Week 2 Friday Weigh In

ocrunner11 Posts: 293 Member
Good Morning In It to Win It 2012 Team!!!
It is a beautiful morning and I am wishing you a very blessed day and week ahead. For accountability I am checking in for the Friday weigh in. I am happy to report I have lost inches this week. Which leads me to believe that measuring and weighing are both very good motivators to keep us on track to our end result goal of being fit.
I am at 177. I have increased my workouts to include a front body workout through a home tape I have called Jillian Michaels Beginner Front body. This CD works my front part of my body, arms, shoulders, mid-section, legs. It is a 6 circuit workout , quite a few squats throughout the routine. I am sticking with it as well as my running.
Have a great weekend and let me know how your week went?
Enjoy the Day!:flowerforyou:


  • Kekibird
    Kekibird Posts: 1,122 Member
    Down to 185 from 187.

    Holiday weight is off. Back to my lowest which is a great starting point.
  • Candy42adore
    Candy42adore Posts: 40 Member
    lost 3.1 lbs!!! Doin the happy dance!:bigsmile: Now at 168.5 I started at 220..........I am 38 lbs away from my goal!
  • ocrunner11
    ocrunner11 Posts: 293 Member
    Down to 185 from 187.

    Holiday weight is off. Back to my lowest which is a great starting point.
    Fantastic :drinker: Cheers to your great progress! Keep focused and positive today, you are doing fabulous:flowerforyou:
  • ocrunner11
    ocrunner11 Posts: 293 Member
    lost 3.1 lbs!!! Doin the happy dance!:bigsmile: Now at 168.5 I started at 220..........I am 38 lbs away from my goal!
    ::::happy dancing with you::::: Let us know what you did this past week for your success! We all want to learn from you.
    Enjoy your week :heart:
  • ocrunner11
    ocrunner11 Posts: 293 Member
    Down to 185 from 187.

    Holiday weight is off. Back to my lowest which is a great starting point.
    Hey those look like running legs in your new pic~~~
    You look beautiful in your dress :wink:
  • k_harvey
    k_harvey Posts: 23 Member
    Good morning - Happy Friday (the 13th)! I lost 2 pounds from last week so I am feeling good about my progress. I feel like I am back in control and know that I need to stay vigilant about logging calories and getting exercise in. Have a great week!
  • AnnaCVeach
    AnnaCVeach Posts: 56 Member
    I posted to last weeks weight loss thread for this week so I'll just do a double posting. I am down 4 pounds from last week. Current weight is 223. Woo Hoo! I'm joining in on the Happy Dance!!!
  • minita
    minita Posts: 30 Member
    Hi, I lost 2 pounds from last week. Good to say, the bad news is I'm on the way to go down the weight I gained during Christmas time that were 8 pounds!! 6 more to reach the point I was 1 and a half month ago. Still walking and that's good. My blouses can feel the belly damage, lol, eventhough the scale says I lost a bit.
  • Kekibird
    Kekibird Posts: 1,122 Member
    Down to 185 from 187.

    Holiday weight is off. Back to my lowest which is a great starting point.
    Hey those look like running legs in your new pic~~~
    You look beautiful in your dress :wink:

    Thank you! Feeling pretty good right now and I'm impressed, I'm only half way there! So I can't imagine how I'll feel when I'm at my goal!
  • Kekibird
    Kekibird Posts: 1,122 Member
    Hi, I lost 2 pounds from last week. Good to say, the bad news is I'm on the way to go down the weight I gained during Christmas time that were 8 pounds!! 6 more to reach the point I was 1 and a half month ago. Still walking and that's good. My blouses can feel the belly damage, lol, eventhough the scale says I lost a bit.

    I know how you feel. Still working off that holiday weight myself. Hang in there! At least it's moving in the right direction!
  • Good going you losers you!!! :bigsmile: I am gonna :drinker: party:drinker: with ya (water in that glass!!!) this week as I am down a pound! I am thinking I am gonna lose 10 more and see if that is where my doctor and I think I need to be or if I need to lose more. So for me 1 down, 10 to go :flowerforyou:
  • ocrunner11
    ocrunner11 Posts: 293 Member
    Good going you losers you!!! :bigsmile: I am gonna :drinker: party:drinker: with ya (water in that glass!!!) this week as I am down a pound! I am thinking I am gonna lose 10 more and see if that is where my doctor and I think I need to be or if I need to lose more. So for me 1 down, 10 to go :flowerforyou:
    :::happy dance::: and a cheer :drinker: for you too! Yes, let us know how the doctor advises you! So very happy for you! Enjoy the weekend and the week ahead :flowerforyou:
  • schotas
    schotas Posts: 150 Member
    Up 1 pound this week...not too worried. I had a lot of sodium at dinner last night, and I think it is probably water. Hope everyone else had some great results! :happy:
  • ocrunner11
    ocrunner11 Posts: 293 Member
    Up 1 pound this week...not too worried. I had a lot of sodium at dinner last night, and I think it is probably water. Hope everyone else had some great results! :happy:
    Love your positive attitude!!! Have a great weekend and enjoy your running :flowerforyou:
  • My weigh in this week was good; loss of 1.8 lbs. I am working a lot of hours so I am really concentrating on by food choices. Hope everyone had a good week.

  • 208 this morning. It's been five or six months since I've been this far below 210. It feels great! And as long as I remember to check in on a daily basis, I do well. My doc says my ideal weight is 190, so work lies ahead.s
  • Little late posting my weigh in but here it is: down 0.6 lbs from last week - not much but any moving down the scale is great! Hope you all had a great Friday!
  • Candy42adore
    Candy42adore Posts: 40 Member
    LOTS & LOTS OF WATER. I also increased my fruit and vegetable intake and cardio like a MAD woman
  • mxburke
    mxburke Posts: 226 Member
    Hey everyone! Congrats on all the great losses this week! and for those who may have had a less than good week, keep your chin up, it only means that next week can get better!!!
    As for me, I am down 2.2 lbs!!! So now down to 160.8lbs!!! Can't wait to get under that 160 mark again!!!

    Good luck this week everyone!
  • Hi there! I'm new and I'd like to join your "In it to win it 2012" group. In the last two weeks, I've been faithful about logging on myfitnesspal.com and tracking everything I put in my mouth. So far, I've lost 3 lbs. I have become anal about reading the nutrition labels on everything I eat. I'm scared to put anything in my mouth if I don't have the nutrition label to read first. Going out to eat is a nightmare right now. I don't know what to eat when I'm out yet. I've gotten salads the last couple of times I've eaten out and only ate half of them. I know it is much better to eat at home and fix your own food, but my husband's job requires we dine with his colleagues or customers sometimes. I want to stay focused and get to my goal weight by the time I hit 50 years old this summer. Eating out is a big issue for me right now. I want to eat all the good stuff but I know I can't do that. Temptation can be unbearable. My husband's boss kept trying to get me to drink more wine the other night, and I told him no more, twice. My husband gave me this look of "don't piss off the boss, dear". Later, I had a talk with my husband and told him, if he wants me to be heathly & happy, then I had to cut out the extra alcohol, or even cut it out completely. He understood. Happy wife, happy life!! That's my motto! HA!