What keeps you motivated?

sophjakesmom Posts: 904 Member
You are looking better, fitting into smaller clothes, feeling good when you exercise. Would a cookie kill you? That in a nut shell is the thoughts that have sabotaged me in the past from reaching my ultimate goal. I am trying to stay the course and not let feeling "ok" about where I am stop me from feeling fabulous.

My motivation is the mirror. I want to look good! not just better.

How about you? What is keeping you going to get that last 10 kg off?


  • sabina26
    how good i look in the skin jeans and my work pant suit....seriously pant suits look better when you don't have a big behind and too much hips
  • sophjakesmom
    sophjakesmom Posts: 904 Member
    how good i look in the skin jeans and my work pant suit....seriously pant suits look better when you don't have a big behind and too much hips

    LOL. so true!!
  • PrincessEliNa
    PrincessEliNa Posts: 524 Member
    I want to have a SMOKIN' body. I really do...
  • bonitabradley
    bonitabradley Posts: 10 Member
    wanting to look good and feel confident. pulling a 10 off the rack and fitting into any of them, not just the big 10's!
  • santini1975
    santini1975 Posts: 175 Member
    I want to wake up one day, and go through my ENTIRE day without thinking about my weight. Just to be able to feel free of those thoughts! To not feel self conscious about anything. I want to grab the first pair of pants and the first top I see in my closet and put it on and know it will look fine rather than change my outfit two or three times to hide this lump or that bulge.