What medicines are helping you?



  • redbird99
    redbird99 Posts: 298 Member
    Hi, all! I have taken Savella since August 2010, with no side effects, and I think it helps a lot. It takes about 6 weeks after you begin to get to full strength (50 mg 2x day) and a little longer for the full effects of the medicine come to bear.

    I also take tramadol for pain, zolpidem for sleep, and 3000 mg fish oil (prescribed by doctor for fibro). I also take lon-n-n-g list of prescription and OTC for other conditions. I also get a weekly massage, use my jacuzzi frequently, use heating pads and ice packs, do my physical therapy routine daily and take an occasional ibuprofen.

    It has taken almost 2 years to get to where I have feel "normal" some of the time. Although it changes from day to day!
  • BeautySansTheBS
    I've tried Savella, Pristiq, Lyrica, etc... and they all worked for a little while, then the effect tapered off. My doc started increasing my dosage and stacking them to the point that the side effects were worse than the actual symptoms.
    What side effects did you get fromt he meds?

    Weight gain, headaches, sluggishness, dizziness, nausea...all things that my doc had attributed to the fibro, but all went away almost completely when I stopped taking the meds. Not to mention the side effect it had on my wallet every month!
  • gavians
    gavians Posts: 72 Member
    Weight gain, headaches, sluggishness, dizziness, nausea...all things that my doc had attributed to the fibro, but all went away almost completely when I stopped taking the meds. Not to mention the side effect it had on my wallet every month!

    I think Cymbalta was partly the root of a lot of my life problems. Now they want me to go on an antidepressant for the mood helps. But I am scared to death because they all seem to have the same side effects. I don't want to be on ANY drugs.
  • kimiel51
    kimiel51 Posts: 299 Member
    Weight gain, headaches, sluggishness, dizziness, nausea...all things that my doc had attributed to the fibro, but all went away almost completely when I stopped taking the meds. Not to mention the side effect it had on my wallet every month!

    I think Cymbalta was partly the root of a lot of my life problems. Now they want me to go on an antidepressant for the mood helps. But I am scared to death because they all seem to have the same side effects. I don't want to be on ANY drugs.
    Don't be so quick to give up on the meds! I suffered for a long time, because I hate taking pills, but there is only so much misery that I can stand before it gets downright depressing!