to get started in men's roller derby so i am hoping to drag him into the challenge as well. I don't have a derby name yet as LRG doesn't let us apply for one until we've been in the rec league for 6 months, i come up with them all the time while i'm bored on the tube but i try not to get too attached to any one in particular as i know it might be gone before i get it.

    i love the derby community and i look forward to getting to know all you lovely ladies as we struggle through this challenge together!