How is All the Medi-faster's doing!?

Ok everyone, we are half way through January! Can you believe it? Where has it gone already? Most people have started and faltered on their New Years resolutions statistically speaking. But I'd like to think that most of us are running strong! So... How's it going?


  • AJHarman
    AJHarman Posts: 35 Member
    I'm doing great! I'm blitzing (back on program for 5 pounds) this week. I love being in fat burning!
  • maryb2011
    maryb2011 Posts: 17 Member
    I am hanging in there. I have made it my "job" to dring 120 oz of water per day. I keep reminding myself that 100% works and that IT WILL BE WORTH IT! It's my goal to lose 100 lbs by my first year "mediversary" which is March 19...quite doable if I keep my head in the game.
  • cm1479
    cm1479 Posts: 28 Member
    Truckin' Along. I have 20 pounds to go to get to where I was 3 years ago (where I felt my best) and then 30 from there to get to where I've never been. The right weight for my height. I barely clear 5'1" and weighing 125 would be my dream.

    I am doing the 120oz too. I've been slacking and I just feel better when I drink more.
  • amuchison
    amuchison Posts: 274 Member
    I agree ladies water is awesome n so key I drink about 6.6 liters of water a day about 28 cups have been since I started back in August well then I think I was at 3(64 oz bottles)

    So far so great down 7.8lbs so far for this month had and Off plan day a week and a half ago so glad to be back on my bearings straight and my mind reset on staying 100% OP and giving it all I've got to shed these last now 50.8lbs!! As of today I'm 67.2lbs down and my 5 month Medi-versary is tomorrow!!;) Started working out again yesterday and am attempting to workout every other day to start and really want to stay consistent to that for a while and then move up to everyday as this is a challenge for me even with the minimal for now my 15 min on my Abdoer Twist everyother day..;) I'm excited to start strength training closer to maintenance and get this body chizzled for a chic anyway;) Really happy with my choice to do Medifast and happy about all the personal growth I have undergone since August 20,2011;)!!

    I finally went shopping a couple weeks ago as ice only bought one top since I started this found out this Monday my size 10 heels I bought r too big so will be taking them back n getting a 9!! I tried on some 9.5s I have n they were too big too!!! So its amazing from a size 18 to 14(almost a 12 Whoot Whoot!! I'm in that in between stage not totally in a 14 but can't fit a 12!!) And from a XXL in tops to a L....the kicker ladies a jump up 46DDD bra to a 40H now that one I'm scratching my head about..haha!!!

    I overshared but I'm just so excited!!!
  • clucastine
    clucastine Posts: 4 Member
    Wow! Congratulations, ladies! I'm so glad I can connect with such an inspiring coup of makes it easier when I hear stories from other MF'ers.
    I started on January 1 and I am hanging in there too. In fact, I just placed my second order today. I'm down 9.5 pounds and my pants are starting to get a little bit loose. Yay!
    Some days are incredibly easy and I don't feel hungry or deprived at law, and other days are difficult. But I just try to get through the day and so far so good!
  • AJHarman
    AJHarman Posts: 35 Member
    Sounds like everyone is doing great! Hurray! Update from this morning: day 3 back on plan and haven't hit fat burn yet. I was a bit hungry between lunch and mid afternoon fueling but as my health coach always preached bouillion water bouillion water! I've really upped my water today and know I'll at least get half my weight in ounces, probably closer to 100oz. Anyone tried any awesome recipes lately? I'm always looking for new ones to pass on to my clients. Have a great afternoon/evening!
  • gardengirlkp
    gardengirlkp Posts: 21 Member
    So close to goal, just wanting to get there so I can start transition soon. That day will come. Almost started transition at the end of Dec 2011, but opted for a BMI of 22 instead of 23. Added in light weight training- 20 mins twice a week.

    Karen P
  • amuchison
    amuchison Posts: 274 Member
    A go to website I use is !!;)
  • Wow! Looks like everyone is doing great! That's so exciting!
  • maryb2011
    maryb2011 Posts: 17 Member
    I lost 2.4 this week and am thrilled. Went shopping last night and size 18 jeans were too big...I started this journey wearing size 28. Not quite ready for size 16, but almost!

    One pouch at a time...

    Have a great weekend, ladies!