Mental Block

Hi there,
I was wondering if anyone else is experiencing a mental block? I lost about 90 lbs or so about 10 years ago. I have gained 115 or so back. The one other time I lost weight (more than a few pounds), I gained it some. So, I am totally freaked about trying to eat right again---have a total mental block. Here is my problem-I relearned how to eat and was in the habit of it for a few years. I don't know what happened....or how to keep it from happening again. I am really hoping that I can find someone in the same boat so we can work out this mental thing together. :)


  • kimmerkay
    kimmerkay Posts: 110
    I can imagine that could be scary to you... The good thing is YOU CAN DO IT! I have been trying to lose weight for 19 years and always give up.. I never even get a significant amount of weight off... First things first... Get the weight off, try to remember it is a lifestyle and get used to the way life is gonna be. Then even after you lose all your weight commit to keep logging and helping others on the forum.. This may be a lifelong battle. Mine sure is. I will friend you and we can help each.. I need you to help me actually lose it.. LOL
  • AlmstHvn
    AlmstHvn Posts: 378 Member
    Maybe find one thing that you can change and stick with for the next couple of weeks, then look for another one... Like.. I'm going to eat one more serving of fresh fruit/veg each day... I think it can be daunting when you stare at the mountain top and think of how much further you have to go - just focus on that next step!