Day 7

lisamheid Posts: 13 Member
Just finished day 7. I am no longer feeling like I am going to die, and I can successfully complete everything except the side lunge with arm raise. I am feeling so much more energetic, and am truly excited about the program now.

I also weighed in for the first time and am down 4 lbs! This morning I also decided to take measurements, I wasn't going to because I was afraid of what the results were going to be, but I did it anyway. I hope it makes me feel more positive at the end.


  • Virginia90
    Virginia90 Posts: 317 Member
    I finished day 7 today too! I totally agree it doesn't feel like I'm going to die!! Congrats on 4lbs lost!! I weigh myself Monday, and I take my measurements tomorrow morning - I'm nervous!!

    I was going to skip tonight because my daughter didn't sleep AT ALL last night and I was exhausted, however, I pushed through and SO don't regret it! I feel 1000% better than I did before it! It actually GAVE me energy!! I also (for the first time!) completed the front lunges with bicep curls and the side lunges with arm raises (with 2lb weights!). I still can't do a proper push-up, can't complete the first part of jump ropes (my muscles aren't warmed up enough I think), and can't do the squats and presses without lowering my arms a couple times, but it's all getting better and easier! Oh, and I can't do the bicycle crunches...though I think that is more lack of coordination than muscle. LOL

    We are getting stronger each and every day!! I am TOTALLY excited about it now too!! :bigsmile:
  • Renee2GetFit
    Renee2GetFit Posts: 162 Member
    Hi all... I just completed day 8 and I so agree with above comments, I'm feeling much stronger and I actually feel awesome after I do the video. I can make it all the way through the video but I'm doing mostly modified versions on the strength stuff. Cardio and abs I'm all good with now. In a couple more days I move onto lv 2 and I'm scared!!!!!!
  • Veganniee
    Veganniee Posts: 460 Member
    Just finished. I feel a bit of a fraud as I missed a couple of days, but I'm back on it. Was really hard tohugh. It does make a difference if you miss.
  • Kelly_1981
    Kelly_1981 Posts: 472 Member
    Dont feel like a fraud Hun, you are back at it just keep going so what if we all finish it a day or two (or more) diffrent the thing is that we are going to finish!

    I am taking today off LOL
  • sansouchi1050
    rest day for me !!!
  • BestCindyICanBe
    BestCindyICanBe Posts: 75 Member
    Day 7 is done. The jumping jacks and jump rope is easier for me now. I didn't use the weights on the side lunges with arm raises since my right shoulder still is hurting.

  • wendyannvantiem
    wendyannvantiem Posts: 188 Member
    Rest day! I will be back tomorrow : )
  • ahedrick99
    ahedrick99 Posts: 68 Member
    Wasn't able to do the shred on Firday, ended up having to do something else yesterday but today I was able to do the whole thing with only modified pushups and upped the weights for everything but the anterior lifts/side lunges and feel like a rock start!! Almost looking forward to weigh-in tomorrow!! So thankful for this group! Thanks everyone!!!!
  • glennam1
    glennam1 Posts: 172 Member
    YAY....DAY 7 in the books.....CONGRATULATIONS TO US ALL!!
  • rainas25
    rainas25 Posts: 143 Member
    Day 7 complete!
  • niknak0508
    niknak0508 Posts: 430 Member
    Day 7 in the books!! I was able to go from using 3lb weights to 5lb weights during the interior raise part :-) Weighed in the morning and have lost 2.2 pounds!
  • SafireBleu
    SafireBleu Posts: 881 Member
    I missed my workout yesterday because I had so much to do but today I will be doing it twice to catch up. Completed day 6 this morning and will do day 7 this evening.
  • Kazimira
    Kazimira Posts: 165 Member
    Wednesday was my rest day, so Day 6 done for me!
    I find myself moving towards the advanced moves more and more and even the first round of cardio isn't making me feel like my legs are going to cramp up anymore!
    Week one down! Great job everyone!
  • keggen
    keggen Posts: 102 Member
    Sounds like everyone is making/feeling great progress. Day 7 done. I'm "enjoying" Level 1 while I can because I know what L2 will bring!
  • CaboScotty
    CaboScotty Posts: 31 Member
    Day 7 done. Looking forward to the last 3 days of Level 1.
  • sailingsal
    sailingsal Posts: 285 Member
    Day 7 done, and my 11 year old son joined in again today!
  • brooksaceb
    brooksaceb Posts: 115 Member
    Day 7 done
  • MeganSWoods
    MeganSWoods Posts: 196 Member
    I did Day 7 and even added heavier weights on a couple of the exercises, but for some reason my calorie burn was lower than it has been the last couple days-- weird!
  • mzjstef
    mzjstef Posts: 62 Member
    I completed Day 7 this morning. I wasn't going to do the 30DS today and was just going to walk on the treadmill, but once I was dressed for working out I decided to do it. I'm using 3, 5, and 8 lb weights during the workout. I'm moving up to level 2 on Tuesday...Day 9. Level 2 was my favorite last time I did this.
  • lep_623
    lep_623 Posts: 197 Member
    I can't do the bicycle crunches either.. .mainly because it really hurts the small of my back so what I do insted is I do it standing up, I just make sure I pull my leg up with my abs and pull up as high as I can and use my abs, and it still really works!! :D I have been so behind because I have been super b u sy and in and out of town, but I will be back in on it tomorrow! will be finishing later than ya'll but that's ok I still plan on finishing it!!! I also cheated and weighed (i was only trying to weigh once a month but couldn't wait til feb lol) and I lost 2 lbs!! :D