Officially Registered for My First Ever 5k!

LeanerBeef Posts: 1,432 Member
I am officially registered for my first ever 5k! Holy Crap - can't back out now.....It is in 109 days, so I've got plenty of time to get my *kitten* prepared. My Beef2FiveK plan is my own variation of the C25K, it will get me there. This week I’m doing 90 secs at 6.0 and then 90 seconds walking at 3.7. Next week I will stretch it to 2 minutes and go from there. I’m going to do this 3x’s per week, though some weeks I might make it 2 days and mix in the elliptical or ARC trainer (my new love/hate piece of equipment).

I want to finish in under 30 minutes and look good doing it. As my good friend Maggie pointed out – you don’t want to look like a complete idiot running in public. So true, so true indeed.

Here’s the info for anyone in the Philly area that wants to walk, run, or donate. They have 5k & 10k run and a 4 or 6 mile walk.
Walk MS: Philadelphia Art Museum 2012
