What do you plan on doing differently this semester?



  • ckay220
    ckay220 Posts: 271 Member
    Well, I'm going into my second year so I hae a few things to improve on:

    -Join the gym around the corner from school.
    -Try and apply for more jobs.
    -Study more, like really study.
    -Join more clubs
    -Socialize more with people that aren't just in the honors program.
    -Use some sort of organizer
    -If something is nasty at the Caf, don't get pizza every time!
  • tristalamothe
    tristalamothe Posts: 39 Member
    1) actually show UP to my classes regularly
    2) get into a sleeping routine (so I can show up to classes)
    3) gym at least 3 times a week; partner or no partner
    4) don't save studying and assignments until the night before and "get over it"
    5) socialize a little more, and don't let the fact that my ex-boyfriend is in all my classes :S
    6) don't stress so much and have fun! last year!
  • nrd2212
    nrd2212 Posts: 128
    Get to 20% bodyfat, exercise at least 30 mins a day.
    Graduate at the end of the semester.
    Not let graduation/interviews get in the way of classes
    Get at least a B in probability the second time.
  • sarabirdcanfly
    sarabirdcanfly Posts: 34 Member
    - Actually take good notes and study them, not just before a test.
    - Be more social
    - Good grades, last semester was my worst.
    - Get back into the rhythm of working out at least a little.
    - Good sleep schedule

    - Get all my stuff ready for transferring!
  • -Take my internship more seriously
    -Develop a stronger relationship with my profs/advisors
    -Stop sleeping late for no reason
    -Be more social
  • char316
    char316 Posts: 72 Member
    I got you. When I look at what I need to improve on to make working full time, going to school and taking care of my elderly mother, I get stressed thinking about it.
  • I intend on spending alot more time at the library, even if it's just for background reading.. actually quite excited to get back to Uni. What a geek ;)
  • moechi
    moechi Posts: 18 Member
  • Turn in all my assignments on time! And in doing so, raise my gpa.
    Also, find somr volunteering to do.
    This is my first semester without a job so im taking some extra credits with hopes of graduating in march. Since im. Unemployed that means more time for studying and more time for the gym. I want to get all A's this semester, no reason why I cant! :D
  • My classes this semester are all from 7:15-9:45 and usually when I have late classes I go get fast food afterward but this semester I will eat a healthy dinner during my office hours before class, or eat something light during class. I will not raid the vending machines either because I plan to always have healthy snacks with me!
  • This is a great thread!

    - Go to all of my classes.
    - Stay organized! Calendar/agenda
    - Focus on understanding, not just memorizing
    - Stay prepared with food! Bring lunches/dinners!

    The last one is super important for me since I'll also be working and will pretty much never be home for meals. I can't resort to fast food!
  • MrsBioChem
    MrsBioChem Posts: 80 Member
    Oh gosh...

    1. take better notes
    2. do the recommended homework
    3. read ALL the assigned text (and not three days before the test)
    4. no more procrastinating
    5. keep a regular sleep schedule
    6. make a bring lunch/dinner for between classes
    7. finish my research
    8, apply for more scholarships
  • Hmm...

    1. Remember that pizza and Taco Bell aren't food groups.

    2. As great as Coca-Cola is for my caffeine buzz, I'm going to try and avoid it.

    3. Stop procrastinating on papers. 10 PM is not an acceptable time to start!

    4. And speaking of working through the night -- Manage my time well enough that I can get at least 7-8 hours of sleep a night.
  • YamadaSan
    YamadaSan Posts: 39 Member
    1. Go to the gym once a week, do cardio and/or circuit training at home.
    2. No more fast food! Try to eat more veggies and fruits.
    3. Sleep properly (I usually get around 3-4 hours of sleep on a weekday, then 12 hours on weekends). <--- the hardest thing to do
    4. Turn off the wifi when I study (I get distracted by Facebook and Twitter urgh!)
    5. Not to focus on my failures and just do my best and have fun when I do things for school!
    6. Be more active (literally lol!) in my organizations.
    7. Since I dorm, I don't see my family often... go home at least once a week so I can spent some time with my family. :)
  • med2017
    med2017 Posts: 192 Member
    no more partying.
    studying all day all night.
  • newcl360
    newcl360 Posts: 28 Member
    1) Go to sleep before 10:30pm on weekdays (need my beauty sleep...)

    2) Start assignments the day I get them

    3) Revise for exams throughout the semester, not just one month beforehand

    4) Keep up my C210K program

    5) Rise and shine at 7:00am every week day, if not earlier

    6) See more sunrises...YOLO haha