30 Day Shred



  • cheekymommy
    I can't wait for my Jeans to fit better as well :-)

    I need motivation today. I am so sore. I cannot feel my legs and my arms ache so bad :-(
  • Oneday150
    Oneday150 Posts: 240 Member
    cheekymommy- You can do this !!!! Once your body heats up your legs will not feel so sore.....
  • cheekymommy
    Thanks Miragirl! I did it. I just kept telling myself "it is only 20 mins" :-)
  • Oneday150
    Oneday150 Posts: 240 Member
    Upset I couldn't do my 5th day last night, My son would not behave I only got 8-10 min in. I did do like 50 situps 20 for the pouch and 30 with one leg in
  • cheekymommy
    I would say that kinda' counts :-)
  • rowyourboat
    rowyourboat Posts: 125 Member
    I just finished Day 1. Yay me! :)
  • samantha196
    Good luck ladies. I plan on starting in a few weeks. I actually started last spring and made it to day 15 (lost 3 inches) when I broke my foot doing the video.
  • rowyourboat
    rowyourboat Posts: 125 Member
    Welcome Samantha! I'm Runfrog on BHB...don't post there much. But anywho..... 2 Days down 28 to go. If I can figure out how to post pics I will post a before picture.
  • rowyourboat
    rowyourboat Posts: 125 Member
    Me again. Completed Day 3 today. Aiming to hit 10 days in a row. We'll see how I feel on Day 7.
  • rowyourboat
    rowyourboat Posts: 125 Member
    Ya, 10 days in a row is not going to happen. Just finished Day 4 and I am in pain!! I will get through tomorrow and then take a day off and go from there.

    How is everybody else doing? Has anybody attempted Level 2? I think I could probably do it 1 day but after that...probably not.
  • lysistrataNix
    lysistrataNix Posts: 125 Member
    I'm starting tomorrow and taking Saturday and Sunday off every week. I plan to post progress pics every 10 days completed and inches lost.
  • rowyourboat
    rowyourboat Posts: 125 Member
    I decided to take today off to give my muscles some time to recover. I'll start Day 5 tomorrow and my next goal is to do it 5 days in a row so that'll bring me to day 9 on Saturday. I'll post pics in my photo gallery. I have my "before" picture up there. I can't figure out how to put them in the threads.
  • lysistrataNix
    lysistrataNix Posts: 125 Member
    To post pictures for threads you put [ img] picture image url here [ /img] without the spaces.
  • lysistrataNix
    lysistrataNix Posts: 125 Member
    I did day 1 today, I didn't start yesterday because DH has mondays off for the next two months. So it will be tue-sat for me.
  • rowyourboat
    rowyourboat Posts: 125 Member
    So how is everybody doing with the shred? I'm not doing well. I can do the work out but it leaves me so sore and I get so grumpy all day. I feel better today so Day 6 tomorrow? At least I can do a few real push-ups now.
  • lysistrataNix
    lysistrataNix Posts: 125 Member
    I'm doing good I was sore yesterday but not today.
  • samantha196
    You go ladies!

    I'm starting tomorrow morning but I'm only doing it on Mon, Wed and Fri.
  • lysistrataNix
    lysistrataNix Posts: 125 Member
    I've finished day 5 yesterday. Day 6 tomorrow :-)
  • Oneday150
    Oneday150 Posts: 240 Member
    I have done up to 6 days, But I haven't done since I go to the gym every weekday. My weekends am taking off to spend time with my son.
  • cheekymommy
    I plan on starting all over again this weekend. I cannot wait, GM rocks!!