Important stuff will go here one day.
anybody still out there?
Where has everyone gone?
What we are to do this week:)
Week 3-12-2012 to 3-18-2012 Yo Peeps! Ok So I hope everyone had fun doing the Jumping Jacks! Cuz it is about to start getting tougher. Every week from here on out I will be adding to or making things trickier for us all. Do everything you can at your level. I will post pictures or videos to the way each thing should be…
Challenge 3-5-2012
Ok ladies...and gent....It's that time again! This week We are going to be doing JACKS!!! 30 a day...IN A ROW! You may take a short 5-10 second break when you need to but get right back to it! Along with this I want every one to push for 10 glasses of water a day. I know some are already doing this but for the ones that…
Ok ladies this week will be super easy. I have not been feeling well so I will be delaying harder stuff for a week or two longer. BUT I want you to know that things are going to get look forward to it:) But anyway this week I want you to pick one nice thing a day to do for/to your body. We neglect ourselves so…
Challenge week
No challenge this week, sorry. we will resume next week.
Challenge week 2-13-2012 thru 2-19-2012
PLANKS!!!! Are you all are going to drop out of the group now??!!??!! 20 seconds is all for the first day, the second day 20 seconds twice, day 3 do 30 seconds, day 4 -30 seconds twice, 5th day 40 seconds , 6th day 40 seconds twice...7th day one full minute. If you can do more then one of these I encourage you to do more!…
Challenge week 2-6-2012 thru 2-12-2012
This weeks challenge is going to be super easy for everyone:) and there should be no excuses from anyone! lol I want you to "sneak" in fitness this week. Like when you go to the store...park farther back then normal....when your on the phone instead of sitting walk around or pretend to sit by putting you back against the…
Kicking a bad Habit 7 day challange
I hope it's ok to post this....I am finding myself having a hard time kicking my bad habit and sticking with it. You see all this week I slipped back and I find myself going home at night and it being so much easier to have a couple glasses of wine or a few beers then working out and then I end up blowing every good choice…
Challenge to start 1/30/2012-2/5/2010
Hey Ladies:) It's that time again!!! Ok now some of you are going to hate me...and others are going to dislike me...and some will be like really?????????? lol So here is your challenge...... Continue your 50 squats per day this week....If you can not do 50 at one time, BREAK them up! it is ok:) I don't want anyone hurting…
NEW Challenge-start 1/23/2012
Ok fellow Losers time for this weeks challenge:) SQUATS!!! I want Everyone to do 50 squats this week...EVERYDAY!!! Yes on top of what you normally do:) break them up throughout your day if you need to;) I know, I know I'm mean. Lets get to this ladies! Remember also to weigh-in on our spread sheet...if you need the link it…