Day 10 1/12/12

Chika_2015 Posts: 359 Member
Post how you did today.


  • roseemb
    roseemb Posts: 85 Member
    Could have done better today - but got my 64 oz in. Not hitting my goal of 100 oz the last few days. Friday is a new day!
  • dia77
    dia77 Posts: 410 Member
    I did good! over 75 oz water and I didn't eat after 8!
    Having dinner at 7 pm is a habit now:)
  • Chika_2015
    Chika_2015 Posts: 359 Member
    I got my water in and did not eat past 8pm. Can't wait till my Tuesday weigh-ins.
  • cprice05
    cprice05 Posts: 82 Member
    I was super proud of myself yesterday. 70 oz and even though I was up watching a movie and feeling some grumbling in my stomach I drank water instead of grabbing the chips :happy:
  • LoSena
    LoSena Posts: 14
    today was my rest day from working out however i have made the best of my 1280 cals! i'm about to have dinner & will have 307 cals remaining. i have had 14 8 oz cups of water (i drink the poland spring bottles which are 16 oz so i count those as 2 cups)! i feel AMAZING!
  • Jujubie
    Jujubie Posts: 130 Member
    Just made the water cut yesterday. The snacking part is easier than I had anticipated.
  • grmpy1
    grmpy1 Posts: 462 Member
    I am back from traveling and had a gain this week. I wasn't happy. One thing I did find out though. The water bottle I was using all week to measure my water was a 20 oz bottle and not the 16.9 like I thought. So I was getting more water than I logged each day. Now I know why I was in the bathroom so much more than normal. :blushing:

    I guess you could say I had a good water week. :drinker: