Obesity and NROL4W



  • KareninCanada
    KareninCanada Posts: 826 Member
    I have about 60 lb to lose... 5'2" and 192 lb right now ... I'm following their calorie plan based on the fat loss option (300 calorie deficit) and am losing consistently. Inches are dropping faster than pounds, which tells me I'm burning fat and keeping/building muscle. :o)

    Hubby actually commented today that there was a noticeable difference and could feel muscle where he couldn't before... I've noticed a HUGE change in my back!
  • mightyafrodyte
    mightyafrodyte Posts: 148 Member
    So my question is for the ladies that have had success with the program... Are you following it to the letter, or are you changing up your calories?

    On the workout days, based on the formula that they use to figure calories, I am supposed to eat 2800 cals. I'm a big girl, but I can't eat all of that!
  • KareninCanada
    KareninCanada Posts: 826 Member
    Currently 1832 on a non-workout day, 2116 on a workout day. That's based on the book's 300-calorie deficit plan.
  • Snapplejac
    Snapplejac Posts: 65 Member
    I've got a bit of weight to loose too - I think I'm just going to get through the programme and see how I look and feel and worry about it then. One thing at a time. Good to hear there are other girls with the same worry!
  • mightyafrodyte
    mightyafrodyte Posts: 148 Member
    Currently 1832 on a non-workout day, 2116 on a workout day. That's based on the book's 300-calorie deficit plan.

    I think that I will just start out with the 300/cal deficit. I mean if it doesn't work then I can increase my calorie intake some more. I think that will be good.
  • NthnButMoonshine
    NthnButMoonshine Posts: 125 Member
    Finally a thread I can relate to! I am 5'4" and I started my journey at 230 lbs. Ive lost 54lbs in the last 8 months via diet and exercise. Im ready for some re sculpting, but not if it means Im wont going keep losing weight. The number on the scale is STILL important to me as I am still considered obese and to me that might as well be a 4 letter word. After 2 children (most recent was 10 months ago) my midsection is a trainwreck and no amount of cardio or sit ups is making any sort of difference. My face, neck, arms and legs have all thinned out beautifully. My midsection...I look like Im still 5 months pregnant. Its a cruel, cruel joke after all the hard work Ive done. I heard about this program and thought it might help melt the fat off all that mess, but was extremely hesitant because I still have so much weight left to lose and I sure as hell couldnt bare to see that number on the scale come to a screeching halt or worse, increase. This thread gives me some hope though.

    Thanks for the blog link, Lozze! Ill be looking forward to giving it a read.
  • JaySpice
    JaySpice Posts: 326 Member
    I am obese and have started. I'm not sure what the result will be but I'll update you.
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    i'm done stage 1...and i haven't lost any weight, but I've lost about 8 inches all together. To me that's pretty exciting. My fiance also commented on how my butt is lifting lol so that's an NSV for sure. I still have 50lbs to lose, but i bet it's going to start melting off
  • crystal8208
    crystal8208 Posts: 284 Member
    I started at 230 pounds as well. 5'7 tall. I lost 10 pounds in the first month (before NROLFW) then stalled. Got down 3-4 more pounds in the last 3 months. And now I just keep bouncing around the same 2 pounds. So I got this book to help restart my loss. 219 currently and did workout 1A last night. I hope to lose inches AND weight. I'm doing 1800 calories in MFP and eating back the exercise calories. So we'll see.
  • lunchgirlie
    lunchgirlie Posts: 114 Member
    I started at 230 pounds as well. 5'7 tall. I lost 10 pounds in the first month (before NROLFW) then stalled. Got down 3-4 more pounds in the last 3 months. And now I just keep bouncing around the same 2 pounds. So I got this book to help restart my loss. 219 currently and did workout 1A last night. I hope to lose inches AND weight. I'm doing 1800 calories in MFP and eating back the exercise calories. So we'll see.

    You sound a bit like me, I'm 5'7" I started at 240 lbs and I'm currently 212 lbs, hoping to lose some weight and gain strength if nothing else. I have another 20 lbs to lose before I'm no longer obese, so I'm hoping this will help. I did workout A1 on Monday and I'm planning on doing 3 workouts a week and to continue to do C25k on Sundays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays. (I really want to be able to run for longer than a few minutes without dying) I'm trying to net 1700 calories on MFP. I will keep you all updated!
  • flea
    flea Posts: 56 Member
    YAY I'm so glad I found this group and this thread.

    I have about 15kgs to lose. My weightloss has been non existent prior to this (lots of cardio and a low calorie diet). Since the beginning of this year I've been increasing my calories and I feel much better (and my hair isn't falling out now). I have a BMF so I know what I'm burning day to day (and it's far more than I thought it would be) so from now until the end of stage 1 I've decided to eat at the maintenance calories that my BMF gives me - I have about 3 weeks left of stage 1. Then I'll drop my calories to a smaller deficit (about 250 cals a day). I'm hoping this works as nothing else has been.

    I'm not new to lifting, a few years ago I was lifting heavy and looking back I realise how good I looked (couldn't see it at the time). I had an injury and started studying and the weight piled on (probably because I tried hard to cut my calories right back and lived on caffeine to cope with the late night studying).

    So I'm hoping hoping hoping that I get somewhere with this programme. I'm doing it at home (lucky enough to have a good gym set up from my past weight lifting) and giving up my gym membership. My Hubby is doing NROL too so it's good to have someone to help me out and encourage me. He's a couple of months ahead though but I can see how it's changing him :).

    Wow that was lots of rambling from me ;)
  • rchupka87
    rchupka87 Posts: 543 Member
    I am SO happy I have finally found this thread. I was trying to find some success stories/progress pictures to inspire myself. I am considered "obese" too (I LOATHE that word.). I am 5'10, 216 pounds. I have been doing NROLFW for several weeks now. I was out with a kidney stone all last week. With my down time, I decided to sit down and really READ the book, and realized I had been doing the workouts wrong (I wasn't alternating the sets....) Between that, and taking last week off, I decided to start from the begininng today. I would like to get somewhere between 150-160, but I am more concerned with how I feel in my own skin more than the acutal number. Feel free to add me - just drop me a line to let me know you're from this group... :)
  • jamiesadler
    jamiesadler Posts: 634 Member
    I posted in the intro forum and am currently waiting for the paperback version of the book to turn up (I have it on my iphone currently), so that I can get started properly. All the pictures and I've seen so far of people's before and after pictures are people that were slim and relatively fit already. I am neither of those things. I am 5ft 1 and 167 lbs which puts me in the lower end of the obese category.

    Has anyone done this programme that started off as obese? How did you cope? Any advice?

    ooo ooo me me!!

    I am in stage one. Not only am I obese, but I am also a beginner. Just start where you are. Building lean body mass will only help us lose weight faster!

    I find the program just the right balance of challenging. It is exciting and I am already seeing a difference in my ability to perform the exercises.

    Feel free toPM me if you have more questions.

    This ! I just finished stage 1
  • NancyNiles
    NancyNiles Posts: 145 Member
    Me, too! I'm starting the program at 267 lbs (5-foot-6). Not sure I can do all the stuff in there. I can't begin to guess how I'd do a prone jackknife with my lumpy *kitten* falling all over the place, but I can do most of it and worse case scenario, I can go back and do it again after I've lost some more weight. I hope!
  • firstnamekaren
    firstnamekaren Posts: 274 Member
    I'm the second week of stage one and I wonder if I'm not eating enough calories. According to the book I'm definitely not, my MFP is set at 1500. I think I should be some 500 calories higher. I saw a thread a while back with the formula in it, but I couldn't find it again. Could someone post it?

    I'm nervous about raising my calorie level, it was rough enough upping from 1200 to 1500 BEFORE NROL4W and now I have to go up even more...? Yikes.
  • rchupka87
    rchupka87 Posts: 543 Member
    I'm the second week of stage one and I wonder if I'm not eating enough calories. According to the book I'm definitely not, my MFP is set at 1500. I think I should be some 500 calories higher. I saw a thread a while back with the formula in it, but I couldn't find it again. Could someone post it?

    I'm nervous about raising my calorie level, it was rough enough upping from 1200 to 1500 BEFORE NROL4W and now I have to go up even more...? Yikes.

    Well - there are two ways to calculate your calories - either the NROLFW way, or based off of your TDEE...

    The NROLFW way is as follows:
    New Rules of Lifting for Women suggests using these guidelines for calculating how many calories to eat each day:

    Step 1: Find your weight in Kilograms
    Take your weight and divide it by 2.2 = your weight in kilograms.
    For example, I weigh 216 lbs, so in kilograms I weigh 98.18kg

    Step 2: Calculate your Resting Metabolic Rate
    Multiply your weight in kilograms by 7.18
    (MY example:) 98.18*7.18 = 704.93

    Now add 795
    795+704.93 = 1499.93
    We'll call that number X

    Step 3: Calculate your BMI
    Use this chart: http://www.nhlbi.nih.gov/guidelines/obesity/bmi_tbl.pdf
    For example, I am 70 inches and 216 lbs, so I am about a 31 BMI.


    If your BMI is 18-24.9:
    Multiply X by:
    On non-workout days: 1.6
    On workout days: 1.8

    If your BMI is >25
    Multiply X by:
    On non-workout days: 1.5
    On workout days: 1.7

    So for me, I'll do
    Non-workout days: X = 1499.93 x 1.5 = 2249.89
    Workout days: X = 1499.93 x 1.7 = 2549.88

    Now, the book says that if you are also trying to lose lbs, you can subtract up to 300 cals from both days.
    So I can eat NO LESS THAN a NET calorie count of 1950 calories, or 2250 if I worked out that day.

    For the TDEE way:

    visit http://www.fat2fitradio.com/tools/
    Do the Military Body Fat Calc first, then the BMR tool.
    The Military BF calc is accurate up to about 2%.
    The BMR tool will give EXACT calories to eat on a daily basis.
    This number is static and I only recommend eating back so your NET is at least 200 above BMR.
    Add 20% to suggested calories to know your TDEE.
    Use the Katch McGardle BMR number to know your BMR.
    Never eat at or below BMR.
    For Fat loss plans set up macros at 30% Protein/Fat.
    This % is only because MFP wont allow single %.

    So again, using my numbers....

    Lean Body Mass = 109.6
    Fat Body Mass = 106.4 pounds of FAT ON MY BODY!!! EWWWWW
    BF% = 49.3% again, EW
    BMR = 1450
    Number of Calories suggested to eat = 2393
    TDEE = 2761
    TDEE - 20% is 2199

    Hope this helps.... Let me know if you have any questions!!!
  • rchupka87
    rchupka87 Posts: 543 Member
    Thread killer. Right here.
  • firstnamekaren
    firstnamekaren Posts: 274 Member
    WOW THANKS! Geez 1775 on non-workout days seems like so much......

    Has anyone used these elevated numbers while on the program and seen a loss? This is probably a question that's better for the folks beyond Stage 1, yeah?
  • flea
    flea Posts: 56 Member
    WOW THANKS! Geez 1775 on non-workout days seems like so much......

    Has anyone used these elevated numbers while on the program and seen a loss? This is probably a question that's better for the folks beyond Stage 1, yeah?

    I'm using a BMF and I'm consistently burning around 2300-2600 cals a day so I can see that whilst 1775 seems alot it probably isn't if you truely calculate your activity (I have cut back on my cardio and only do housework, chase kids etc - I always considered myself sedentary and I know now that I'm not- I'm 5ft5 and currently 80kgs). I'm trying to eat at maintenance according to BMF until the end of stage 1 so that my body has had a complete break from dieting and hopefully be in a better nutritional place when I start stage 2.

    Also in the calculations I think for the over 25 BMI there is already a deficit built in (that's how I read it by having the lower multiplier than those with an under 25 BMI).

    How this relates to NROLFW - they have me at 2030 for non workout days and 2350 for workout days which if I look back at my BMF data shows a deficit of around 250 a day (or 1/2 lb loss a week) already without taking into account the 300 calories you can take off (I thought it said you can take that off if you are close to your goal but maybe I just invented that haha).
  • k0nfyo0zed
    k0nfyo0zed Posts: 313 Member
    Hey folks :)

    I just joined yesterday (posted in the intro thread) and this seems like a thread that I can relate to. I seem to be bigger than everyone here though, at 5'9 - 270ish (haven't weighed in a month, literally threw away my scale - it was broken, and I just got a new one). I plan to use my new scale as a new start weight, not a sign of gain or loss, since the old scale was broken. Decided to give myself a month to let my body adjust to not starving it anymore.

    I will be starting soon, and the only thing I don't have access too is a 'step' for the step ups... any ideas for alternate exercises?