Dukan and MFP?

I had a couple questions that I hope some of you could answer!

1) Everyday it seems like I'm way under my calorie count for the day. I'm working out burning in the 350-500 calorie range everyday which I see earns me extra calories for the day, but I'm eating 3 meals a day, sometimes with a snack and feel full most days on just that. Should I be eating more of the allowed foods?

2) If I go off the diet for a meal every 2 weeks or so, what effect will it have on the diet overall? Not to sound like I'm planning for it, but finding things allowed to eat in restaurants is difficult!

3) At the end of my attack phase I had lost 8 lbs is this average? I feel like most of the posts I see log a lot more lost and it made me wonder about the things I was putting in my 'approved' list

and last one for now! :) I'm looking for support and or advice givers! I'm not new, but I have just started regularly logging.


  • janebink
    janebink Posts: 40 Member
    Hello Malu

    My name is Jane and I\ve been following the dukan Diet on and off since last March. I have lost a total of 31lbs or 14kg during this time. I find the Dukan Diet ideal for me simply because I want to lose my weight over a longer period and this diet allows me to lose weight whilst living the lifestyle that suits me. On my good days I stick rigidly to the plan however there are some days in the week when its just impossible to do that simply because of fitting in with other people in the house and what I cook for them. Try to look at your calories o ver the week instead of daily and you will see that this does work.
    Basically Malu - I do the best I can and that is what you should be doing. Its great to see the nutritional value of the foods and the calories worked out on MFP however If I can get 3 or 4 days a week rigidly on Dukan I still find that I lose weight.
    I don't believe in losing weight too quickly particularly at my age (55) as quick weight loss can mean that your skin can't catch up with it - think saggy body and wrinkly face!
    Anyway - I hope that's been useful to you - keep at it Malu just don't knock yourself out. Any effort that you make is better than none and you don't want to make your life a misery.
