Welcome & Introduce yourself!

vmacjen Posts: 7 Member
Hi! I'm a new mom and love all the fiber arts. I knit, crochet, spin, and am learning to weave. I have 20lbs of baby weight left to lose and could use all the support I can get. I am learning to be more accountable for my food choices and getting over the tired mommy hump and getting to the gym. Favorite cardio: dance aerobic classes, yoga, kettleball, and the elliptical. Favorite fibers: baby alpaca and american heritage breed-longwools. Biggest calorie offenders: carbs, beer/wine with dinner, sugary anything, and cheesy snacks.


  • CalicoLee3
    CalicoLee3 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi! :) This group sounds great! Let's see, I just got back on the diet bandwagon - I had lost 90lbs with Weight Watchers and slowly started gaining. I've got much less to lose this time around. My goals are to get healthy and try to avoid the scale for awhile (I started getting a little too obsessed with the number), so I'm going to judge by the fit of my clothes. I have a wedding to go to this summer, and I'd like to look awesome! I have a love/hate relationship with my Wii Fit and my elliptical machine.

    As far as the fiber arts, I knit and I spin. I've been doing both for about a year, and it's so much fun! I joined a local spinning group and we take lots of trips to sheep and wool festivals. So far, my favorite thing to spin has been Icelandic - I got a gorgeous laceweight skein out of a few ounces I picked up awhile back. Right now I'm knitting winter bonnets for some little girls in my family.
  • Yay for knitters! I am a "good-intentions" dieter. I always have big plans and then completely let them go within days :( I really do not like gym-time, and refuse to join another one just because I seriously can't force myself to go. However, now that baby #2 is here and I still need to loose weight from baby #1 it is time for me to stop hoping I will just loose weight without trying.

    The hubbo and I purchased an exercise bike that is nice and quiet (for use during nap time!). And I am trying to pay much more attention to portion sizes. We actually eat really healthy, just way too much! Sugar is my downfall, and I love skittles :) I am trying to focus on bang for my calorie buck - nutritious foods that will keep me full and satisfied.

    I would love to loose the weight from baby #2 by the summer (approx 10lbs), and then start on the weight from baby #1! I really want to be able to feel good in my clothes again.

    On the knitting front, I love wool... though since I am in Texas I have been finding that Cotton/Wool blends are the way to go most of the time. And, in 2012 I hope to knit 12 Sweaters!!
  • vmacjen
    vmacjen Posts: 7 Member
    OMG! I wish there was a spinning group near me! We only have one yarn store in DC it's good but I'm spoiled from the 8 I had in Saint Louis. How do you like the WiiFit? I've been thinking of getting one.
    Also, spinning question for you....wheel or spindle for the laceweight? and if wheel how do you spin it? With laceweight I find that if I don't put in enough twist it's not strong enough and when I add more twist its kinks horribly on me. Any tips? :)
  • Hi everyone! I am Kim from Michigan. I am a mom and I knit and crochet when the mood strikes me. I love short and quick projects. So this is the year I am wearing a bikini on girls weekend and finally dropping that 35lbs for good. I am crocheting my friend a scarf for her birthday right now. I am hoping to try and keep myself distracted and busy with kniiting and crocheting! This is my first week REALLY watching my calories and I am struggling...... I keep saying to myself a bikini tastes better..............maybe I'll knit myself one. ... ha ha
  • You totally could! I have seen patterns for them - and what a great story it would make!
  • Hi my name is Carmen and I'm a mom of two boys 12 and 7 years old. I can't use the baby fat excuse anymore so I'll say I need to use 45lbs of 'Mom" fat. I work 3 jobs and make time to knit and quilt. I love fiber arts as a creative outlet for myself but it's not a very active hobby. My family eats pretty healthy so my main concern is to get motivated to exercise everyday.

    I am also a back in school to earn my teaching degree. I have a very full semester this winter so when I'm not writing a paper or studying, I'm working on knitting socks-- I love OPAL--, leg warmers, lace scarves, mittens and at least 1 quilt.

    I'd love to see what everyone is knitting, I miss not having the time to go to the local yarn store and sharing projects and ideas.
    Good Luck to everyone!
  • vmacjen
    vmacjen Posts: 7 Member
    I love the lose weight and knit your own bikini idea! <3 If I made one it would have to be more of a monokini though and I'd have to line it material though or I'd never get the courage to wear it in public.

    I use a dose of fiber to keep myself from eating sugar. haha Not the whole grain kind...the wool kind....whenever I get a craving for something unhealthy. I pick up a complicated piece of knitting, crocheting, or sit at my wheel. Usually after 15 mins of intense concentrating I forget about the snacking. Now if only I could trick myself into doing something more athletic for those 15 mins! That would seem punishing though and I wouldn't forget about the candy...I'd rationalize that I'd earned it. lol

    Carmen- Do you ever go on Ravelry? Stefern and I are part of a great moms group on there where you could share pics of your ongoing projects! We love sharing pics of finished items. It's called Knit While They Nap if you want to check it out. I went on Rav when I couldn't go to my LYS as much after my DS was born. I also missed seeing what other people were working on and creating.
  • I agree! We would love to have you in the "Knit While They Nap" group! even if your kiddos don't nap anymore ;)
  • CalicoLee3
    CalicoLee3 Posts: 3 Member
    OMG! I wish there was a spinning group near me! We only have one yarn store in DC it's good but I'm spoiled from the 8 I had in Saint Louis. How do you like the WiiFit? I've been thinking of getting one.
    Also, spinning question for you....wheel or spindle for the laceweight? and if wheel how do you spin it? With laceweight I find that if I don't put in enough twist it's not strong enough and when I add more twist its kinks horribly on me. Any tips? :)

    I never knew there were so many fiber arts related activities before I joined up with this group - it's good fun, but it's hard on the pocketbook sometimes! I love the WiiFit, especially for getting back on the horse. If you're looking for a high-impact, dripping sweat kind of workout, that isn't the Wii. But I love the yoga for stretching and the strength training and boxing really helped my arms (one of my problem areas). When I'm being good I try to alternate the WiiFit with the elliptical machine.

    I'm still kind new to spinning, so this probably isn't the most educated answer but as far as the laceweight I find it's all in the fiber (there are women in my group who have been spinning for 30+ years who could make a laceweight out of anything, though!). I bought a few ounces of Icelandic at an event and it was super easy to draft and spun up incredibly fine. It's a on the coarser side and the fibers are longer, so I think that helped it not slip out of my fingers. I've also heard that production wheels are great for spinning fine. I'm using a borrowed Louet right now and trying to save up for my own wheel. What about you? :) Do you use a wheel or a drop spindle?
  • Hi there all,
    I love to crochet and am learning how to knit. I love all arts and crafts, and also need to shed this weight that I've been gaining while I've been sitting on my butt! If only there was a way to crochet on the treadmill?! :laugh:
  • Hello all. My name is Jenn and I'm new here to the site. When 2011 came to a close I made the decision that I was going to lose weight and get healthier. I'm only 29 but I want to live a long time and if I keep on my current path that isn't going to happen. I found MFP hy chance when I started looking for a food tracker for my Kindle. I've set everything up and am ready to jump into this. As I mentioned above my name is Jenn and I am 29 years old. I live in the suburbs of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and am currently single. My overall goal is to lose about 100 pounds. I currently work in an office setting as a supervisor and in my spare time I enjoy reading, movies, music, video games, crocheting, knitting, pen pals, genealogy, computer games, tv shows, and surfing the net. For Christmas I got the kinect for the xbox 360 and so I'm looking forward to using that to help my weight loss. I don't have a huge network of people to support me in my weight loss goals but I know that a lot has to come from me to do this. I look forward to meeting some people here.

  • Welcome! My sister also got a kinect for Christmas, and she said the dance games are awesome for having fun while sweating :) I can't give you any good weightloss tips as I've never really been successful at that but I will totally support your efforts! Hopefully we will all see 2013 a little lighter!
  • Hi! My name is Heather, and I'm also new to the site. I started last week after hearing about it from a friend and really enjoy it so far. I love how supportive it can be! The friend who told me about the site also sent me the link for this group, which seemed perfect for me. I'm looking for ways to support others and to be supported. My biggest difficulty is holding myself accountable and not talking myself out of things (like exercising and writing down what I eat), so I'm hoping to meet new friends on here to help me do those things.

    I've been a knitter since about 2005. Right now, I'm working on finishing up a cardigan and the second in a pair of socks. I'm trying really hard to work through my stash before buying any new yarn, but a new yarn store just opened up a few blocks from my office, making that really difficult.
  • Got a Wii Fit for Christmas but the kids are on it like crazy. I do like they show your Mii plump if you are overweight and I did ride the bike on there and I couldn't finish because I was so tired trying to do what I was supposed to .... get the biker through the flags and to the finish line....

    Has anyone heard of Amigurimi.... crocheting or knitting small little animals and things.... I think my daughter and I are going to attempt one I will send a pic.................

    That will be my snack tonight water and crochet becasue I am already teetering over to many calories now and it's 2:30 pm. What does everyone eat in mid afternoon? Good Ideas? This seems to be my worst time when my energy sinks and I want something and I tend to over eat it... I just had 2 bowls of Cheerios shame shame......
  • Hi everyone. I'm new to the site. I had downloaded it while playing around with my Kindle Fire, then found out my boyfriend and his co-worker were using it to track their calories.
    I'm a mom (4 boys between us 4, 10, 15, and 16). I am currently staying at home and going to school. I started knitting last April and LOVE it! I bought a drop spindle in December and am having fun learning that.

    I have about 15 lbs I want to lose. My boyfriend and I love eating out; however, this year we have only ate out ONCE!! Doesn't sound like a big accomplishment, but we used to eat out at least 3 nights a week, so to go 2 1/2 weeks and only gone out once is good for us. I thought just starting to eat healthier would help with my weight. It did at first.......then my sister sent me a box of cookies. UGH! She didn't know we were trying to not eat sweets.

    A couple of my goals are to actually start tracking my calories and to start doing the Wii Fit step exercise while I'm watching tv in the mornings. As far as knitting, I have a shrug that I am almost half way through and once that is done I want to knit a sweater. I have it picked out, just need to get the yarn. My other knitting goal for this year is to learn entrelac.
  • Got a Wii Fit for Christmas but the kids are on it like crazy. I do like they show your Mii plump if you are overweight and I did ride the bike on there and I couldn't finish because I was so tired trying to do what I was supposed to .... get the biker through the flags and to the finish line....

    Has anyone heard of Amigurimi.... crocheting or knitting small little animals and things.... I think my daughter and I are going to attempt one I will send a pic.................

    That will be my snack tonight water and crochet becasue I am already teetering over to many calories now and it's 2:30 pm. What does everyone eat in mid afternoon? Good Ideas? This seems to be my worst time when my energy sinks and I want something and I tend to over eat it... I just had 2 bowls of Cheerios shame shame......

    I tend to want a snack around that same time of the day. What I have done to help with that craving is to drink a cup of flavored coffee. It helps me to not want to eat, but it does have bad side effects too. If I drink it too late, some days it is harder to go to sleep. Although as long as I don't drink coffee after 4 or 5 I'm usually ok. Another bad thing is since I have started drinking coffee instead of eating so much, I have noticed on days that I don't drink as much coffee I get a headache from no caffeine.
  • vmacjen
    vmacjen Posts: 7 Member
    haha my husband says I should try crocheting on a stationary bike and honestly if I had one at home I would! Welcome to the group!
  • vmacjen
    vmacjen Posts: 7 Member
    I love amigurumi! it is the only reason I learned to crochet. Of course I'm a tech junkie so now I'm neck deep in crochet books trying to learn it all. Check out ravelry.com there are amazing free amigurumi patterns and pics on there and several groups devoted to it. I actually just finished a little dragon for a friend's baby. :)
  • vmacjen
    vmacjen Posts: 7 Member
    Welcome to everyone! It's great to see so many fiber fans trying to get in shape. Creating and getting fit! There's nothing better. :) I wonder if this site will let you post pics of finished objects....or you could link to an online album I guess. I love seeing people's color choices and patterns. I'm on here right now trying so hard to avoid having a snack before dinner while I wait for my DH to come home. Usually I'd hook some lace, or spin to take my mind of it but reading everyone's stories is just as interesting. 26 mins have just gone by snack free!
  • @kascott10: I, too, tend to crash around midday. My favorite snack, both mid-morning and mid-day (around 2:30 or 3) is a piece of string cheese and a clementine or an apple. The combination of the protein of the string cheese and the sweet/carb of the fruit is a great energy boost that helps me last until dinner. If I do just carbs, i find myself hungry again in an hour or so.