Hip/glute trouble

ukgirly01 Posts: 523 Member
So I've been increasing the length of my runs only by a mile or so a week, and went out for a steady 6 miles on Saturday, after about 10 mins my left leg began to hurt, I pushed on until 45 mins It had got so bad I had to stop running and hobble home, I've never wimped out of a run in the year I've been running so I'm really not happy! The pain started in my bum/hip and travelled all the way down the outside of my leg, I came home stretched and it hurt all the next day too (I.e major pain when I walked) it was fine monday(rest day) I did a slow 20 min run tues and it was ok, today I only managed 15mins before it hurt again, anyone had anything similar? Or have any advice pls?


  • beccalucy
    beccalucy Posts: 250 Member
    I've had something similar when I've been skimping on stretching post run. Ice tends to help on the area most painful but besides that I just carried on. I moved running to grass rather than road and found that helped a bit.
  • Have you tried using a foam roller? This was recommended to me and has made a huge difference.
  • ukgirly01
    ukgirly01 Posts: 523 Member
    Thanks both turned out to be itb band physio sorted me out, and a foam roller has featured all I cn say is owwwww!