

  • LeighAnnaMS
    Is the zumba on the wii good I have done the zumba dvds that I love but I wasn't sure how much i would like one on wii
    I will be getting the game this weekend:happy:

    I tried it for the first time yesterday.. its pretty good! It has an energy meter which gives you points so its fun to push yourself harder with it and it counts down and gives you breaks for water! :) I like it. I got "Zumba Pro" level last night... If you can try to rent it from a video store before purchasing it!! OR if you have an eb games try to get it used!
  • jomom2
    jomom2 Posts: 429 Member
    I know its only Thursday, but are you guys ready for the weekend? Do you workout on the weekends? The weekends are very difficult for me, because my husband and the girls are home, so we end up eating something bad for us. I am going to do my best and continue what I am doing. I would love to exercise all 7 days, make Saturday and Sunday an activity the whole family can do. But I think the key is planning my weekend out, so there are no bumps in my road, especially with weigh ins being Tuesdays.
  • gbloom182
    gbloom182 Posts: 75 Member
    I know its only Thursday, but are you guys ready for the weekend? Do you workout on the weekends? The weekends are very difficult for me, because my husband and the girls are home, so we end up eating something bad for us. I am going to do my best and continue what I am doing. I would love to exercise all 7 days, make Saturday and Sunday an activity the whole family can do. But I think the key is planning my weekend out, so there are no bumps in my road, especially with weigh ins being Tuesdays.

    I like this idea of planning the weekend out. It's always a free for all on the weekends. Chinese take-out is my downfall....
  • marulop14
    marulop14 Posts: 75 Member
    I know its only Thursday, but are you guys ready for the weekend? Do you workout on the weekends? The weekends are very difficult for me, because my husband and the girls are home, so we end up eating something bad for us. I am going to do my best and continue what I am doing. I would love to exercise all 7 days, make Saturday and Sunday an activity the whole family can do. But I think the key is planning my weekend out, so there are no bumps in my road, especially with weigh ins being Tuesdays.

    I like this idea of planning the weekend out. It's always a free for all on the weekends. Chinese take-out is my downfall....
  • marulop14
    marulop14 Posts: 75 Member
    I know its only Thursday, but are you guys ready for the weekend? Do you workout on the weekends? The weekends are very difficult for me, because my husband and the girls are home, so we end up eating something bad for us. I am going to do my best and continue what I am doing. I would love to exercise all 7 days, make Saturday and Sunday an activity the whole family can do. But I think the key is planning my weekend out, so there are no bumps in my road, especially with weigh ins being Tuesdays.

    I like this idea of planning the weekend out. It's always a free for all on the weekends. Chinese take-out is my downfall....

    Sorry about that... ^ didn't know how to do it...anyways... When I fall for the Chinese take out I order the happy family which is mixed vegetables.... It's way better than eating the lo mein or the fried rice!
  • marulop14
    marulop14 Posts: 75 Member
    Btw I do try to fit in at least 30 min of excercise.... I do it at home.
  • Hwardle
    Hwardle Posts: 233 Member
    Are you guys taking your before pictures?

    I have a pic probably a week before the 1st i only lost 3 pounds so not much of difference, but yea I definitely have plenty of befores
  • Hwardle
    Hwardle Posts: 233 Member
    I know its only Thursday, but are you guys ready for the weekend? Do you workout on the weekends? The weekends are very difficult for me, because my husband and the girls are home, so we end up eating something bad for us. I am going to do my best and continue what I am doing. I would love to exercise all 7 days, make Saturday and Sunday an activity the whole family can do. But I think the key is planning my weekend out, so there are no bumps in my road, especially with weigh ins being Tuesdays.

    I usually do ok on the weekends i eat the same way I mean. I never eat out so I don't too much( I live too far from anything to eat out haha) So I tend to take the weekends off, but if I do really bad during the day I exercise to make up for it.
  • gbloom182
    gbloom182 Posts: 75 Member
    I know its only Thursday, but are you guys ready for the weekend? Do you workout on the weekends? The weekends are very difficult for me, because my husband and the girls are home, so we end up eating something bad for us. I am going to do my best and continue what I am doing. I would love to exercise all 7 days, make Saturday and Sunday an activity the whole family can do. But I think the key is planning my weekend out, so there are no bumps in my road, especially with weigh ins being Tuesdays.

    I like this idea of planning the weekend out. It's always a free for all on the weekends. Chinese take-out is my downfall....

    Sorry about that... ^ didn't know how to do it...anyways... When I fall for the Chinese take out I order the happy family which is mixed vegetables.... It's way better than eating the lo mein or the fried rice!

    Oh yeah that's how I work too. My wife an I share a plate of chicken & Broccoli with brown rice and steamed dumplings for a side. It usually does the trick. :)
  • Raspberrydelight
    Raspberrydelight Posts: 29 Member
    HI Black team....just checking in.....I am not really a regular I am going to try and do better with that....So I have stuck to my workouts and added 10 mins to my cardio....minus yesterday as it was just pilates.....I am also doing the water challenge and usually get in 9 glasses...which is three of my new pink water bottle my hubby got me for x-mas! I had an AWESOME run over due. This weekend I am off for a girls weekend away...I will not be logging my calories...but luckily my girls are really healthy and fitness orientated so hopefully it won't be too bad....we are planning some ice skating, snow shoeing and hopefully a few long walks.....lots of hot tubing and gossip as well (why can't those burn calories). Anyways Happy Thursday to everyone :)
  • marulop14
    marulop14 Posts: 75 Member
    Good night team mates!!! Try sleeping well to give our body enough energy for tomorrow's exercises! Keep up the good work!
  • jomom2
    jomom2 Posts: 429 Member
    Good night team mates!!! Try sleeping well to give our body enough energy for tomorrow's exercises! Keep up the good work!
    Great job! You did awesome yesterday!!! Keep it up!
  • jomom2
    jomom2 Posts: 429 Member
    GOOD MORNING BLACK TEAM!!! So proud to be your captain, I can see you guys are working hard. That inspires me to work hard too!

    Lets cheer for our teammate GEOFF aka GBLOOM182 who is running a 5k marathon this weekend!! GOOD LUCK!!!

    I am off to take my girls to school, then for a walk. BTW I drank 9 glasses of water yesterday!!! I am hoping for 10 today!

    Lets keep up the amazing job we are doing!!!
  • jomom2
    jomom2 Posts: 429 Member
    HI Black team....just checking in.....I am not really a regular I am going to try and do better with that....So I have stuck to my workouts and added 10 mins to my cardio....minus yesterday as it was just pilates.....I am also doing the water challenge and usually get in 9 glasses...which is three of my new pink water bottle my hubby got me for x-mas! I had an AWESOME run over due. This weekend I am off for a girls weekend away...I will not be logging my calories...but luckily my girls are really healthy and fitness orientated so hopefully it won't be too bad....we are planning some ice skating, snow shoeing and hopefully a few long walks.....lots of hot tubing and gossip as well (why can't those burn calories). Anyways Happy Thursday to everyone :)
    I am glad you checked in with us!! Sounds like you are doing amazing! Have a great weekend, wow you girls are going to have so much fun!!!
  • JackieMac979
    JackieMac979 Posts: 189 Member
    Thanks for this challenge. I'm making an effort to add exercise even when I don't feel like it.
    I'm shooting for 7 days a week now, even if it's only 10-15 minutes of recumbent biking while my son plays a game or something.

    I haven't felt well or like myself the past few days... (I've been SO tired in the evening) but I've worked out! YAY!
  • gbloom182
    gbloom182 Posts: 75 Member
    GOOD MORNING BLACK TEAM!!! So proud to be your captain, I can see you guys are working hard. That inspires me to work hard too!

    Lets cheer for our teammate GEOFF aka GBLOOM182 who is running a 5k marathon this weekend!! GOOD LUCK!!!

    I am off to take my girls to school, then for a walk. BTW I drank 9 glasses of water yesterday!!! I am hoping for 10 today!

    Lets keep up the amazing job we are doing!!!

    Thanks for the support Jomom! I wouldn't call it "running" maybe more of a brisk jog with a stroller in front of me but I'll do my best! Thanks for cheering me on! Anyone else have some good plans for the weekend?
  • LeighAnnaMS
    GOOD MORNING BLACK TEAM!!! So proud to be your captain, I can see you guys are working hard. That inspires me to work hard too!

    Lets cheer for our teammate GEOFF aka GBLOOM182 who is running a 5k marathon this weekend!! GOOD LUCK!!!

    I am off to take my girls to school, then for a walk. BTW I drank 9 glasses of water yesterday!!! I am hoping for 10 today!

    Lets keep up the amazing job we are doing!!!

    Thanks for the support Jomom! I wouldn't call it "running" maybe more of a brisk jog with a stroller in front of me but I'll do my best! Thanks for cheering me on! Anyone else have some good plans for the weekend?

    GOOD LUCK GEOFF!! GOGOGOGO!!! Thats such an awesome way to workout out! What is the 5K marathon for?
  • gbloom182
    gbloom182 Posts: 75 Member
    GOOD MORNING BLACK TEAM!!! So proud to be your captain, I can see you guys are working hard. That inspires me to work hard too!

    Lets cheer for our teammate GEOFF aka GBLOOM182 who is running a 5k marathon this weekend!! GOOD LUCK!!!

    I am off to take my girls to school, then for a walk. BTW I drank 9 glasses of water yesterday!!! I am hoping for 10 today!

    Lets keep up the amazing job we are doing!!!

    Thanks Leigh! This one is the "3rd annual 5K Resolution Run to Kick Cancer"

    Thanks for the support Jomom! I wouldn't call it "running" maybe more of a brisk jog with a stroller in front of me but I'll do my best! Thanks for cheering me on! Anyone else have some good plans for the weekend?

    GOOD LUCK GEOFF!! GOGOGOGO!!! Thats such an awesome way to workout out! What is the 5K marathon for?
  • gbloom182
    gbloom182 Posts: 75 Member
    GOOD MORNING BLACK TEAM!!! So proud to be your captain, I can see you guys are working hard. That inspires me to work hard too!

    Lets cheer for our teammate GEOFF aka GBLOOM182 who is running a 5k marathon this weekend!! GOOD LUCK!!!

    I am off to take my girls to school, then for a walk. BTW I drank 9 glasses of water yesterday!!! I am hoping for 10 today!

    Lets keep up the amazing job we are doing!!!

    Thanks for the support Jomom! I wouldn't call it "running" maybe more of a brisk jog with a stroller in front of me but I'll do my best! Thanks for cheering me on! Anyone else have some good plans for the weekend?

    GOOD LUCK GEOFF!! GOGOGOGO!!! Thats such an awesome way to workout out! What is the 5K marathon for?

    Thanks Leigh! This one is the "3rd annual 5K Resolution Run to Kick Cancer"
  • jomom2
    jomom2 Posts: 429 Member
    Hope you guys are drinking your water and don't forget your extra 10 minutes of exercise. I am at 6 glasses of water:drinker: