Want to know it all.....

chgetnfit Posts: 5 Member
Hi. I installed this app on my phone to use for tracking my food. Today I logged in to the website and wow! This is really a great site. I had no idea the range of support that could be found. I'm reaching out to hear about your successes so that they can also become mine.


  • Lindy901
    Lindy901 Posts: 71 Member
    Hope you do well. Feel free to add me as a friend. I have used other calorie counter sites and I'm currently starting over on this one. I have lost almost 50 since June. Just try to be honest in your logging and try to get a little exercise in and you should do fine.
  • BanjoKd
    BanjoKd Posts: 150
    I added you as a friend. I think this site is soooooo much easier to use than others. It works perfect for me. Before joining MFp i tried Livestrong and Spark people....this is so much easier for me.
  • inotnew
    inotnew Posts: 218 Member
    Some tips I like to spread around.
    -Log Everything. All that goes into your mouth and all of the exercise you do.
    -Learn a little about nutrition, not just dieting (take a class)
    -exercise, start where you don't over do it and increase as you can (increase speed, weights, or time)
    -allow yourself to make an occasional mistake, pick up start again
    -challenge your self, set small goals as well as big ones
    -Read, read, read. Surf weight loss blogs, profiles, web sites, exercise sites.
    -Stay connected with successful “losers” and healthy people. Listen to their difficulties and share yours.

    (be careful of some advise)
    good luck!