Official weigh-in thread for Tuesday, January 17, 2012

ironband Posts: 157 Member
A little late getting this up due to a personal misinterpretation of the three day weekend...let's see those results!


  • ironband
    ironband Posts: 157 Member
    I'm up one pound from last week to 208 - I thought last week's loss was a bit drastic anyhow, and this week wasn't the best food-wise (celebrated last Tuesday and had too much football food Saturday). I pledge to make this week a better one!

  • southtowngirl
    southtowngirl Posts: 72 Member
    139.4 ........ down 0.6 ......... coulda done better but for my mom's chicken dumplins on Sunday (two helpings!) My mom is my sabateur (not on purpose) because she is such a great cook, and we all go over there for Sunday lunch almost every week.
  • EmmaJade706
    EmmaJade706 Posts: 39 Member
    This week was also hard for me. Weve had a lost in the family. And with that i was depressed. When im depressed i eat and when i eat i gain :(.... so i gain BACK the 3lbs i lost last week. this week i promised myself to be good when it came to eating.

    S.W.- 265.4
    Loss- -0.4
    G.W- 200
  • Good luck everyone!

    Last weigh-in: 112 lbs.
    Current weight: 108 lbs.
    Goal weight: 95 lbs.
  • IndianCat3
    IndianCat3 Posts: 158 Member
    last week weigh in 173.6
    current weigh in 173.6

    no weight loss, didnt eat outragious, also i didnt workout thurs-monday either..

  • ironband
    ironband Posts: 157 Member
    Sounds like we all had a rough week, with the exception of you jtskinner! Good work! And SouthTownGirl - down is down, even with the down home cookin'

    As for the rest of us, hopefully we can make it work this week and get closer to our goals. As for myself, I'm putting together a new weight training regimen for myself to try and add a little muscle to this frame!

  • Sorry I'm late....

    I'm up 14lbs since the last time I checked in which was nearly a month ago. That includes the Christmas excess and the fall out from that.

    I'm actually not too worried about it, I needed a break from it all having been hard at work at it for 6 months solid and when I last checked in I had run things very low and suspect I was really 3-4 pounds heavier than I was on the scale, also no doubt my water levels have been elevated. I think there is maybe 6-7lbs of genuine increase in there, that's not denial I need to get back on it which I am now.

    We shall see next week if that's right.

    Phase 2 begins today.
  • ironband
    ironband Posts: 157 Member
    Andy! I missed you!

    It's good that you are owning the holiday weight gain - I am confident that you'll come back from this "break" and get going strong again!
  • I am confident that you'll come back from this "break" and get going strong again!

    So am I :)

    We shall see how things pan out tomorrow. I have been very good since the last weigh in so I'm hopeful there will be a small drop if nothing else.