How's it going?

Just a check-in to see how everyone's commitment to a new year is going. I've been doing a really good job so far at logging everything that goes into my mouth and going to the gym (at 5:00 am!) at least 4 days a week. No weight loss yet, but I am keeping the faith.

All I need to add is to add a mental piece as well. Has anyone out there ever done meditation? If so, what did you do to start?


  • lisahoyle
    Yes, I try to do a short meditation every day before I get going in the morning - but from your post it sounds like you've already been in the gym for 2 hours by then! I find that the Meditation makes me much more patient in my approach (to the weight loss and other things). Last year I did the 8 week Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction course which was great it isn't religious though it draws from buddism. It might be worth looking at Jon Kabbat Zinn's books (such as "Wherever you go there you are") or have a look at his talk to Google Employee's on Youtube. You can also look at Thich Hat Nahn's books (the spelling may not be right) and there are loads of online resources. I also use a Meditation app which just sets the time for me.

    I'd love to know what people use to help them.....I find the concept of "the hungry ghost" really useful in understanding the desire to eat (or consume generally) arising from emotional needs...much more forgiving than the rather gloomy "oral fixation" ideas of Western psychoanalytic tradition.