Girl Scout cookie ban



  • futiledevices
    futiledevices Posts: 309 Member
    Just wanted to say that being transgendered does not mean the person has something wrong with their genitalia. My cousin is transgendered - born a girl, now living as a man and has legally changed his name.

    I didn't bother to go to that link, cause I'm pretty sure I'll find it upsetting and disgusting.
  • MassiveDelta
    MassiveDelta Posts: 3,311 Member
    This isn't weather the the little boy should be in girls scouts its weather the parents are making the error by forcing the organization to allow him. Most importantly I dont care how "fair" it maybe be to be all inclusive. subjecting that little boy to a troop where every other little girl is going to be like "hey whats that little boy doing here" That is going to be very traumatic. I dont care what you all say if you think that wont or didn't happen you have forgotten what grade school was like.

    Little boys have cooties. Little boys who want to be little girls WHOA! Big cooties! I read through some stuff on transgender and it explains how even a child as young as 4 knows what they are supposed to be . I can assure you even a 7 year old girls also knows that little boy needs to be wearing a cub scout uniform.

    As for why their aren't one sole group called scouts. For starters Boys scouts starts at age 11-12 so they are older. The cub scout program is more suitable and I'm not sure you would find a lot of little boys enjoying craft time with the girls scouts. Boys and girls are different let them be different stop trying to make every one the same and stop trying to force them to accept things that are not natural for them. Little boys dont want to do girl things and vise versa.

    Flame away
  • futiledevices
    futiledevices Posts: 309 Member
    This isn't weather the the little boy should be in girls scouts its weather the parents are making the error by forcing the organization to allow him. Most importantly I dont care how "fair" it maybe be to be all inclusive. subjecting that little boy to a troop where every other little girl is going to be like "hey whats that little boy doing here" That is going to be very traumatic. I dont care what you all say if you think that wont or didn't happen you have forgotten what grade school was like.

    Little boys have cooties. Little boys who want to be little girls WHOA! Big cooties! I read through some stuff on transgender and it explains how even a child as young as 4 knows what they are supposed to be . I can assure you even a 7 year old girls also knows that little boy needs to be wearing a cub scout uniform.

    As for why their aren't one sole group called scouts. For starters Boys scouts starts at age 11-12 so they are older. The cub scout program is more suitable and I'm not sure you would find a lot of little boys enjoying craft time with the girls scouts. Boys and girls are different let them be different stop trying to make every one the same and stop trying to force them to accept things that are not natural for them. Little boys dont want to do girl things and vise versa.

    Flame away

    Ridiculous! You think it's "natural" for girls to do "crafts" and for boys NOT to? Neither are true. The only reason boys like to do "boy" things is because they are conditioned to. From the moment they are born, gender roles are forced upon them. It's a product of society and nothing more.
  • Bahet
    Bahet Posts: 1,254 Member
    This isn't weather the the little boy should be in girls scouts its weather the parents are making the error by forcing the organization to allow him. Most importantly I dont care how "fair" it maybe be to be all inclusive. subjecting that little boy to a troop where every other little girl is going to be like "hey whats that little boy doing here" That is going to be very traumatic. I dont care what you all say if you think that wont or didn't happen you have forgotten what grade school was like.

    Little boys have cooties. Little boys who want to be little girls WHOA! Big cooties! I read through some stuff on transgender and it explains how even a child as young as 4 knows what they are supposed to be . I can assure you even a 7 year old girls also knows that little boy needs to be wearing a cub scout uniform.

    As for why their aren't one sole group called scouts. For starters Boys scouts starts at age 11-12 so they are older. The cub scout program is more suitable and I'm not sure you would find a lot of little boys enjoying craft time with the girls scouts. Boys and girls are different let them be different stop trying to make every one the same and stop trying to force them to accept things that are not natural for them. Little boys dont want to do girl things and vise versa.

    Flame away

    Ridiculous! You think it's "natural" for girls to do "crafts" and for boys NOT to? Neither are true. The only reason boys like to do "boy" things is because they are conditioned to. From the moment they are born, gender roles are forced upon them. It's a product of society and nothing more.
    Yup. Scouts are coed in Europe. It works because they aren't as uptight as most Americans.
  • VeganInTraining
    VeganInTraining Posts: 1,321 Member

    As for why their aren't one sole group called scouts. For starters Boys scouts starts at age 11-12 so they are older. The cub scout program is more suitable and I'm not sure you would find a lot of little boys enjoying craft time with the girls scouts. Boys and girls are different let them be different stop trying to make every one the same and stop trying to force them to accept things that are not natural for them. Little boys dont want to do girl things and vise versa.

    Flame away

    The reason I was never a "girl scout" is because I would rather do everything the boy scouts were doing. I was not a "transgender" child but I wanted to do "boy" things for as long as I can remember
  • VeganInTraining
    VeganInTraining Posts: 1,321 Member
    As far as the initial question goes. To say that the parents should be brought up on child endangerment is ridiculous. It never says that the parents pushed the transgender girl to join girl scouts, it simply says that the group decided to let her join. If my child wants to be part of a group that generally doesn't allow them (regardless of if it's for sex, color, or creed) and that group choses to let them then I will permit my child to participate (assuming it's a reasonable cause). Why should someone be brought up on child endangerment for allowing their child to express his or herself?
  • Yakisoba
    Yakisoba Posts: 719 Member
    This isn't weather the the little boy should be in girls scouts its weather the parents are making the error by forcing the organization to allow him. Most importantly I dont care how "fair" it maybe be to be all inclusive. subjecting that little boy to a troop where every other little girl is going to be like "hey whats that little boy doing here" That is going to be very traumatic. I dont care what you all say if you think that wont or didn't happen you have forgotten what grade school was like.

    Little boys have cooties. Little boys who want to be little girls WHOA! Big cooties! I read through some stuff on transgender and it explains how even a child as young as 4 knows what they are supposed to be . I can assure you even a 7 year old girls also knows that little boy needs to be wearing a cub scout uniform.

    As for why their aren't one sole group called scouts. For starters Boys scouts starts at age 11-12 so they are older. The cub scout program is more suitable and I'm not sure you would find a lot of little boys enjoying craft time with the girls scouts. Boys and girls are different let them be different stop trying to make every one the same and stop trying to force them to accept things that are not natural for them. Little boys dont want to do girl things and vise versa.

    Flame away

    Ridiculous! You think it's "natural" for girls to do "crafts" and for boys NOT to? Neither are true. The only reason boys like to do "boy" things is because they are conditioned to. From the moment they are born, gender roles are forced upon them. It's a product of society and nothing more.

    ^ Exactly.
  • debloves2ride
    If the transgender child sees theirself as a girl, then she should be allowed to joing the girl scouts. If the parents are pushing it just to prove a point then shame on the parents. I think bringing parents up on child endangerment charges is reidiculous.

    IMO I think it would be ridiculous to have just "scouts" for both sexes in one group. Little girls don't want little boys hanging around them, speaking as a former girl scout. It is a nice safe environment for girls, I am assuming it is also one for boys in their group. What about overnight camping trips and sleep overs? Want your little girl sleeping with the boys? We did have co-ed functions and even those were annoying when I was 7 - 12. After that we looked forward to them, so imagine what the sleep overs would be then!

    Just let the kids be kids and leave the other crap out of it.
  • castadiva
    castadiva Posts: 2,016 Member
    I would support the "cutting of ties" with any organization that does anything in conjunction with Planned Parenthood.

    Please elaborate further - I'm intrigued! Does the Scouting movement have ties with PP? Seems like an odd pairing...
  • TheRoadDog
    TheRoadDog Posts: 11,788 Member
    I stopped buying GS cookies a long time ago. Overpriced. I'm all for helping out with a good cause but they are ridiculous.
  • CasperO
    CasperO Posts: 2,913 Member
    That's disgusting.
    Transexual/transgender people exist. Therefore they are deserving of rights and respect. If you've got a differing opinion I can't wait to hear it.
    + 1
    + 3
  • castadiva
    castadiva Posts: 2,016 Member
    That's disgusting.
    Transexual/transgender people exist. Therefore they are deserving of rights and respect. If you've got a differing opinion I can't wait to hear it.
    + 1
    + 3
  • TheRoadDog
    TheRoadDog Posts: 11,788 Member
    I just re-read the article. Transgendered 7 year old? Really? Anybody know of the article that substantiates the claim that someone had their 7-yr old transgendered? I don't believe it. Can't believe that any Doctor would allow it. Are we really talking about someone that is transgendered at 7 yrs old? Changes the focus a little.

    One of you "researcher" types, please, fill me in, because is this is a boy that chooses to dress in girls' clothes, I have a much different opinion.
  • CasperO
    CasperO Posts: 2,913 Member
    Not a choice. Many kids like this are genetically female or hormonally female or both. 1 human being in 1500 is not strictly either/or female/male in medical and genetic terms.

    Imagine if you felt like you feel and were who you are and yet somehow, inexplicably, you had a vajayjay. That's kind'a what this is like, and you don't have to be 22 to know something's up.

    Edit - I just reread your post. What do you mean "someone had their 7-yr old transgendered?". There was no surgery here. "Had"?
  • TheRoadDog
    TheRoadDog Posts: 11,788 Member
    Not a choice. Many kids like this are genetically female or hormonally female or both. 1 human being in 1500 is not strictly either/or female/male in medical and genetic terms.

    Imagine if you felt like you feel and were who you are and yet somehow, inexplicably, you had a vajayjay. That's kind'a what this is like, and you don't have to be 22 to know something's up.

    I believe you are talking about a Hermaphrodite. I have a family friend that was born with both genitalia. A decision was made at birth. Surgery was done. This is more common than you might know. She was listed as female on her Birth Certificate and was, in fact, in the Girl Scouts herself.

    I would hope that the parents of this child did not wait until they were 7 yrs old to make such a decision.

    btw -- my friend is one of the most beautiful, 6' 4" women I know.
  • jamk1446
    jamk1446 Posts: 5,577 Member
    Roaddog, here is a link to an article and video of the 7 year old child. We're not talking post-operative transgendered; I don't believe any doctor would perform the operation until maturity.
  • castadiva
    castadiva Posts: 2,016 Member
    From what I gather online, the child self-identifies as female, though the physical biology is male. I would certainly hope no reputable surgeon would conduct a surgical sex-change operation on a young child, nor that any parent would permit that. Gender-determination surgery on a child that displays hermaphroditic charcteristics is something very different.

    I can't find anything to say whether or not the cellular or hormonal biology has been explored, but does that really matter?
  • Regmama
    Regmama Posts: 399 Member
    On the Planned Parenthood link:

    As for me, I hated girl scouts (petty girls, totally not worth it). ON the other hand my dad and I were a part of the (at the time) Indian Princesses (now called Y-Princesses). Totally more fun, less cliquish and at teh middle school level it turns co-ed to Trailblazers. Those truly are some of my fondest memories with my dad. And, as an alternative to the Girl Scouts there is an organization (Christian Based) called American Heritage Girls. Next year we will be signing our daughter up for that, though, considering it's with girls, my guess is that I'll hate it because little girls are so petty, it doesn't matter what their beliefs.
  • TheRoadDog
    TheRoadDog Posts: 11,788 Member
    Roaddog, here is a link to an article and video of the 7 year old child. We're not talking post-operative transgendered; I don't believe any doctor would perform the operation until maturity.

    Thanks for the info. In this instance, this child should not be allowed into the Girl Scouts.
  • mikajoanow
    mikajoanow Posts: 584 Member

    ^^Great video. I have three boys, none have ever expressed a feeling that they were the transgender. If they did, I would believe them.

    I don't know enough about the child that took part in the girl scouts to know if that child really feels they are transgendered. Saying you like girl toys is not enough for me. But I assume the mother has seen and knows more than what was on the video. If the kid is transgendered then I am happy the GS let her in. :)