Ashamed! Need help!

New Year New challenges is right the need to loos out weighs just about everything for me but I'm sooo sluggish even though I'm eating right I know it's because my motivation for working out is gone I'm so disgusting to myself that I don't want anyone to see me work out and jiggle around and since husband got layer off just before Christmas and is home I feel like he is looking at me laughing mainly because he does laugh but not at me just at the fact that I don't want to workout in front of him... Has anyone else had this problem and How did you get over it??


  • L2M1D52
    L2M1D52 Posts: 616 Member
    Hey there!

    I know how you feel. When I first started working out I would go into a room away from other people and lock the door and do my workout. When it comes to the treadmill, well I would just do it in front of people since I couldn't move the whole thing somewhere else. I wouldn't like for my fiance to be around because I didn't feel comfortable with the jiggle either haha. However, one day he said he would work out along with me. He didn't make me feel bad and now I don't care, I've become comfortable and it may just take time. I began to have confidence in myself and you can do the same and not care who sees you. Good luck! Find that confidence in yourself and you will be golden. :heart:
  • melelana
    melelana Posts: 122 Member
    Do what makes you feel good about yourself first. Like when I feel too out of shape or jiggly to do cardio, I like to take a walk in the park alone, or hike with a very close friend. I took the same trail each day to measure how my progress is. Once I could do the entire trail with minimal huffing and puffing, I felt like I had accomplished enough to start jogging the track. Then I moved on to dance classes at the gym. Just take pride in your little accomplishments and you'll feel confident enough to work out in front of people soon.
  • wannabesexymama
    wannabesexymama Posts: 367 Member
    Thanks Ladies! :smile:
  • Saffyra
    Saffyra Posts: 607 Member
    I make my husband leave the room. I *hate* working out in front of him.

    Today he wanted to be in the room I normally work out in and I made him move all my stuff to the living room because I refuse to skip a work out.

    He is not allowed to leave the room he is in until I am done :D