Week 3 challenge!



  • Anweena
    Anweena Posts: 45 Member
    Chicken breast simmered in apple sauce and curry spices. Delicious!
  • so not as good as i thought i would be this week, i have officially morphed into survival mode where focus is on caffeine rather than nutrition.....
    Don't make me go MOM on you! lmao It sucks being busy but TRY!! lol I know you are:) Do you have 7-11's by chance? I know they sell oranges, bananas, and apples at their counters for when your running on the go!

    i'm drinking a v8 right now, just for you!! :) full serving of fruits and veggies!

    YAY!!!! lmao this made me smile so big my husband got suspicious and walked over to see what i was "really" doing...lol
  • I love my fruit and veggies, I am all over this challenge like a rash :)
    See I told ya they was easy peasy:)
  • Chicken breast simmered in apple sauce and curry spices. Delicious!
  • AGirlandHerFrenchie
    AGirlandHerFrenchie Posts: 448 Member
    Morning everyone. I didn't get my fruit in yesterday but I got my veggies in - had a salad with mixed greens, sunflower seeds, croutons, parmesan and a blasamic dressing. It was really good.
  • Morning everyone. I didn't get my fruit in yesterday but I got my veggies in - had a salad with mixed greens, sunflower seeds, croutons, parmesan and a blasamic dressing. It was really good.
    Yeah I had a salad the other day...I don't like salad...lol it makes me feel like a rabbit! lmao
  • rhce40
    rhce40 Posts: 201 Member

    i'm meeting a friend for dinner in the cafeteria and ill have a salad for sure (could live off of it) and take some fruit too!
  • Jenthin
    Jenthin Posts: 65 Member
    If MFP had a like button....you'd get one from me :bigsmile: How funny!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • lol I said first thing I am not a twigs n berries kinda girl...guess I should have put greens in that too...lmao

    I LOVE MEAT! and starch...damn starch making me fat...its not the meats fault, meat can do no wrong!
  • JackieLM
    JackieLM Posts: 127 Member
    This challenge was actually an easy one for me... I eat a lot of fruits and veggies.... but we can always eat more, right?
  • JackieLM
    JackieLM Posts: 127 Member
    Focus more on the veggies though guys... the fruits have natural sugar so be careful not to go overboard on the fruits... eat them yes.... but just be careful not to go crazy. Veggies, you can eat them all day long and not worry.
  • Focus more on the veggies though guys... the fruits have natural sugar so be careful not to go overboard on the fruits... eat them yes.... but just be careful not to go crazy. Veggies, you can eat them all day long and not worry.
    YES! lol I get light headed when I eat fruit...so I'll only eat one a day...maybe two if its a low sugar fruit but veggies!!!MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM
  • LoMadd0406
    LoMadd0406 Posts: 36 Member
    I am doing well on my fruits and veggies......fruits more than veggies, but I love salads so that accounts for a lot of my veggies :) I try to have 3 to 5 servings per day, but of course it sometimes doesn't work that way.