Week One People?



  • jdavio
    jdavio Posts: 6 Member
    I'm on week one..
  • TheIzella
    TheIzella Posts: 8 Member
    Hi there! I just ran W1D1 for the second time yesterday, doing it again tomorrow probably...I'm definitely taking it slow, and doing each day 2 or 3 times before I move on. I'm just now getting into shape after having let myself go for about the lat 6-7 years. Even when I was in shape, I never ran. If I had known how much I would love it then I would have started years ago! My dear friend Lindsay (who is also out of shape, but her version of out of shape is much more in shape than my own, lol!) is doing the program with me, and she had to really push and motivate me yesterday to make it through. (We're street running. Rain or shine.) But by the time we finished I felt amazing! Glad to see so many other people interested in being runners! I only allow healthy eating (no crazy fad diets, etc.), positive and encouraging people on my friend list, so if you're interested in motivating and being motivated then add me. :D
  • fitnessyeoja
    fitnessyeoja Posts: 357 Member
    I just started yesterday, Thursday. Nervous and kinda scared but encouraged by all of you who have also just started. I don't like to run at all so I hope to be able to learn how to do it properly and also to stick with it until the end and beyond. I'll friend all of you week-oners so we can support each other real time. Thanks!
  • 4littlemonkeys
    Should be day 3 wk 1 today, but I seem to be coming down with something!! Or I've eaten something that doesn't agree with me....either way I have strange stomach pains and associated issues! But the weather is also really foul today (gale force winds!! So much for summer) so at least I don't feel bad about missing today.....might have been blown away if I had gone out!!
    Hoping to do D3 tomorrow :) No soreness or stiffness today either. :)
  • MumOfGirlsOnly
    MumOfGirlsOnly Posts: 99 Member
    W1D3 and I feel amazing. Well my body doesn't its hurting in places I never even considered it would hurt but it's a good hurt not a bad hurt but my mind is in awe of how my body actually managed more then I thought it would.
    On Sunday I'll start W2 and I'll give it my all and see how I go.
  • AriadneSnow
    AriadneSnow Posts: 131 Member
    Did W1D2 today and I feel great! Managed to get through the whole thing comfortably - no unusual pains - and I could have done another jogging set but I'm following the programme. My legs are nicely sore - the good sore of having done hard work - not the bad injury sore. I'm really nervous about getting injured, so I'm trying to take it gentle at first. I'm alternating this with the 30 Day Shred - which I just started yesterday. So far so good - they seems to affect different muscles - so it's not a problem so far.

    Let's keep going everyone!
  • Operation_Me
    Operation_Me Posts: 869 Member
    W1D3 is Completed! My legs are definitely sore but I feel pretty good. Great job everyone. Feel free to add me as a friend so we can help support and motivate each other!
  • jdbeckers
    Hey Everyone,

    I'm new to the group and plan on starting c25k this coming Monday. I could sure use some fellow c25k'ers so please feel free to add me so we can motivate one another!
  • kcdrake
    kcdrake Posts: 512
    I'm finishing my Week 1 run today!
  • 4littlemonkeys
    I'm finishing my Week 1 run today!

    Me too!! :)
  • coffeegirl17
    coffeegirl17 Posts: 43 Member
    Finished Week 1 today ... feels pretty good :)
    How's everyone else doing?
  • 4littlemonkeys
    Week 1 finished!!! :)
  • 5Btieden
    5Btieden Posts: 189 Member
    I am on week one too. I should be on week 2 by now but I have started from the "couch" status! I still can't do the last 2 runs so I am going to continue with week 1 until I do! But I feel so good about myself that I am doing it!!! I should have a treadmill by Wednesday so no excuses not to go run in the snow...haha.
    Feel free to friend me as I will be on week one for a while yet :)
  • mommamindi
    I'm on week one day two...add me if you want!
  • gingermack
    gingermack Posts: 14 Member
    I completed W1D1 last night! Super excited to be checking in with you all! Feel free to add me!
  • michaelinnc84
    michaelinnc84 Posts: 40 Member
    I am starting w1d1 with my wife tomorrow! Woohoo! I am super excited. We have been doing p90x for the past 2 months so I am hoping it will help. I am still very heavy, at 356 lbs so it wont be easy but no excuses I am doing this!

    One question though... I am going to be using jog.fm for my playlist... how long do you think I should shoot for to be able to run a mile in to start out with? Like 15 minutes?

    Also add me as a friend if you want!
  • zozilla09
    zozilla09 Posts: 45 Member
    I literally just did W1D1....I'm lightheaded and sweating like crazy but I did it! I'm hoping the lightheaded thing goes away after I drink some water and cool down. I downloaded an app on my blackberry which is ok except that it just chimes when you are supposed to change from a walk to a jog....I wish I could get the chime to be louder but for some reason it won't let me change it. I also was wondering if anyone had any guidelines as to what pace to set a treadmill at for each pace...I actually kept changing it up each time I was to change...not sure if I did myself any justice but I have NO idea what settings to use so any tips would be helpful. I did what felt right that pushed me a little bit. since I've NEVER been a runner/jogger I figured I did alright for a newbie =)
  • LBxLB
    LBxLB Posts: 691 Member
    I completed W1D1 today anyone starting this week feel free to add me, I would love to hear how you are doing with the program.
  • AriadneSnow
    AriadneSnow Posts: 131 Member
    Just finished W1D3! I think I'll move to week 2 next - I was going to stay on week 1 longer because I was really unfit - but I think I'm ready to give jogging for 90 secs a go. I know it's going to seem like an eternity and be really hard - but if I don't try, I won't know if I can do it.

    I'm also going on holiday next week, so I want to get at least 2 more sessions in as I don't know how much I'm going to be able to exercise in Melbourne's heat.
  • jdbeckers
    I just completed day 1, it went really well and this is the first time I have felt endorphins like this in a long time!
    I am using Andrioid RunDouble and Runkeeper to track my runs. RunDouble is great because it tells you when you are at the halfway point so you can start heading back home.

    Remember to stretch everyone!! Feel free to add me if you want to do this together :)