To new school gamers



  • adamtall
    adamtall Posts: 275 Member
    i agree im all for some mindless killing to relieve some stress but i cant do it for more than about 2 hours then im done. if the story is gripping or the character developments makes me feel like part of the game i will sit in front of the tv or pc for hours on end without eating and just keep playing to get a little farther
  • spazzticaunt
    Unfortunately this has happened.
  • TNoire
    TNoire Posts: 642 Member
    gfx keep getting better and better which makes us spend more $$$$
    I was thinking of upgrading my pc last summer and we where getting rdy to then lighting hit my house
    It blew up and i got a whole new pc think it was a sign from god my computer needed a upgrade
    I am thankful for that cause now I got a very nice one =D
  • thor1god1of1awesome
    honestly I enjoy good graphics but gameplay is much more important to me and I sill love braking out my nes and playing some mario, duck hunt, ninja turtles ect... I give all games a chance, never know what lies behind the case
  • scunningham2012
    scunningham2012 Posts: 159 Member
    The other day i got into a convo with some kids that work for me about gaming. they were telling me how great a game was because of the graphics and when i went to my old addage about how graphics dont make the game they both looked at me with a stupid blank stare and said in unison "yes they do i wouldnt play a game that didnt have beutiful graphics"

    Please tell me these two kids are the only two that think like this and games havent devolved into just looking pretty to be good

    OMG LMAO they are stupid. I may have been born in 1989 but my favorite game to play to this date is Space Invaders, Old School Tetris and Frogger. Yes, today's games have some pretty amazing and beautiful graphics but if a game has a good background story/questing feature...count me in! :D
  • vjrose
    vjrose Posts: 809 Member
    Well now, I would have to take a bit of the devil's advocate position, I grew up on pinball machines and terrible arcade games, I play guild wars among others and I wouldn't give up guild wars to go back to arcade machines but I still love many of the old games or a good game of pinball. I love the storylines the plots, subplots, and curiously complicated game play system on guild wars, many folks quit guild wars because they don't want to be good gamers, they come for the pretty and quit or hang out in the outpost and use it like facebook, well if those are the young gamers you are talking about then yes I agree. However, I picked up a 12 year old in my guild a few years ago and he was terrible at first but the alliance beat him into shape and now he is one of the best players I've seen so there is hope even for the densest of youngsters.