What was your wake-up call?



  • Florawanda
    Florawanda Posts: 283 Member
    We were in Ireland on the last day of our holiday on October 22nd ... going for a gentle walk by a remote lake (on a waymarked trail) I slipped and fell. I knew immediately that I had done something major to my leg - no pain once I had fallen, but the ankle was completely floppy, and there was no way I could walk, let alone stand. Luckily I had my mobile, and got a signal. About 50 mins later the paramedics got to me - we were at least 300 yds from the nearest forest road, over a narrow, slippy path. They looked at me, and the way they had come, and had to call for back-up. It eventually took 6 strong men to carry me on the stretcher to the forest vehicle, which then took me to the ambulance! I was so ashamed. In Limerick A & E, they found I had fractured my leg, as well as damaging the ankle. A few hours later, by then in the wee small hours, with a half-cast on, crutches, and a letter to our GP to take back to UK the next day, we got back to the house we were staying in - and I could not get up the steps - I was too heavy to lift myself on the crutches, so I had to crawl in - and then, eventually, find some way of lifting myself up to a chair! Same when we finally got home - even a step of a couple of inches was impossible - I could not hop over and moving around was a huge effort.

    So from that day, instead of eating several biscuits at a time, demolishing half a big bag of crisps, and having at least 2 chocolate bars, I now have hardly any... I can have one Heroes choc, without finishing the whole box, one biscuit only, and then usually just when friends come, and hardly ever have had crisps.

    5 weeks ago, when the cast came off, I was down 14 lbs, and most of the time I had been sedentary! But over Christmas 3 lbs crept back up, and I knew if the next 50 was going to come off I would need help - and found this great site when we got home.

    It was only our second visit to Ireland - our first was over 40 years ago on our honeymoon, when I developed a high fever, and didn't really take anything in of that beautiful country. When we got home, feeling a bit better, my temperature was 103, and I found I had nearly damaged my kidneys, so my husband says we're never going back there!
  • Anna_43
    Anna_43 Posts: 117
    Been out of work since Dec 2010.

    Tried my work suits on - none of them fits so.. even if I got an interview now.. I have nothing to wear to one - not that I can afford a new suit on JSA... And I BADLY need to get back to work. Going crazy at home.
  • mrlazy1967
    mrlazy1967 Posts: 285 Member
    Holiday photos were my wake-up call.. I thought I looked ok in the mirror, ha ha, but I suppose the camera doesn't lie - I really was the fat bloke on holiday
  • TeeferTiger
    TeeferTiger Posts: 136 Member
    I was a postie and although never skinny, I didn't have much trouble keeping the weight off. Then I woke up one morning in July 2010 with a crippling headache and after 18 months of tests, neurology appointments, losing my job etc I was diagnosed with chronic migraines. In between all this, I got engaged. Unfortunately, since I'd suddenly just stopped work but not stopped eating what I'd enjoyed, the weight had piled on and I'd gone up 2 dress sizes, which I now had to lose in 6 months... the point before the wedding when I realised I wouldn't be returning to work, wouldn't be getting better and therefore had to do something about the weight or I wouldn't be fitting into the size 14 dress I'd ordered because that's the size I figured I'd be because that's the size I was before I was off work sick!

    I joined Slimming World, lost some weight, got down to pretty much a size 14 without doing much exercise, but my dress had to be let out at the hips anyway!

    After the wedding I dumped SW because I realised it was a waste of money and I didn't eat too badly before tbh, and now I just control my calories.
  • xxkellywxx
    I wrote a blog about why I want to change my weight and my lifestyle


    It's to long to write here so here's the link, hope you all have had a wonderful day! xxx
  • louielouie15
    going into a high street shop while trying to spend christmas vouchers to find that NOTHING would fit properly. the most depressing day in my existence so far. plus my mum had a gastric bypass and she's now a size 10! so her and my nan gang up on me making me feel like the fat outcast of the family (my mum even suggesting i have surgery, at 5'9'' and a size 18? didn't think i was that bad!) i thought it's high time i stop the constant circle of eating - feeling bad - eating - feeling bad and kick this weight off me for good! then i can say ''ha! i lost all this without surgery! ner ner!'' :D
    so many strong willed and inspiring people on here is really helping, so nice to have a community to get advice and support from!
  • juliemaplehurst
    The Dr telling me my cholesterol was high and giving me the healthy eating plan..........although I was eating healthily I was eating for a small village in Sussex, I was just kidding myself that I was still fit but being told you have until April to try and sort out your cholesterol level by yourself or it will be pills for ever. I may still need to take the pills but at least now I have done all I can to make myself healthy. Still miss Chinese food though my Friday night treat.....