

  • Jbeaux87/ Joe
    CW 310 a 2 lb loss
  • suthernbelle
    suthernbelle Posts: 566 Member
    I'm not sure if this is an option for you, but I know when my knees get sore I move my workout to the pool. It takes the pressure off the joints. Even if you just walk laps it helps. Also if you feel like your knees are truly the barrier to increasing physical activity you might want to talk it over with your doctor - they may be able to help you get physical therapy - or get a couple sessions with a personal trainer to help you develop a work out routine that is sensitive to your knees.

    Good Luck and congrats on your continues weight loss :)

    Absolutely it's an option!!! I'm really excited that we are just finishing up installation of brand new gunite pool!!!! Won't be really be able to use it until Spring though.
  • rxxxm
    rxxxm Posts: 3
    sw 303
    cw 292

  • gbloom182
    gbloom182 Posts: 75 Member
    sw 303
    cw 292


    Congrats on getting under the 300 mark! That's awesome!
  • SW: 266
    CW: 266

    This week started out badly as the first week back to work after our christmas break but we still had bad things (chocolate etc) around the house and office. I got back on track but to late to make a difference on the scales. I am determined to make difference next week and motivated by this challenge - I am going to put myself first from now on!

    a pound is better than nothing, staying the same is better than a gain, a gain is not the end of the world:happy:
    Very true "a gain is not the end of the world". You are right, it is very hard to eat healthy when you have goodies around. Sounds like you are in the right path, to putting yourself first! Have an amazing week!!!

    Thanks for the support - it has made a big difference being part of this challenge. usually I would have give up.
    I am having a good week and feel motivated to continue. Hope its a good week for all the Black Team!
  • SW: 256.8
    CW: 256.6 (-0.2)

    Hi Team,
    I did not have a good week at all.....between my birthday and girls weekend it was not good to me.....I did get in all my workouts...although only a couple runs.....and I am not good at food journaling....I start our really good in the am and then by the evening I just don't get to the plan for this week:

    1) Food Journal EVERYDAY
    2) Continue drinking all my water
    3) Re-start my run program 3 runs/week

    I too didn't have a good week but managed to get back on track with the help of this challenge.
    Take one day at a time - trying to do complete some new each day - if you don't manage it, tomorrow is another day!
    Basically take the pressure off. Hope next week is a great week!!
  • Losing4sure
    Losing4sure Posts: 15 Member

    Sorry it was only 2 lbs this week!! :(
  • jomom2
    jomom2 Posts: 429 Member
    SW: 256.8
    CW: 256.6 (-0.2)

    Hi Team,
    I did not have a good week at all.....between my birthday and girls weekend it was not good to me.....I did get in all my workouts...although only a couple runs.....and I am not good at food journaling....I start our really good in the am and then by the evening I just don't get to the plan for this week:

    1) Food Journal EVERYDAY
    2) Continue drinking all my water
    3) Re-start my run program 3 runs/week
    Happy Birthday! Don't worry the important thing is that you are planning ahead! Have a great WEEK 2!
  • jomom2
    jomom2 Posts: 429 Member
    SW: 259
    CW: 255.4 (-3.6)

    I'm fortunate enough to have my personal trainer right next door and put in 3-4 intense workouts a week. Unfortunately my meal choices hinder my progress. I enjoy food way too much, especially my MIL mexican cooking. Making healthy choices and meal planning are two goals I want to work for. I'm going to try harder this following week.

    Good luck to all on WEEK 2!
    Congrats! You are doing great! One step at a time, you have the exercise routine going great. Have a great Week 2!
  • jomom2
    jomom2 Posts: 429 Member
    Jbeaux87/ Joe
    CW 310 a 2 lb loss
    Good job! Keep it up! Have a great Week 2!
  • jomom2
    jomom2 Posts: 429 Member
    sw 303
    cw 292

    Ron, great weight loss!!! Congrats! Have an awesome week 2~
  • jomom2
    jomom2 Posts: 429 Member

    Sorry it was only 2 lbs this week!! :(
    Congrats! You are doing great! keep up the good work. 2lbs. is great work! Have a great week2!
  • jomom2
    jomom2 Posts: 429 Member
    Ok everyone, that concludes WEEK 1 weigh in. We all did amazing! Lets keep up the good work! I received everyones weigh-ins here and via messages. Pam will post the results for all of us.GO BLACK TEAM!!!
  • fitmom_pam1976
    fitmom_pam1976 Posts: 1,192 Member

    PAM :)
  • 1st weigh-in 371
    Current weight 365.2

    It could have been better but I'm happy the number is going down,.My aunt has had two strokes since friday so I have been back and forth to the hospital and have not worked either. My meal plan changed and i got some gym time in...this will be a better week :)
  • jomom2
    jomom2 Posts: 429 Member
    I am so sorry about your aunt, I hope she recovers quickly. Congrats on your weight loss! Have a Great week 2!
  • jomom2
    jomom2 Posts: 429 Member
    1st weigh-in 371
    Current weight 365.2

    It could have been better but I'm happy the number is going down,.My aunt has had two strokes since friday so I have been back and forth to the hospital and have not worked either. My meal plan changed and i got some gym time in...this will be a better week :)
    I am so sorry about your aunt, I hope she recovers quickly. Congrats on your weight loss! Have a Great week 2!
  • marulop14
    marulop14 Posts: 75 Member
    Greg job everyone!