I've got wings!!

I really do!! This flab hanging under my arms hiding a weak tricep muscle has got to go!! What are the best and most effective exercises I can do to tighten up these arms? I go to a gym and have mostly been doing cardio. I have dropped 25 pounds but still have 90 to go. I am 55 so I know these won't go away entirely, but anything would be an improvement!! :smile:


  • irridia
    irridia Posts: 527 Member
    stronglifts 5x5 which consists of squats, bench presses, deadlifts, overhead presses, and bent rows.
  • VinVenture
    Dips are good on the arms for building muscle to cover up/tighten those flabby arms.
  • doughnutwretch
    doughnutwretch Posts: 498 Member
    You cannot spot reduce and that will likely be one of the areas that is last to go, but there are some really good exercises to target your bis and tris and strength those muscles while you continue to MAINTAIN A CALORIC DEFICIT and lose body fat.

    Skull crushers
    Tricep Kickbacks
    Tricep Pushdowns
    Dumbbell curls (Be sure to extend fully before curling back up)
    Barbell curls
    Inclinde curls
    Hammer curls

    If you don't know what some of these are, you can pull them up on Youtube and they will also educate on proper form.
  • eswelker1
    Thank you so much for the feedback friends! :D