
bean42 Posts: 8 Member

Thought we might have an introductions topic.

My name is Ellie, I started the Dukan just before Christmas(!) I did the attach phase for 2 weeks (because of Christmas naughtyness in the middle) and lost 2.5kg.

My start weight was 78.5
My target is 68.

I'm plateauing at the moment I've been 74 for 2 weeks, I'm finding it difficult to get motivated to do the exercise.

Everyone else?


  • Newkell
    Newkell Posts: 379 Member
    Hi Ellie,

    My name is Kelly. I started Dukan right after Christmas because of the weight gain over the holidays as well. I have a good friend who has lost weight on this program and she was inspirational. Since then I have lost about 15 pounds. I still have a bit of trouble in the will power department. One of my mfp friends said this and I stole it from her:

    " I don't believe in willpower, I believe in choices" this comes from someone who has lost over 100 pounds. I need to really think my choices through a lot better.

    I wish you and everyone else much success on this plan. It will work if we work it. That I know :)
  • janebink
    janebink Posts: 40 Member
    Hello Ellie

    My name is Jane and I started back on the Dukan diet (in a fashion) on Monday. I had been on it since March of last year and altogether I have lost 10kg.
    I've had a disastrous day today however - My husband Stu and I went out for lunch and that's fatal! We shared a stilton and pear salad - I didn't eat any of the soda bread - and I had still water to drink - so far so good. Then I ate half of Stu's fruit scone with jam and clotted cream - not so good!!!! :mad:
    I've already succumbed to a chocolate Santa this week so if I manage to lose any weight this week it will be a miracle :frown:
    This really isn't like me - honest! I will get better!
    I'm having protein only days tomorrow and Monday and I get weighed on Tuesday - I'm also trying to up my exercise a bit to make up it.
  • mummychaz
    mummychaz Posts: 35 Member
    Hi Everyone,
    I'm Charlene, most people call me Chaz. I started Dukan on 3rd Jan 2012 after having already lost 8lbs cutting out rubbish food & increasing exercise etc., I have now lost 13.5lbs, I am on Cruise phase & am nearly halfway to my true/goal weight :)
    I am finding the PP days a little tough on my finances as I can't bulk meals out with veg but loving the diet overall, I believe in it's theory which is key to diet success IMO.
    Good luck everyone & I look forward to sharing this journey & our success with you all :)
    Chaz x
  • janebink
    janebink Posts: 40 Member
    Hello Chaz

    Welcome to the Dukan Clan!

    Your'e doing great - and I agree that the theory to this diet does make perfect sense.
    With regard to the protein only days - I eat quite a lot of Pork tongue from Sainsburys which is quite cheap - I don't know if you live in the UK though. Also seafood sticks are only 85p a packet and they are virtually all protein. I have them most days for my lunch and they are really filling.
    I also eat a lot of smoked peppered mackerel - its high in calories but at least its the right kind of fat!

    Anyway - I'm not having a very good re-start to it myself so who am I to give advice! I WILL GET BETTER THOUGH! Honest

  • alisatomp
    alisatomp Posts: 20 Member
    Hello everyone! I'm Isa from California. I love the Dukan diet! This will be my third month and so far i have lost 6 lbs. Good luck everybody !
  • Newkell
    Newkell Posts: 379 Member
    Hi Chaz and Lisa. I am so glad that you have joined us. I know I need the support. I totally fell off the band wagon and need to get back on. Had a little emotional set back. Must learn how not to let those sabotage my hard work. Today, Like Jane I hope to work off some of my offenses. I may for the sake of sanity return to the once a week cheat meal.

    Good luck!
  • elfo
    elfo Posts: 353 Member

    I'm El, I started the Dukan diet about a week ago. I'm on day 8 and I've lost 8lbs on the diet. I'm planning to do the attack phase of the diet for 2 more days. I feel really great and have lots of energy. My goal is to loose 70lbs all together.
    I have also started a bog to track my progress and document my journey (things that work or don't and recipes).
    Here's the URL in case anyone is interested:
  • bittybooh
    bittybooh Posts: 21 Member
    Hey everyone,
    My name is Christine, I have been on Dukan since July 2011. I have absolutely loved this plan. I have not had many issues with sticking with the plan. My biggest motivator is how much I have lost.....I went through a plateau and worked harder, increasing my walk times like he says in his book. I am losing again, thankfully. I like this forum, it is great for support and just for talking about any thing that is going on in our lives. Have a great week, and hope to see you all soon on MFP. :happy:
  • notgivingup2012
    hello, i am starting the dukan diet tomorrow. im very excited. im a lil nervous because it is restrictive but i know i will be motivated by the fast weight loss.
  • gjmom3

    I started Dukan last Wednesday. Lost four pounds so far. Have been through Attack phase, now on Cruise. Looking for friends with are doing Dukan, so send me an invite if you are interested in having some support. I am definitely finding this a great way to stay away from sugar and processed foods. I am only the one in my family who is doing it, so I am surrounded by carbs!
  • Janice0711
    Janice0711 Posts: 154 Member
    I believe in Dukan! ;0)
    My name is Janice~
    I taught Elem. school for 32yrs & retired almost 3 yrs ago. I starting gaining after I retired , because I was no longer "walking" my classroom & school building ALL day! You wouldn't think that would make a difference, but it really does!

    I am married &
    I have 2 grown children~My son & his wife have my only grand child~she will be 5 in March. My daughter married a fireman/paramedic 2 yrs ago~

    I have lost & gained weight since my retirement May 09~Last May, 2011, I discovered Dukan and lost 30 lbs. from May to Aug.
    In Sept. hubby & I went on a cruise, but I only gained 3 lbs. back!
    In October, I joined MFP & counted calories for awhile~I lost a few lbs.~
    Never did gain back what I lost on Dukan~

    Feb. 1 , decided to get serious about Dukan again! I exercise at home with my treadmill & HIp, Hop, Abs~just bought the Zumba DVD's & a new Gazelle Edge it!

    I feel happy & have lots of energy on this diet~My hubby is very supportive & grills diff types of protein for me every weekend. That really helps me during the week.

    In Feb. I have lost 6 lbs. for a total of 39 lbs. ~all but just a couple of lbs were on Dukan!
    Friend me if u wish to have a "Dukan buddy"! ;0):flowerforyou: